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研究生(外文):Chen,Iong- Rong
論文名稱(外文):Strategic Choices and Performance Evaluations for the University Hospitals
指導教授:龔尚智 博士施以諾 博士
外文關鍵詞:Strategy SelectionMission Vision GoalCorporate GovernanceBusiness StrategyOverall StrategyFundraisingHumanistic CarePerformance EvaluationAttached HospitalMedical Corporation
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四、績效 (制度、評估、考核)如何建立?

面對政府醫療政策,少子化與老年化的時代,智慧醫療醫院的興起,醫院在使命、願景、目標下,如何在執行上影響經營策略;且各家醫院在健保給付,逐年遞減下,如何藉著總體策略下創造更多事業、業務範圍、客戶群,又如何在事業策略下成本降低營收增加,形成很好的競爭優勢, 這其中也涉入醫院募款及員工、病患、社區、弱勢族群的人文關懷,在策略形成與執行下,如何建立好的績效制度與評估,這都是本研究者想研究的動機。

Concerning with the running of hospital business for universities,some have Department of Medicine, but not their own.Only with other hospitals as a teaching hospital, the Department of Medicine students are in established less sense of identity. For example, Fu Jen Catholic University the establishment of a large medical school in a year of 2000 ,so far 17 years ago in clinical medicine education however,has not been yet attached to the hospital, the need to rely on cooperative teaching hospital assistance, the main teaching hospital to provide clinical medicine courses and medical students internship environment. Some hospitals operate, do not have their own system of the university, for their own hospital medicine department physician, less their own cultivation of talent. There are differences between organizational culture, religious beliefs and mission visions and business strategies in hospitals run by universities (Catholic, Christian, Buddhist) and non-religion universities.

The researcher wanted to study the hospital case operated by the university.Firstly, how to operate under those specific missions, visions, objectives what the processes and corporate.governance?Secondly, in the fundraising and humanistic care ?Thirdly,how to operate under the overall and business strategies? Fourthly, how to establish the performance (system, assessment, assessment)?

How to adapt with the implementation of business strategies under the government medical policy, the era of childishness and aging, the rise of the wisdom of medical hospitals, the hospital in the mission, vision, goals, and various hospitals in the health insurance payment, year by year, how through the overall strategy to create more business, business scope, customer base, and how the cost of business strategy to reduce revenue growth, the formation of a good competitive advantage, which also involves in the hospital fundraising and staff, patients, community , The humanistic care of vulnerable groups, in the formation and implementation of strategy, how to establish a good performance system and assessment, this is the researchers want to study the motive.

The purpose of this study and research contributions are, 1. Church and non-church run the hospital, there is no domestic research, for the purpose of this study. 2. In the academic contribution and the contribution of the hospital, in the university management of the hospital its strategic choice and performance evaluation, the development of the proposition, for the operation of the hospital has a great reference value.

In this case study, the case hospital interview, the qualitative analysis of the qualitative data of the interview; analysis to summarize the main, and secondary information to help from the perspective of the parties to understand the meaning of their behavior and their views And then on the basis of which to determine the context and classification, induction of research results as a proposition development, as a verification and conclusions.

The study is for private universities (churches) operating hospitals (with Catholic Fu Jen University attached to the hospital), private universities (churches) hospitals operating medical institutions (Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation, Catholic Geng Shen Medical Foundation, (Affiliated Hospital of China University of Medical Sciences, Affiliated Hospital of Taipei Medical University, Kaohsiung Medical University, and Keihsiung Medical University), and the private university (non-church) management hospital (China Medical University Hospital, Taipei Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University).

目 錄
第壹章 緒論 -------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景與動機---------------------------------------- 1
第二節 研究目的與研究貢獻--------------------------------------3
第三節 研究流程 ----------------------------------------------3

第貳章 文獻探討-----------------------------------------------5
第一節 願景、使命、目標與董事會功能-----------------------------5
第二節 募款與人文關懷-----------------------------------------10
第三節 總體策略及事業策略------------------------------------ 11
第四節 績效評估--------------------------------------------- 21

第參章 研究設計----------------------------------------------23
第一節 觀念架構----------------------------------------------24
第二節 命題假設----------------------------------------------24
第三節 變數說明----------------------------------------------24
第四節 研究方法----------------------------------------------30
第五節 資料來源----------------------------------------------31
第六章 資料分析----------------------------------------------39

第肆章 個案探討----------------------------------------------40
第一節 私立大學(教會)經營 附設醫院-----------------------------40
第二節 私立大學(教會)經營 醫療財團法人之醫院--------------------50
第三節 私立大學(非教會)經營 附設醫院---------------------------74
第四節 個案總結----------------------------------------------96

第伍章 命題發展與驗證----------------------------------------122
第一節 大學經營醫院¬¬ 願景、使命、目標與董事會功能------------- 122
第二節 大學經營醫院 募款與人文關懷----------------------------128
第三節 大學經營醫院 總體策略及事業策略----------------------- 132
第四節 大學經營醫院 績效評估---------------------------------141

第陸章 結論與建議------------------------------------------145
第一節 結論與發現------------------------------------------145
第二節 實務與理論之管理意涵---------------------------------147
第三節 建議與未來研究方向-----------------------------------148
第四節 研究限制--------------------------------------------150
參考文獻 -------------------------------------------------151


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