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論文名稱(外文):A Research on the Ten Cello Concertos by Bernhard Romberg
指導教授(外文):ZENG, SU-JR
外文關鍵詞:Rombergcello concertoperformance and interpretation
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綜觀大提琴演奏藝術史的發展脈絡,德國大提琴家伯恩哈德.隆貝爾格(Bernhard Romberg, 1767~1841)是相當具有影響力的關鍵人物,更在十八世紀下半葉的大提琴家中佔有一席之地,他以卓越精湛的演奏技巧風靡了當時全歐洲的聽眾,同時將大提琴的技巧發展引領至更高的境界;除此之外,他將畢生豐富的演奏經驗融會貫通,編寫成重要的大提琴教材及許多作品,更對後世的大提琴教學做出偉大的貢獻。

Throughout the history of the development of cello performance, the German cellist Bernhard Romberg(1767~1741) is an influential key figure and considered one of the greatest performers in the second half of the 18th century. His superb skills and performance made him popular all over Europe. He also brought cello performance to a whole new level. Furthermore, he has mastered a lifetime of experience and translated it to many important cello pieces and teaching materials, making a great contribution to the music world.
Among all of Romberg's pieces, ten of the cello concertos are known to provide the chance for a cellist to demonstrate his mastery of the instrument. These unique work demonstrated his mature solo skills and values in learning. This article starts by detailing Romberg's life story, which may help us understand Romberg's importance to the development of cello performance in various aspects. Then this article analyzes the structure and techniques of the ten cello concertos written by Romberg, and summarizes the features and connotations of his work.
The author interpreted the music based on his personal view in addition to further contemplation on the methods of expression for the unique sections in the concertos. The author also explored how to improve the interpretation level of the various difficult sets in the concerto to stay loyal to the spirit and understanding of Romberg.
The author aims to contribute to academic research and teaching, encouraging further investigation of various cello technical theories in Romberg's work, to increase the exposure of his work to cellists and scholars in Taiwan, and to inspire further research and outstanding performance.

目 次
圖片目次 vi
表格目次 vii
凡 例 xiii
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方向與範圍 3
第三節 文獻探討 5
第二章 隆貝爾格在大提琴發展上的貢獻與創見 11
第一節 生平與作品概述 12
第二節 隆貝爾格在樂器和演奏法上的改革與創新 20
第三節 隆貝爾格的演奏觀點與藝術概念 27
第四節 隆貝爾格對後世的影響 29
第三章 十首大提琴協奏曲創作手法之剖析 33
第一節 曲式結構分析 33
第二節 音樂特質與曲調素材的展現 46
第四章 十首大提琴協奏曲之演奏實踐 61
第一節 協奏曲中的演奏技巧呈現 61
第二節 第一、三、六、七號協奏曲之音樂詮釋 84
第三節 第二、四、五、八、九、十號協奏曲之音樂詮釋 116
第五章 結論 145
參考文獻 148
中文書目 148
外文書目 148
網路資料 149
樂譜 150
附錄 151
附錄一 隆貝爾格其他大提琴作品~有編號 151
附錄二 隆貝爾格大提琴作品~無編號 153
附錄三 隆貝爾格室內樂重奏作品 154
附錄四 隆貝爾格其他創作 155
附錄五 隆貝爾格和堂兄安德烈共同創作 156

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