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論文名稱(外文):Development on Automatic Optical Measurement System for Ring-Shaped Workpiece Contour with Economical Cost and High Performance
外文關鍵詞:ring-shaped workpieceeconomical cost and high performanceautomated optical
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本研究透過Visual Basic搭配MIL影像函式庫建立一套環形工件輪廓量測系統。為了在量測工件時能獲得準確之位置資料,因此必須先取得已知影像座標及相對應之世界座標之校正點資料,進而取得影像座標與世界座標之轉換關係,再由架設於工作平台上方雙攝影機分段擷取環型工件影像,接著運用二值化、邊緣偵測、尋找輪廓等方法來得到環形工件影像座標,最後將轉換完後的世界座標匯入至繪圖軟體做尺寸上量測。

Most of the measurement equipment are expensive and sophisticated to inspect the mechanical product due to the high precision requirement when measuring the workpiece in traditional mechanical industry. However, due to new technology development, this study expects to measure the workpiece with cost effective by means of non-contact measuring technology.
Measurement system for contours of ring-shaped workpiece was developed by Visual Basic with MIL image library in this study. In order to obtain accurate positioning information in the measurement of the workpiece, the first priority is to obtain relationship between image coordinate system and the world coordinate system by calibration process. Then, the image of the ring-shape workpiece is captured by double camera above the working platform segmentally. In order to obtain the contour of ring-shaped in image coordinate system, binary thresholding, edge detection and finding contour methods are used. Finally, after converting to world coordinate system, these contour data points are exported to CAD software to quantify the size of important place.
According to experimental results of this study, the total errors of X and Y axes are 0.198 mm and 0.251mm, respectively, in error analysis of calibration points. The above values are close to the hardware resolution which are 0.139 mm/pixel and 0.143 mm/pixel in X and Y axes, respectively. Because the above values are very close, the calibration method is reliable. However, the total error for contour measurement is about 0.6 mm by comparing to ATOS measurement, which means the system precision and accuracy is needed to improve for further study.

中文摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 2
1-3 文獻回顧 3
1-4 論文架構 12
第二章 理論方法 14
2-1 影像處理與機械視覺概述 14
2-2 打光技術方式 15
2-2-1 正向打光 17
2-2-2 背向打光 17
2-2-3 結構打光 17
2-3 影像處理概論 18
2-3-1 二值化(Binary) 18
2-3-2 Blob分析(Blob Analysis) 19
2-3-3 坎尼邊緣偵測(Canny Edge Detector) 20
2-3-4 尋找輪廓(Find Contour) 22
2-3-5 邊緣量測(Edge Measurement) 22
2-3-6 霍夫轉換(Hough Transform) 24
第三章 實驗設備 26
3-1 硬體系統介紹 26
3-1-1 背光模組介紹 28
3-1-2 ATOS光學掃描設備 30
3-1-3 校正版校正點分配與佈置 32
3-1-4 三次元量測儀 34
3-2 軟體介紹 36
3-2-1 GOM Inspect 36
3-2-2 Visual Basic 6.0 38
3-2-3 Matrox Image Library 5.12 38
3-2-4 VisualC# 39
3-2-5 Emgu CV 40
3-3 環形工件製程介紹 41
第四章 研究方法 43
4-1 逆向工程 43
4-2 校正程式邏輯解說 45
4-3 人機介面功能設計 50
第五章 結果與討論 51
5-1 GOM Inspect誤差分析 51
5-2 驗證校正點誤差分析及系統解析度 54
5-3 產生輪廓 56
5-4 提高解析度後校正點誤差分析及量測 60
第六章 結論與建議 63
6-1 結論 63
6-2 建議與未來展望 64
參考文獻 65

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