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研究生(外文):Pei- Chi Yang
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Bicycle Consumers Preferences for Cycling Apparel Product Attributes
指導教授(外文):Jui-Hua Ting
口試委員(外文):Chih-Chien WangLong-Yi Lin
外文關鍵詞:Bicycle ApparelProduct AttributesConsumer Preference
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近年來由於國內周休二日逐漸普及, 再加上地球環境由於人類不愛護大自然且長期排放污染物質荼害生物與環境,造成氣候遽變及天然資源愈來愈短缺。因此喚醒許多人們開始重視節能減碳以及響往樂活生活的興起。而這股不可小覷的環保力量也逐漸影響許多大型跨國企業或部份有良知的中小型企業對重視環境愛護地球意識抬頭的消費者力量,進而勵行並實行企業社會責任。許多國家為提倡環保的發展並鼓勵人民從事有益身心健康的運動,尤其在大力推廣騎乘自行車減少污染和碳排放。除了鼓勵人們騎乘自己自行車以外更進一步推廣公用自行車 像是台北市推廣的U-BIKE以及已實行多年的河濱自行車道也不斷延伸拓展到許多其它縣市。以台北市、新北市為例,每到假日人潮擁擠盛況不難想見愈來愈多人熱愛騎乘自行車。隨著其喜好程度逐漸提昇,一般的路況和環境、車種、裝束、配備以不能滿足這些車友。如何隨著不同氣候環境和配合適當搭配的騎車服裝逐漸被這些車友所重視。

本研究既是以這群愛好騎乘單車的車友為對象,集結過去的文獻及網路上的新聞和資料歸納出23個屬性,再加上人口統計變數的題項發放的問卷, 之後運用SPSS統計軟體分析問卷數據,資料分析方法包括敘述性統計、因素分析、信度分析、集群分析。研究的結果發現,崇尚功能的屬性因素在年齡和收入之間佔有顯著的差異,並歸納出這些車友們所重視的產品屬性和人口統計變項之間的影響。本研究結果期待能提供業者在未來產品品質的提昇,並了解這群消費者所重視的自行車服選購的屬性做為日後相關產業的市場行銷和產品銷售的參考。

The study of consumers’ preferences for cycling apparel product attributes was inspired by recent years due to the popularity of this activity at the weekends, plus global environment has been dramatically polluted by human nature. It has caused rapid global climate change and the gradual shortage of natural resources. Therefore many people have started paying attention to saving energy or reducing their carbon footprint, this helps lifestyle, health and sustainability concepts which have become more and more popular in recent years. This undeniable consumer power has attracted multinational corporations as well as small to medium enterprises proceeding to cooperate in the undertaking of social responsibility. Many developed countries are now promoting environmental protection and as well as encouraging people to engage in wholesome sports. Specifically, the promotion of riding bicycles is greatly helpful in reducing pollution and carbon emission. As well as to encouraging people to ride their own bikes and further more to promote and extend public bicycle users such as U-Bike.
The river side cycling path has existed for a number of years and has been recently developed in more and more counties. For instance, more and more people are riding bicycles on weekends in Taipei and New Taipei City. Most riders’ preferences have gradually increased, but they are unsatisfied with basic outfits such as climate, type of bicycle, bicycles apparel and relevant facilities. Particularly, bicycles apparel has directly impacted riding comfort and performance. How to classify and improve the performance of bicycle apparel has become gradually valued by more and more riders.
Therefore, this study investigates in groups of bicycle riders object news, past literature and web information to sum up the results of twenty-three attributes. In addition, based on demographic variables issuance of questionnaires and after having used the SPSS statistical software analysis of questionnaires data, the data analysis methods included descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis and cluster analysis.
The results of the study have found that factors were advocating on functional property between age and incomes have significant difference. It also sums up between product attributes and demographic variables of impact on riders. The result of this study is expected to provide the result to help the relative industry for the future product quality improvements and to understand this particular group preference of attributes for future marketing reference.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
誌謝 vi
目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究範圍與限制 3
第四節 名詞解釋 4
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 單車服發展現況及產業之介紹 7
第二節 產品屬性 15
第三節 人口統計變數 18
第四節 企業社會責任 21
第三章 研究方法 27
第一節 研究流程 27
第二節 研究變數的定義與衡量 29
第三節 問卷設計 32
第四節 研究工具之檢驗 35
第五節 資料蒐集方法 35
第六節 資料分析與統計方法 36
第四章 資料統計分析 39
第一節 受測者人口統計資料分析 39
第二節 受測者屬性有效樣本資料分析 42
第三節 自行車服產品屬性因素分析 49
第四節 人口統計變數對受測者的差異分析 56
第五節 施測單車騎士對選購自行車服屬性偏好的差異分析 64
第五章 結論與建議 73
第一節 研究結論 73
第二節 建議未來研究方向 76
參考文獻 79
附錄 85

圖 3- 1 研究方法流程圖 27

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