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研究生(外文):HOU , CHIA-CHUNG
論文名稱(外文):Noise, Heat Stress Monitoring, and Hazard Assessment in Fastener Manufacturing Industries
外文關鍵詞:Fastener industrynoiseWBGThearing loss
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台灣之螺絲業主要產地在高雄與台南兩城市,作業勞工約2萬多人,所產的螺絲總量佔全球的13-14%。螺絲生產製程包括抽線(Wire Drawing)、打頭成型(Forming)、搓牙(Tapping/Threading)、熱處理(Heat Treatment)、表面處理(Surface Treatment)及包裝出貨(Packaging and Shipping)等六大製程。球化退火係指加熱至700~900℃保溫後緩慢冷卻,其目的可軟化鋼料、改善切削性及減少碎裂,這類製程因有高溫爐故可能引起熱危害;此外,國內螺絲製造業之現場噪音常高達95 dBA,以每日工作八小時計,整個工作日的噪音暴露劑量幾乎高達200 %,已超過安全標準。
本研究因此針對國內4家螺絲業收集勞工聽力檢查資料,並進行噪音及熱危害作業環境監測、勞工個人噪音暴露劑量及建立噪音地圖,以及結合勞工問卷調查資料,針對螺絲廠勞工之聽力檢查結果與噪音暴露所造成的影響加以探討相互關聯性。本研究共完成間螺絲作業場所之現場訪視,同時收集製程及安全衛生現況資料,最後共完成廠區內噪音及綜合溫度熱指數(Wet Bulb Globe Temperature, WBGT)之作業環境監測,採樣內容包括57人次噪音劑量、41個WBGT樣本,並完成44位勞工聽力檢查報告之蒐集。
本研究熱危害量測結果,乙廠WBGT範圍:24.3-28.5℃,平均為26.45℃,屬於無熱危害之作業環境,丁廠熱處理區WBGT範圍:26.45-28.68℃,丁廠球化作業區WBGT範圍: 27.23-27.95℃,亦屬於無熱危害之作業環境。
The major fastener manufacturing industries located in southern Taiwan, Tainan and Kaohsiung. Totally, it is over 20 thousands labors, and the production quantity is about 13-14% among worldwide. The major production line includes wire drawing, forming, tapping/ threading, heat treatment, surface treatment, packaging and shipping.
The heat hazard result from the high temperature (700~900℃), that can make the steel to soften and can be cut easily in preventing the splintering. Meanwhile, the noise is also a serious problem and the exposure level of TWA8h achieve 95dBA, as well as the dose is about 200 %, those have over the PEL-TWA. The present study therefore aims to assess the noise exposure dose, noise map, and WBGT in 4 crew industries, and to collect the health examinations of hearing loss in the workers. The information can be integrated with the demographic data from the questionnaire interview and to assess association among noise exposure and hearing loss. Now we have finished the walkthrough survey and questionnaires interview, and the environmental monitoring were completed in 4 fastener manufacturing industries. Overall, 57 noise dose, 41 WBGTs have been assessed now. Meanwhile, 44 data of hearing loss test have been collected in the current study.
For the dosage evaluation of noise exposure in plant A, the average noise was 74±10%, and the TWA was 87.8±0.9dBA; the average noise was 67%, and the TWA was 86.8dBA in plant B; in plant C, the average noise was 92±42.6%, and the TWA was 88.7±3.37 dBA. In plant D, the average TWA was 95.0-101.8 dBA, and the TWA in packing area, surface treatment, forming, threading, heat treatment was all higher than PEL-TWA (90dB). The most high nose dose was detected in threading, that achieved to 512%.
In the hearing loss of the workers, in 4kHz, the average hearing loss in left and right ears was 28.8dB in plant B>25dB in plant D>18.8dB in plant A, in 6kHz, the average hearing loss in left and right ears was 52.5dB in plant B>23.5dB in plant D>21.5dB in plant A. But, the association cannot be calcified after adjusted confounding factor between exposure dose ad healing loss.
For heat exposure assessment, the major evaluation was in heat treatment area, and the result showed that no potential heat hazard was found after adjusting the work and rest ratio for each worker due to the WBGT was 26.45-28.68℃ in heat treatment and 27.23-27.95℃ in nodulizing/ annealing areas.
For suspected early noise hearing loss case tube should be strengthened, tracking on a regular basis to assess changes in hearing. Implement of workplace education and training, regular monitoring of health examination for safety and health management in order to reduce the risk of noise-induced hearing loss. Thermal hazards of WBGT measurements are non-hot jobs that although the working time is quite short but still has high temperature hazard risk, it is recommended that institutions can evaluate whether to increase the supply of labor to the cool or cooling air curtains heat formation to be improved.
The conclusive results from the data showed the noise exposure was the high potential hazard in fastener manufacturing industries. Therefore, we suggested that hazard monitoring should frequently be applied and health examinations in the workers should be done. The hazard education and personal protective equipment both also provide to preventing the hearing loss. Meanwhile, for suspected early hearing loss case should be tracking in preventing the further hearing loss. For thermal hazards of WBGT measurements, no potential thermal hazard was found in the current study. But, in quite short working time, high temperature was also detected in few times. It is recommended to increase the supply cooling air in heat treatment areas for avoiding the long-term occupational health risk.

第一章 前言..........................................1
1-1 研究背景..........................................1
1-2 研究目的..........................................2
第二章 文獻回顧......................................4
2-1 螺絲產業介紹......................................4
2-2 螺絲業製程產生的危害因子...........................6
2-2-1 螺絲業作業產生之危害物質.........................6
2-2-2 噪音危害........................................9
2-2-3 熱危害.........................................10
2-3 噪音及熱對人體造成之健康影響.......................11
2-3-1 噪音對人體之危害................................11
2-3-2 熱危害對人體之影響..............................17
第三章 研究方法......................................22
3-1 研究架構.........................................22
3-2 現場訪視.........................................23
3-3 採樣策略.........................................24
3-3-1 作業環境監測:噪音、熱危害.......................30
3-3-1-1 噪音地圖建立..................................30
3-3-1-2 個人噪音劑量量測..............................31
3-3-1-3 聽力檢查三分法、四分法、六分法分析介紹..........32
3-3-1-4 統計分析.....................................34
3-3-2 熱危害綜合溫度熱指數量測.................. .....34
第四章 結果與討論....................................37
4-1 環境監測採樣結果..................................37
4-1-1 勞工基本資料....................................37
4-1-2 螺絲業噪音量測結果..............................39
4-1-2-1 噪音地圖量測結果..............................39
4-1-2-2 聽力檢測分析結果..............................49
4-1-2-3 統計分析結果..................................51
4-1-3 螺絲業熱危害量測結果.............................59
第五章 結論與建議.....................................66
第六章 參考文獻.......................................69

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