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研究生(外文):CHEN, YI-TING
論文名稱(外文):Knowledge transfer in OEM business relationships-- the case of Taiwan and Japan OEM business
指導教授(外文):WANG, HUI-MEI
外文關鍵詞:Absorptive capabilityKnowledge transferOEM
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台灣OEM代工廠與日本企業合作代工時,除了要面對國內相同及類似性質的工廠競爭,以及中國、越南等國家廠商的崛起,更須面對擁有這樣學習能力強的日本買主企業,要怎麼能保留住其企業內部生產、研發、品質提升的競爭力,以免被日本企業吸收know-how後取代原本的代工機會? 若是日商將知識、能力移轉到企業內部,進行自己的研發生產,甚至將這些吸取到的能力,帶向其他競爭者,台灣代工廠要如何因應? 當日本買主廠商了解的越多以後,台灣代工廠要如何避免自己生產、研發控制的過程中喪失自主性或空間? 這也正是本研究欲探討的主題。
研究結果發現: 1.代工廠外流到日本品牌商的知識程度,將影響代工廠在新產品開發上的自主性。2.代工廠不易察覺知識外流與共同解決問題有關。3.代工廠組織內核心知識的交流及學習是知識保護的關鍵因素。

Among various industries in Taiwan and Japan, it is existed the inextricable relationship of producing, cooperation and learning. Due to the culture, habits and geographical distance, Japan and Taiwan are main trading and business partner. In Taiwan, the business owners think that if they could sell their own product into Japan market, or get the OEM opportunities from Japan companies, which means their products are high quality and development capacity is trustworthy. However, it is well known that Japanese companies would catch and learn new knowledge and self improved used
When the Taiwan OEMs cooperate with Japanese companies, they would not only compete to the same and similar domestic nature of the manufacturers, but also face to China, Vietnam or other countries, the rise of manufacturers. Due to Japanese buyers have the strong learning ability, how to retain the Taiwan OEMs internal production, research and development, improve the quality of competitiveness, so as not to be absorbed by Japanese companies know-how to replace the original foundry opportunities? If the Japanese transfer the business knowledge, ability which had been got from the Taiwan OEMs to the enterprise, or carry out their own of the R & D production, and even absorb these abilities to other competitors, Taiwan OEMs would how to deal with? When the Japanese buyers understand the more know-how, the Taiwan OEMs how to avoid their own production, R & D control process of loss autonomy or space? This is the subject of this study.
This study is based on the Taiwan OEMs, through in-depth interviews case, to understand, analyze and summarize the process of cooperation between the Taiwan OEMs and the Japanese companies and the knowledge transfer. We find that the Japanese multinational companies absorb and transfer the external knowledge into their own production, R & D, and improvement.
The results of the study found that: 1. The autonomy of the new product development of the OEMs is affected by knowledge transfer. 2. The OEMs are difficult to find the reason knowledge outflow due to they solve the problem with Japan buyers. 3. The exchange and learning of core knowledge in the OEMs organization is the key factor of knowledge protection.

目 錄
第 壹 章 緒論 1
第 一 節 研究背景與動機 1
第 二 節 研究目的 3
第 三 節 研究範圍與流程 3
第 貳 章 文獻探討 6
第 一 節 新品開發NPD定義、流程及分類 6
第 二 節 OEM代工定義及界定 10
第 三 節 知識的定義及類型 12
第 四 節 知識移轉的定義及程序 15
第 五 節 吸收能力 18
第 六 節 日本學習模式 19
第 參 章 研究方法 22
第 一 節 研究方法 22
第 二 節 資料來源 23
第 三 節 個案挑選與背景 24
第 四 節 問題設計與訪談程序 30
第 肆 章 個案訪談 31
第 一 節 個案訪談發現 31
第 二 節 個案訪談內容彙整 38
第 伍 章 結論與管理意涵 44
第 一 節 研究結論 44
第 二 節 管理意涵與研究限制 46
參考文獻 48
附錄 55
表 目 錄
表2-1-1 Song 與 Montoya-Weiss 新產品開發重要性順序 7
表2-2-1 OEM與ODM比較表 11
表3-3-1訪談資料整理 25
表3-3-2 W個案背景 26
表3-3-3 X個案背景 27
表3-3-4 Y個案背景 28
表3-3-5 Z個案背景 29
表4-2-1知識轉換分析整理 39
表4-2-2知識轉換分析整理 40
表4-2-3知識轉換分析整理 41
表4-2-4知識轉換分析整理 42
表4-2-5產品開發各階段Nonaka知識轉換彙整 43

圖 目 錄
圖1-4-1研究流程圖 5
圖2-1-1新品開發流程圖 8
圖2-4-3四種模式創造出知識內容 15

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