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論文名稱:三重底線的商業運用之研究 - 以運動鞋產業為例
論文名稱(外文):Implementing Triple Bottom Line Approaches in Business: A Case in the Athletic Footwear Industry
中文關鍵詞:Triple Bottom Line (TBL)Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)SustainabilityEnvironmental ManagementAthletic Footwear Industry
外文關鍵詞:Triple Bottom Line (TBL)Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)SustainabilityEnvironmental ManagementAthletic Footwear Industry
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When reading the two words ´bottom line`, most business people think of the traditional accounting policy at the bottom of a company´s income statement, where the truth will out; profit or loss. But back in the mid-1990s, John Elkington developed a new accounting framework with these two words and called it The Triple Bottom Line (TBL). It was created for a new measurement approach that encompasses three dimensions of work ethics: the environmental, the social and the financial. The triple bottom line framework is also known as the three P’s: Planet, People, and Profit. The purpose of this study is to find out if implementing TBL approaches such as environmental and social objectives could have an influence on the ´bottom line` for companies within the athletic footwear industry from a financial perspective. The companies that serve for this study will be the top performer within the athletic footwear industry related to their market share. Older studies have shown quite impressive variances between the different companies in this specific industry. Not all companies are presenting great result or an upwards trend in their profitability while implementing TBL approaches. The company Nike is the only athletic footwear brand that shows a continuous rise in its profit dimension while focusing on the social and environmental impact on the same time. This study shows that successfully applying TBL approaches while increasing the companies’ profits at the same time is easier said than done.
When reading the two words ´bottom line`, most business people think of the traditional accounting policy at the bottom of a company´s income statement, where the truth will out; profit or loss. But back in the mid-1990s, John Elkington developed a new accounting framework with these two words and called it The Triple Bottom Line (TBL). It was created for a new measurement approach that encompasses three dimensions of work ethics: the environmental, the social and the financial. The triple bottom line framework is also known as the three P’s: Planet, People, and Profit. The purpose of this study is to find out if implementing TBL approaches such as environmental and social objectives could have an influence on the ´bottom line` for companies within the athletic footwear industry from a financial perspective. The companies that serve for this study will be the top performer within the athletic footwear industry related to their market share. Older studies have shown quite impressive variances between the different companies in this specific industry. Not all companies are presenting great result or an upwards trend in their profitability while implementing TBL approaches. The company Nike is the only athletic footwear brand that shows a continuous rise in its profit dimension while focusing on the social and environmental impact on the same time. This study shows that successfully applying TBL approaches while increasing the companies’ profits at the same time is easier said than done.
I. Chapter: Introduction .................................................................................. 1
I.1. Background ...................................................................................................................... 1
I.2. Research Goals and Objectives ........................................................................................ 3
I.3. Contribution ..................................................................................................................... 4
I.4. Presentation of Text ......................................................................................................... 5
II. Chapter: Literature Review ......................................................................... 7
II.1. Corporate Social Responsibility ....................................................................................... 7
II.2. Triple Bottom Line ........................................................................................................... 9
II.3. Athletic Footwear Industry ............................................................................................ 11
III. Chapter: Methodology ................................................................................ 14
III.1. General Design of Experiment ....................................................................................... 14
III.2. Research Design ............................................................................................................. 17
III.3. Trend Analysis ............................................................................................................... 19
IV. Chapter: Results of the Research .............................................................. 23
IV.1. Financial Performance ................................................................................................... 23
IV.1.1. Net Income ............................................................................................................. 23
IV.1.2. Gross Margin ........................................................................................................ 25
IV.1.3. Inventory Turnover ................................................................................................ 26
IV.1.4. Basic Earnings per Share ...................................................................................... 27
IV.1.5. Return on Equity .................................................................................................... 28
IV.1.6. Return on Assets .................................................................................................... 29
IV.2. Social Performance ........................................................................................................ 31
IV.3. Environmental Performance ........................................................................................... 32
IV.4. The Triple Bottom Line Trends ..................................................................................... 33
IV.4.1. Nike ........................................................................................................................ 34
IV.4.2. Adidas .................................................................................................................... 35
IV.4.3. Puma ...................................................................................................................... 36
IV.4.4. Asics ....................................................................................................................... 39
IV.5. Main Findings ................................................................................................................ 40
V. Chapter: Conclusion ................................................................................... 42
V.1. Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 42
V.2. Limitation ....................................................................................................................... 43
References .................................................................................................... 45
Appendix ...................................................................................................... 49

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