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論文名稱(外文):Research on Inter-Organizational Learning Generated in OEM Collaboration of Electronic Manufacturing
外文關鍵詞:new product developmentCollaborative CommerceKnowledge absorptive ability
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The development of electronics industry in Taiwan has been about 40 years. From small sized export sales to international brands foundry, it is no doubt that electronics industry in Taiwan plays an important role in the world. No matter original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or original design manufacturer (ODM), the main reasons that Taiwan's electronic contract manufacturers could be favored by worldly known corporations are grasping the ability of research and design of components, having steady foundry quality, coordinating with high efficiency and high flexibility, and having innovative producing ability.
In practice, the relationships among electronic contract manufacturers, brand customers and component suppliers are closely linked. The knowledge and experiences learned from tripartite collaboration process are origins of strong competitiveness of Taiwan's electronic contract manufacturers. However, in order to maintain the good cooperating relationship between each other, it happens frequently during the process of project cooperating that factories could only compromise even if costumers offer some unreasonable request. Confirmed habits are hard to get rid of, finally, the good communication pattern will be influenced and hard to establish. The trust between each other is reduced, which causes technologies and knowledge of two sides could not interact smoothly, and of course, the efficiency and accuracy of producing new products are affected as well.
As a result, the aim of this research is hoping to dig out the good model for inter-organizational learning generated in OEM collaboration of electronic manufacturing. And the communication situations among electronic contract manufacturers, brand customers and component suppliers will be discussed, wish knowledge could be shared each other, and finally excellent product created.

第 壹 章 緒論 1
第 一 節 研究背景 1
第 二 節 研究動機 3
第 三 節 研究目的 4
第 四 節 研究範圍與流程 5

第 貳 章 文獻探討 6
第 一 節 OEM / ODM / EMS 廠特性 6
第 二 節 新產品開發 8
第 三 節 協同合作 13
第 四 節 知識的定義 16
第 五 節 知識吸收能力 17
第 六 節 代工廠與品牌客戶之間的關係 18

第 參 章 研究方法 22
第 一 節 研究方法選取 22
第 二 節 資料來源 25
第 三 節 個案選擇與背景 26
第 四 節 問題設計與訪談程序 29

第 肆 章 個案訪談 30
第 一 節 研究個案內容彙整 30
第 二 節 訪談比較發現 39

第 伍 章 結論與建議 43
第 一 節 研究結論 43
第 二 節 研究限制與建議 47
參考文獻 48
附錄A 56
附錄B 65
附錄C 70

表 目 錄
表 1-1-1 2014~2016年全球筆記型電腦出貨排名表 2
表 2-2-1 Song 與 Weiss 新產品開發重要性順序 9
表 3-1-1 使用個案研究法建構理論之程序 24
表 3-3-1 訪談個案A公司彙整資料 26
表 3-3-2 訪談個案B公司彙整資料 27
表 3-3-3 訪談個案C公司彙整資料 28
表 4-1-1 新產品開發三階段整理表 42

圖 目 錄
圖 1-3-1 電子代工組織間關係圖 4
圖 1-4-1 研究流程圖 5
圖 2-2-1 新產品開發流程 11
圖 2-2-2 Hisrich and Peters 新產品開發五階段 11
圖 2-2-3 新產品開發前端活動模式 12
圖 2-6-1 價值網與競爭關係 20

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