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研究生(外文):Yao-Qi Yan
論文名稱(外文):Design of UHF Power Divider Used in RFID Smart Shelf
指導教授(外文):I-Fong ChenChia-Mei Peng
外文關鍵詞:Wilkinson Power DividersTransmission LineN-way power combiner
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本論文提出了一種新型8路威爾金森功率分配器(Wilkinson Power Divider),利用徑向功率分配器以及威爾金森功率分配器的優點作結合,並且應用在無線射頻辨識系統(RFID, Radio Frequency Identification System),其頻段為(902MHz - 922MHz)。
本文所設計之功率分配器是採用星狀結構由λ/ 4傳輸線和環狀阻抗組成,並且再以折繞的方法將功率分配器面積過大的問題改善,其功率分配器的特性以等功率分配、端口的阻抗匹配、八個輸出端口之間的隔離度以及相位都有達到良好的結果。最後,本論文利用幾個設計實例當作示範,並以電磁模擬及實作,成功驗證了上述觀點與設計步驟。
In this thesis presents a new type of 8-way Wilkinson Power Divider, which consists of a radial power divider and a Wilkinson Power Divider to implement in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) System. The operating band of RFID is 902MHz - 922MHz.
The power divider designed in the thesis is composed of a λ / 4 transmission line and a ring impedance using a star structure, and the problem of increasing the area of the power divider by folding is improved, and the power divider is distributed at equal power. The port impedance matching, the isolation between the eight output ports and the phase has reached good results. At last, this thesis uses several design examples as a demonstration, and with electromagnetic simulation, confirmed the above point of view and design steps successfully.
摘 要 ……………………………….………………………………………...……..i
誌 謝 …………….………………………………………………………..………iii
目 錄 …………………………………………………………………...………….iv
表目錄 …………………………………………………………………………...….vi
圖目錄 ………………………………………………………………………...……vii
第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………...……..1
1.1 研究動機與目的...………………………………………...…………..1
1.3 內容大綱…...……………………………………………..….………..2
第二章 功率分配器原理..…………………………………………………………..3
2.1 介紹……………………………………………………………….…….3
2.2 傳輸線之簡介及工作原理...………………………………….....……4
2.3 傳輸線縮小化介紹…...………………………………….…..........…..7
2.4 威爾金森功率分配器之簡介(Wilkinson Power Divider)………...….8
2.5 無損耗N-way功率合成器的散射矩陣特性…..……………........…..9
2.6 星狀功率分配器結構介紹...…………..……………..………….…..11
第三章 六路功率分配器模擬比較..………………………………………..…..…13
3.1 介紹…...…………………………………………………….…….......13
3.2 各類多路功率分配器分析..…………………………………………15
3.3 六路功率分配器模擬分析…………………………………………..17
3.4 環狀阻抗分析………………………………….……………...……..20
第四章 效能優化之設計...…………………………………………….…………..23
4.1 簡介…...…………………………………………..……..…..……….23
4.2 傳統式威爾金森八路功率分配器………………………….……….24
4.3 星狀功率分配器縮小化…………………………………...…...……33
第五章 結論………………………………………………………………...………42
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