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研究生(外文):Lu-Wei Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Design of Asymmetric Cross-feeding structure of Dual-band Broadband Antenna
指導教授(外文):I-Fong ChenChia-Mei Peng
外文關鍵詞:Wi-FiAsymmetric monopole antennaCoplanar waveguideParasitic element
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本文提出小型化Wi-Fi雙頻天線,符合目前世界各國針對Wi-Fi開放之頻帶,頻帶範圍為Wi-Fi 2.4GHz (2400MHz~2483.5MHz)、5GHz (5150MHz~5850MHz)。本文提出的天線採用單極天線為基礎架構,並使用共平面波導及十字型的饋入方式,以改善單極天線的頻寬,天線架構芯線為高頻路徑,地線為低頻路徑,成功設計出高增益雙頻天線,並且利用非對稱式地線架構、頂端加載和寄生元件這三種設計法則,使頻寬得以涵蓋Wi-Fi完整的操作頻帶。運用Ansoft HFSS進行模擬及天線實作驗證,分析天線各部份變化之結果,完成了本文所提出之非對稱十字型饋入雙寬頻天線。
In this paper, a miniaturized Wi-Fi dual-band antenna is proposed, which is suitable for Wi-Fi 2.4GHz (2400MHz ~ 2483.5MHz) and 5GHz (5150MHz ~ 5850MHz) for Wi-Fi in the world. In this paper, the antenna is based on monopole antenna, and uses the coplanar waveguide and the cross-feed mode to improve the monopole antenna bandwidth. The antenna structure core wire is a high frequency path and the ground wire is a low frequency path. High-gain dual-band antenna, and the use of asymmetric ground structure, the top load and parasitic components of the three design rules, so that the bandwidth to cover Wi-Fi complete operating frequency band. Ansoft HFSS is used to simulate and verify the antenna implementation, and the results of the variations of the antenna are analyzed. The asymmetric cross-fed double broadband antenna is presented in this paper.
摘 要 I
銘 謝 III
目 錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 WI-FI頻道規格 2
1.3 內容大綱 7
第二章 天線原理 8
2.1 單極天線原理 8
2.2 共平面波導結構 10
2.4 天線的頻寬 15
2.5 寄生元件 16
第三章 船槳式WI-FI雙頻段天線 17
3.1 單極天線饋入分析 17
3.2 簡介 19
3.3 天線與系統結構 20
3.4 天線尺寸 32
3.5 模擬分析 35
第四章 效能優化之設計 38
4.1 簡介 38
4.2 優化設計參數 38
4.3 實驗結果與討論 56
第五章 結論 57
參考文獻 58
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