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研究生(外文):HUANG, CHI-YUN
論文名稱(外文):Cognition, Metaphor, and Metonymy of Negative Emotions in English and Japanese: A Contrastive Study
指導教授(外文):LI, ZI-XUAN
外文關鍵詞:feardisgustemotion metaphorconceptual metaphorconceptual metonymy
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本文旨在探討英日文恐懼及厭惡情感中的文化特有概念。為了達到此目的,本研究以Kövecses (1986) 所提出的情感概念構造 (the structure of emotion concept) 為基礎,透過概念隱喻 (Conceptual Metaphor)、概念轉喻 (Conceptual Metonymy) 和原型場景 (Prototypical Scenario) 來進行語料分析。以跨文化角度分析英日文詞彙中的隱喻和轉喻,我們發現英日文在恐懼及厭惡上認知的相同和不同之處,並經過整理後得到英日文恐懼及厭惡情感發生的原型場景。本研究發現,英日文對於恐懼及厭惡情感的認知模型基本上是相同的,但仍有文化上的不同。第一,將「胸部」比喻為情感的容器為日文的特有概念。第二,日文的恐懼隱喻較英文豐富。第三,英日文在厭惡情感中強調的事物不同。此研究印證了Kövecses所說的情感存在著潛在的普遍概念 (a potentially universal schematic conception),並提供了語言和跨文化學習的教材。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the culture-specific concept of fear and disgust in English and Japanese. In order to accomplish this goal, this study is based on the structure of emotion concept introduced by Kövecses (1986). The study is built on the lexical approach. Materials are probed from daily life language. Conceptual Metaphor Theory, Conceptual Metonymy Theory, and The Prototypical Scenario are used in data analysis. This paper includes discussions concerning metaphors and metonymies of fear and disgust in English and Japanese. It uncovers the folk understandings and develops the prototypical cognitive models of fear and disgust in both languages. Although the cognitive model of fear and disgust is partially equal, we still see some culturally unique concepts both in English and Japanese. First, the concept of ‘chest’ as a container for emotions is unique to Japanese. Second, Japanese fear metaphors are more plentiful than English. Third, the emphases on disgust metaphor in English and Japanese are different. It supports Kövecses’s claim that emotions have a potentially universal schematic conception. The study invites more discussion of cross-cultural difference in cognitive models of fear, disgust, and other emotions. Also, it provides materials in language learning and cross-cultural learning.
List of Tables----------------------------------------vii
List of Figures--------------------------------------viii
1. Introduction-----------------------------------------1
1.1 Background of the Study-----------------------------1
1.2 Rationale of the Study------------------------------1
1.3 Significance of the Study---------------------------2
2. Literature Review------------------------------------3
2.1 What Is Metaphor?-----------------------------------3
2.1.1 The Study of Metaphor-----------------------------3
2.2 The Study of Emotion Metaphor-----------------------7
2.3 The Structure of Emotion Concept--------------------8
2.4 Words and Emotion----------------------------------10
2.4.1 Expression and Description-----------------------10
2.4.2 Basic Emotion Terms------------------------------10
2.4.3 Metaphor and Metonymy----------------------------11
2.5 Summary--------------------------------------------11
3. Methodology-----------------------------------------12
3.1 Data Collection------------------------------------12
3.2 Data Analysis--------------------------------------12
3.2.1 Conceptual Metonymy------------------------------13
3.2.2 Conceptual Metaphor------------------------------13
3.2.3 The Prototypical Scenario------------------------14
3.2.4 Body Zones of Rising Emotion---------------------15
4. The Metaphor of Fear and Disgust--------------------16
4.1 Fear--------------------------------------------------16
4.1.1 Metonymies of Fear-------------------------------16
4.1.2 Metaphors of Fear--------------------------------29 Japanese Metaphors Not Shared with English-----41
4.1.3 The Prototypical Scenario------------------------42
4.1.4 Summary------------------------------------------45
4.2 Disgust--------------------------------------------47
4.2.1 Metonymies of Disgust----------------------------48
4.2.2 Metaphors of Disgust-----------------------------52
4.2.3 Causes of Disgust--------------------------------61
4.2.3 The Prototypical Scenario------------------------62
4.2.4 Summary------------------------------------------63
5. Conclusion------------------------------------------66
5.1 Findings-------------------------------------------66
5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Study------66
5.3 Summary--------------------------------------------67
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