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研究生(外文):SUN, NING
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship among Vulnerability to Insomnia, Caregiving Stress, Coping, and Sleep Quality to Dementia Family Caregivers
指導教授(外文):WANG, PENG-CHIH
外文關鍵詞:Dementia family caregiversvulnerability to insomniacaregiving stresscopingsleep quality
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Purpose: The impacts of Dementia is not only on patients but also their family caregivers. For instance, many dementia caregivers had sleep disturbance. According to the 3P model of insomnia, main factors that cause and maintain one’s insomnia and sleep disturbances are sleepless vulnerabilities, stressful events and false coping behaviors. Currently, researches on Dementia caregivers in Taiwan mainly focus on the relationships between the stress of care-taking and health results. Only few of the researches study the predisposing factors (e.g. vulnerability to insomnia). In addition, there has no clear conclusion on the relation between coping and sleep. In our study, we explore the relationship among the insomnia vulnerability, coping, and sleep patterns of Dementia family caregivers, and the role of insomnia vulnerability and coping between the stress and sleep of Dementia family caregiver.
Method: Our study had approved by both Fu Jen Catholic University and Taipei Medical University Joint Institutional Review Board. The 79 participants in this study were referred by the doctors, clinical psychologists and social workers of either Taipei Medical University Shuang-Ho Hospital or community day care centers in northern Taiwan. All the participants completed a set of questionnaire, including demographic data, Revised Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist, Revised Ways of Coping Checklist, Chinese Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Ford Insomnia Response to Stress Test, Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory-Short Form-Chinese version, Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale. Sleep was measured for 3-days intervals using actigraphy and a sleep diary.
Results: Our results showed that the influence of both objective and subjective stress on subjective sleep quality is mediated by the blame of others coping after controlled depression and fatigue. It seems that if caregivers used more blame of others coping, the complaint of sleep latency would decrease. After entered moderator into analysis, there was a significant moderation effect of insomnia vulnerability. The influence of the average reaction rating on both subjective sleep latency and coping is moderated by vulnerability of insomnia. When the Ford Insomnia Response to Stress Test (FIRST) score was high(>34), their average reaction rating could predict more avoidance coping and decreased subjective sleep latency complaint, but avoidance coping couldn’t significant predict subjective sleep latency complaint.
Conclusions: In our study, the reported sleep quality of Dementia female family caregiver participants was higher than the objective sleep measurement. Also, the age of caregivers were significantly correlated with subjective sleep but not objective sleep data. The FIRST average score of the participants was higher than previous studies, and half of them showed tendency toward depression. We found that more blame of others coping might decrease the complaint to sleep quality, and higher interaction of the average reaction rating and FIRST could be used to predict more avoidance coping and less complaint to sleep latency. When further investigated the moderation effect, we found that high and low FIRST presented an opposite direction. However, significance in the moderation effect was only shown under high FIRST conditions. Taken together, this study suggested that vulnerability to insomnia played an important role in caregiving stress, coping, and subjective sleep.

第一節 失智症與失智症照顧之特性...................................................................3
第二節 失眠及其病因模式.................................................................................10
第三節 前置因子──失眠脆弱特質.................................................................14
第四節 促發因子──照顧壓力.........................................................................15
第五節 維持因子──因應型態.........................................................................23
第一節 研究問題與假設.....................................................................................31
第二節 研究程序.................................................................................................33
第三節 研究對象.................................................................................................35
第四節 研究工具.................................................................................................36
第五節 統計方法.................................................................................................45
第一節 人口學特性描述.....................................................................................47
第二節 量表結果之描述性統計.........................................................................50
第三節 主要變項之相關分析.............................................................................58
第四節 中介效果分析.........................................................................................66
第五節 調節效果分析…….................................................................................71
第六節 調節中介模式分析.................................................................................95
第一節 樣本特性與睡眠變項討論...................................................................103
第二節 主要變項間之相關討論.......................................................................107
第三節 中介效果討論…...................................................................................110
第四節 調節效果討論.......................................................................................113
第五節 調節中介模式討論...............................................................................119
第六節 研究限制…….......................................................................................122
第七節 總結與建議...........................................................................................124
附錄一 IRB核准證明........................................................................................139
附錄二 基本資料表...........................................................................................142
附錄三 記憶與行為問題檢核表修訂版...........................................................149
附錄四 因應方法檢核表修訂版.......................................................................151
附錄五 中文版匹茲堡睡眠品質量表...............................................................155
附錄六 福特壓力下失眠反應量表...................................................................156
附錄七 中文版短型多軸向疲倦量表...............................................................157
附錄八 流行病學研究中心憂鬱量表...............................................................159
附錄九 睡眠日誌...............................................................................................160
附錄十 腕動儀(Actiwatch)配戴須知................................................................161

表2.4.1 三種壓力取向觀點.....................................................................................16
表2.5.1 因應的分類................................................................................................25
表3.4.1 記憶與行為問題檢核表修訂版(RMBPC)內容........................................37
表3.4.2 因應方法檢核表修訂版(RWCCL)內容....................................................39
表4.1.1 照顧者人口學變項之描述統計量.............................................................48
表4.1.2 照顧者人口學變項之百分比.....................................................................48
表4.2.1 RMBPC分數之描述統計量.......................................................................50
表4.2.2 RWCCL分數之描述統計量.......................................................................51
表4.2.3 腕動儀睡眠數據之描述統計量.................................................................52
表4.2.4 腕動儀睡眠數據之百分比.........................................................................52
表4.2.5 CPSQI分數之描述統計量.......................................................................54
表4.2.6 CPSQI分數之百分比................................................................................55
表4.2.7 FIRST、MFSISFC、CESD分數之描述統計量..........................................56
表4.2.8 CESD分數之百分比...................................................................................56
表4.2.9 高、低失眠脆弱特質兩組在各變項上差異之t檢定................................57
表4.3.1 照顧壓力、睡眠、因應型態、失眠脆弱特質、疲倦、憂鬱分數之相關分析結果總表.............................................................................................62
表4.4.1 因應型態平行中介客觀照顧壓力總分對整體主觀睡眠指標的迴歸摘要表...66
表4.4.2 因應型態平行中介客觀照顧壓力總分對整體主觀睡眠指標的總效果、直接效果以及間接效果.............................................................................67
表4.4.3 因應型態平行中介主觀照顧壓力總分對整體主觀睡眠指標的迴歸摘要表....68
表4.4.4 因應型態平行中介主觀照顧壓力總分對整體主觀睡眠指標的總效果、直接效果以及間接效果............................................................................................69
表4.5.1 失眠脆弱特質為憂鬱反應分數預測視為神之祝福因應之調節分析結果.......72
表4.5.2 在不同失眠脆弱特質時憂鬱反應分數對視為神之祝福因應的條件效果…...72
表4.5.3 失眠脆弱特質為總反應/問題平均預測逃避因應之調節分析結果.................74
表4.5.4 在不同失眠脆弱特質時總反應/問題平均對逃避因應的條件效果.................74
表4.5.5 失眠脆弱特質為記憶反應/問題平均預測逃避因應之調節分析結果..............76
表4.5.6 在不同失眠脆弱特質時記憶反應/問題平均對逃避因應的條件效果..............76
表4.5.7 失眠脆弱特質為客觀照顧壓力總分預測主觀入睡耗時之調節分析結果.......78
表4.5.8 在不同失眠脆弱特質時客觀照顧壓力總分對主觀入睡耗時的條件效果........79
表4.5.9 失眠脆弱特質為客觀照顧壓力總分預測整體主觀睡眠指標之調節分析結果......81
表4.5.10 在不同失眠脆弱特質時客觀照顧壓力總分對整體主觀睡眠指標的條件效果....81
表4.5.11 失眠脆弱特質為憂鬱發生分數預測主觀睡眠品質之調節分析結果...............83
表4.5.12 不同失眠脆弱特質時憂鬱發生分數對主觀睡眠品質的條件效果(Percentile法)......83
表4.5.13 失眠脆弱特質為干擾行為發生分數預測主觀入睡耗時之調節分析結果.......84
表4.5.14 在不同失眠脆弱特質時干擾行為發生分數對主觀入睡耗時的條件效果.......84
表4.5.15 失眠脆弱特質為主觀照顧壓力總分預測主觀入睡耗時之調節分析結果........86
表4.5.16 在不同失眠脆弱特質時主觀照顧壓力總分對主觀入睡耗時的條件效果........87
表4.5.17 失眠脆弱特質為記憶反應分數預測主觀入睡耗時之調節分析結果...............89
表4.5.18 在不同失眠脆弱特質時記憶反應分數對主觀入睡耗時的條件效果..............89
表4.5.19 失眠脆弱特質為干擾行為反應分數預測主觀入睡耗時之調節分析結果........91
表4.5.20 在不同失眠脆弱特質時干擾行為反應分數對主觀入睡耗時的條件效果.......91
表4.5.21 失眠脆弱特質為記憶反應/問題平均預測主觀入睡耗時之調節分析結果.......93
表4.5.22 在不同失眠脆弱特質時記憶反應/問題平均對主觀入睡耗時的條件效果......93
表4.6.1 調節中介模式分析內容.............................................................................95
表4.6.2 失眠脆弱特質和責備他人因應在客觀壓力總分預測整體主觀睡眠指標的調節中介模式檢驗結果.........................................................................96
表4.6.3 失眠脆弱特質和責備他人因應在主觀壓力總分預測整體主觀睡眠指標的調節中介模式檢驗結果.........................................................................98
表4.6.4 失眠脆弱特質和逃避因應在記憶/反應問題平均預測主觀入睡耗時的調節中介模式檢驗結果…...........................................................................100
表4.6.5 在不同失眠脆弱特質時記憶反應/問題平均對主觀入睡耗時的條件間接效果...........................................................................................................100
表4.6.6 在不同失眠脆弱特質時記憶反應/問題平均對主觀入睡耗時的條件直接效果...........................................................................................................101
表5.2.1 研究問題一至三之研究假設驗證結果摘要表…...................................107
表5.3.1 研究問題四之研究假設驗證結果摘要表...............................................110
表5.4.1 研究問題五至六之研究假設驗證結果摘要表.......................................113
表5.4.2 調節分析結果列表...................................................................................116
表5.5.1 研究問題七之研究假設驗證結果摘要表...............................................119

圖2.2.1 失眠3P模式圖............................................................................................13
圖2.4.1 阿茲海默照顧者壓力概念模式.................................................................19
圖2.4.2 壓力歷程模式.............................................................................................20
圖3.1.1 研究架構圖.................................................................................................33
圖3.2.1 研究及收案流程圖.....................................................................................34
圖4.5.1 憂鬱反應分數對視為神之祝福因應的調節效果圖.................................73
圖4.5.2 總壓力反應/問題平均對逃避因應的調節效果圖....................................75
圖4.5.3 記憶壓力反應/問題平均對逃避因應的調節效果圖................................77
圖4.5.4 客觀照顧壓力總分對主觀入睡耗時的調節效果圖.................................80
圖4.5.5 客觀照顧壓力總分對整體主觀睡眠指標的調節效果圖.........................82
圖4.5.6 干擾行為發生分數對主觀入睡耗時的調節效果圖.................................85
圖4.5.7 主觀照顧壓力總分對主觀入睡耗時的調節效果圖.................................88
圖4.5.8 記憶反應分數對主觀入睡耗時的調節效果圖.........................................90
圖4.5.9 干擾行為反應分數對主觀入睡耗時的調節效果圖.................................92
圖4.6.1 調節中介模式概念圖1..............................................................................95
圖4.6.2 調節中介模式概念圖2..............................................................................97
圖4.6.3 調節中介模式概念圖3..............................................................................98
圖4.6.4 記憶反應/問題平均對主觀入睡耗時的條件間接效果圖......................102
圖4.6.5 記憶反應/問題平均對主觀入睡耗時的條件直接效果圖......................102

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