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研究生(外文):HSU, HUI-WEN
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of the antioxidative properties of some Taiwanese plants for food packaging
指導教授(外文):LI, CHENG-TA
外文關鍵詞:natural food packagingD. latiflorusA. zerumbetH. coronariumN. nuciferaantioxidant
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麻竹葉、月桃葉、野薑花葉與荷葉是台灣習俗中常見的四種包材植物,而近幾年來開發天然植物應用的研究漸增,也陸續有學者將植物部分開發應用於保健產品。部分相關文獻提到上述四種包材植物之抗氧化能力可能來自其類黃酮以及酚類的化學成分,但國內針對上述包材植物之相關研究仍然有限。本研究探討麻竹葉、月桃葉、野薑花葉與荷葉等包材植物在水萃以及最佳乙醇濃度萃取條件下,其抗氧化活性的結果。在抗氧化活性試驗及其植化素含量分析,檢測項目包括:DPPH、還原力、螯合亞鐵能力與總酚及類黃酮含量測定。本實驗統計分析以SPSS 18.0版,使用one-way ANOVA和post-hoc Tukey test作分析,當p<0.05時,表示具有顯著性差異。研究結果顯示,荷葉的水萃取物及乙醇萃取物具有最佳之DPPH自由基清除能力(54% 與55%)、還原力(70.5 與86.5 μg/mL BHTE)、螯合亞鐵能力(40.7 % 與56 %),以及總類黃酮含量為最高(21.1與23.8 μg/ mL QE);但在總酚含量部分則以月桃葉水萃取物及乙醇萃取物為最高(1.2 與2.3 μg/mL GAE),其次依序為麻竹葉(0.7與1.1 μg/mL GAE)、荷葉(0.6與0.8 μg/mL GAE)及野薑花葉(0.5與 0.8 μg/mL GAE)。而在水萃取物及乙醇萃取物方面之結果探討,可以明顯發現其包材植物之乙醇萃取物的抗氧化效果較水萃取物為佳(p<0.05)。綜合以上結果,荷葉與月桃葉的加工將有潛力成為具天然與安全的抗氧化之商業化食品包材。
The leaves of Dendrocalamus latiflorus, Alpinia zerumbet, Hedychium coronarium and Nelumbo nucifera are four most commonly used botanical food packing materials in Taiwan. Recent research development on botanical sources for nutraceuticals has drawn more attentions than ever. Some literature mentioned that their antioxidative capacity may be derived from their flavonoid compounds; however, related reports on their antioxidative aspects were still sparse.
In this research, antioxidative activities of four botanical food packaging materials, the leaves of D. latiflorus, A. zerumbet , H. coronarium, and N. nucifera under different extraction conditions, were investigated. In antioxidant assay and content analysis, the DPPH, reducing power, ferrous chelating ability, and total phenolic and flavonoid contents were analyzed. Results indicated that N. nucifera leaves extracted by water and ethanol had the best DPPH radical scavenging capacity (54% and 55%), reducing power (70.5 and 86.5 μg/mL BHTE), ferrous chelating ability (40.7% and 56%), and the highest total flavonoid contents (21.1 and 23.8 μg/mL QE). In the total phenol content, A. zerumbet leaves extracted by water and ethanol were the highest (1.2 and 2.3 μg/mL GAE), followed by those of D. latiflorus (0.7 and 1.1 μg/mL GAE), N. nucifera (0.5 and 0.8 μg/mL GAE) and H. coronarium (0.1 and 0.8 μg/mL GAE). Our results also indicated that four leaves extracted by water had better antioxidative capacity than those by ethanol. To sum up our findings, utilization of N. nucifera and A. zerumbet leaves may have potentials to become a safe, natural, and commercialized botanical food packaging materials with great antioxidant abilities.
誌謝 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
中文摘要 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
英文摘要 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- v
目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii
表目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ix
圖目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- x
第一章 緒論----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
第一節 前言----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
第二節 研究動機及目的-------------------------------------------------------- 2
第二章 文獻探討----------------------------------------------------------------- 3
第一節 天然植物簡介與相關研究-------------------------------------------- 3
第二節 常見包材植物文獻回顧----------------------------------------------- 5
一、 麻竹葉的特性及其應用----------------------------------------------- 5
二、 月桃葉的特性及其應用----------------------------------------------- 7
三、 野薑花葉的特性及其應用-------------------------------------------- 9
四、 荷葉的特性及其應用-------------------------------------------------- 10
第三節 自由基(free radical)文獻回顧----------------------------------------- 12
一、 自由基定義-------------------------------------------------------------- 12
二、 自由基之種類----------------------------------------------------------- 12
三、 氧化壓力(oxidative stress)的形成及機轉--------------------------- 13
四、 抗氧化劑(antioxidants)------------------------------------------------- 15
五、 抗氧化測定方法-------------------------------------------------------- 17
六、 植化素含量測定-------------------------------------------------------- 19
第三章 研究方法----------------------------------------------------------------- 21
第一節 材料----------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
一、 包材植物來源----------------------------------------------------------- 21
二、 化學試藥----------------------------------------------------------------- 23
三、 儀器設備----------------------------------------------------------------- 25
第二節 實驗架構----------------------------------------------------------------- 26
第三節 實驗方法----------------------------------------------------------------- 27
一、 樣本前處理-------------------------------------------------------------- 27
二、 萃取方式----------------------------------------------------------------- 27
三、 抗氧化能力測定-------------------------------------------------------- 30
四、 植化素含量測定-------------------------------------------------------- 32
五、 統計分析----------------------------------------------------------------- 33
第四章 結果----------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
第一節 包材植物之產率比較-------------------------------------------------- 34
第二節 萃取物之抗氧化活性-------------------------------------------------- 36
一、 抗氧化能力-------------------------------------------------------------- 36
二、 植化素含量-------------------------------------------------------------- 55
第五章 討論----------------------------------------------------------------------- 68
第六章 結論----------------------------------------------------------------------- 70
參考文獻 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71
附錄A 台灣食品用天然包材植物成分對病原菌之抗菌效果之評估--- 82

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