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研究生(外文):Tzu-Yu Liao
論文名稱:雙頻Massive MIMO天線應用於第五代行動通訊系統
論文名稱(外文):Dual-Band Massive MIMO Antenna for 5th Generation Wireless Systems
指導教授(外文):I-Fong ChenChia-Mei Peng
中文關鍵詞:雙頻天線陣列Massive MIMO平板天線
外文關鍵詞:Dual-Band Antenna ArrayPatch AntennaMassive MIMO
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本論文提出雙頻Massive MIMO天線之設計,以應用於第五代行動通訊系統,利用雙十字槽孔及ACPW饋入結構達成雙頻平板天線,再利用雙頻饋入網路以及雙頻天線陣列達成雙頻四平板陣列天線。四平板陣列天線於雙頻均有良好之效能,天線增益為8.02到11.07dBi,平均值為9.97dBi,天線波束寬低頻平均為35度,高頻平均為17度,符合第五代行動通訊Massive MIMO之主流規格。
In this paper, a dual-band Massive MIMO antenna is proposed for the 5th generation wireless systems. Single patch antenna consists dual cross slots and asymmetric coplanar waveguide (ACPW) feeding structure to create dual-band operation. Then we use the dual-band feeding network and the dual-band antenna array technique to achieved dual-band 4array patch antenna. The 4array patch antenna has great performance in dual-band operation, the antenna gain is 8.02 to 11.07dBi, and the average value is 9.97dBi. The antenna beam width is 35 degrees at 2.45GHz and 17 degrees at 5.5GHz. The proposed dual-band 4array patch antenna meets the market specifications of Massive MIMO Antenna for the 5th generation wireless systems.
摘 要 I
誌 謝 III
目 錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.3 現階段MASSIVE MIMO天線的研發成果 3
第二章 點發射源基本原理與特性 6
2.1 點發射源原理重要性與應用 6
2.2 雙等相位等功率點發射源 6
2.3 四等相位等功率點發射源方陣 10
第三章 天線架構與設計概念 14
3.1 雙頻平板天線 14
3.2 雙頻平板天線設計 19
第四章 雙頻平板天線陣列 29
4.1 雙頻饋入網路 29
4.2 雙頻陣列天線場型控制因子 31
4.3 雙頻平板天線二陣列 32
4.4 雙頻平板天線四陣列 36
第五章 結論 43
參考文獻 44
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