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研究生(外文):Ying-Zhi Ye
論文名稱(外文):Study on Nickel Silicide for Thermal Type Devices
指導教授(外文):Chung-Nan Chen
口試委員(外文):Chin-Shown SheenChen-Kuei ChungChung-Nan Chen
外文關鍵詞:flicker noiseNiSistress
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本文主要探討CMOS製程中之矽化鎳應用於熱阻型元件之可行性,在CMOS製程中,矽化鎳被利用來降低金屬連接層與元件間之接觸電阻,由於矽化鎳具有低片電阻、低應力、相容於CMOS 製程等優點,將其應用在熱型元件上便可與IC整合,形成智慧型感測晶片。
本研究中,首先在具有介電質層的矽晶片上各自形成於無摻雜之700Å、2000Å、5000Å及8000Å的多晶矽薄膜,經由微影製程定義圖形後,再以金屬濺鍍製程鍍上1000 Å鎳金屬薄膜,探討鎳金屬與不同厚度之多晶矽在350℃~850℃間之不同退火溫度下所形成之鎳矽化物特性,包含片電阻、電阻溫度係數、雜訊、應力,藉以評估其在熱阻型元件應用之可行性,並搭配二次離子質譜儀與X光繞射儀之量測結果做比對,分析所有參數下之鎳矽化物之組成。
退火溫度會影響鎳矽化物形成的晶格相位,鎳矽化物受到退火溫度影響形成的順序首先是在低溫時形成的Ni2Si,之後轉相為NiSi,最後在高溫下轉相為NiSi2,量測結果顯示在550℃退火溫度下,8000Å多晶矽與鎳形成之鎳矽化物薄膜具有最高電阻溫度係數0.47 %/℃,同時也具有最低片電阻0.77 Ω/sq。當退火溫度為350℃時,此鎳矽化物具有最低雜訊K值7.5E-28 m3,同時也具有最低應力-21.9 Mpa。比對材料組成之檢測結果,發現材料晶相為Ni¬2Si或是NiSi2其電阻溫度係數就較低,且會有較高的片電阻,NiSi相位具有較高的電阻溫度係數及較低的片電阻。鎳矽化物可利用退火溫度和多晶矽厚度之搭配,製作出不同特性之矽化物薄膜,具有高電阻溫度係數的NiSi相位矽化鎳適合應用於熱阻型的感測元件。

The purpose of the study is to estimate the nickel silicide film, which is used in CMOS process for reducing contact resistance between metal interconnections and devices, for the applications of thermal resistive devices. Nickel silicide films have the advantages of low sheet resistance, small mechanical stress and is compatible to CMOS process. These films have the potential to serve as the material of smart devices.
Undoped polysilicon films with thicknesses of 700 Å, 2000 Å, 5000 Å and 8000 Å were deposited onto a silicon wafer coated with a dielectric film respectively. A 1000 Å nickel layer film was next sputtered on the polysilicon films patterned by lithography process. Nickel silicide layers were formed by RTA process under annealing temperatures of 350 ℃ to 850 ℃ for 30 s. The material phase and composition of nickel silicide were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Ni2Si phase of nickel silicide was first formed by RTA below 350 ℃ and transformed the second phase NiSi under the temperatures of 350 ℃ ~750 ℃. Finally, the silicide film changed to NiSi2 phase above 750 ℃. In this study, the nickel silicide formed on 8000Å-thick polysilicon and annealed at 550 ℃ has sheet resistance of 0.77 Ω/sq and maximum TCR of 0.29 %/ ℃. On the other hand, the minimum flicker noise coefficient K and residual stress for Ni silicide are 7.5E-28 m3 and -21.9 MPa as the annealing temperature is 550℃.

摘 要
第1章 緒論
1.1 前言
1.2 文獻回顧
1.2.1 CMOS不相容材料
1.2.2 CMOS相容材料
1.3 研究目的
1.4 論文架構
第2章 材料與理論介紹
2.1 金屬矽化物
2.1.1 矽化鈦
2.1.2 矽化鎳
2.2 電阻溫度係數
2.3 雜訊理論
2.3.1 熱雜訊
2.3.2 閃爍雜訊
2.3.3 溫度擾動雜訊
2.3.4 散射雜訊
2.3.5 總雜訊
2.3.6 殘留應力
第3章 材料製程規畫與分析
3.1 樣品參數規劃
3.1.1 材料製程線寬
3.1.2 材料樣品的製程
3.1.3 矽化鎳片電阻值測量
3.1.4 鎳矽化物電阻率
3.1.5 材料電阻溫度係數量測
3.1.6 XRD繞射分析
3.1.7 二次離子質譜儀分析
3.1.8 材料樣品雜訊分析
3.2 矽化鎳應力
3.2.1 應力樣品規劃
3.2.2 應力量測與分析
3.2.3 應力樣品片電阻量測
3.3 元件設計與量測
3.3.1 光罩設計
3.3.2 元件製作流程
3.3.3 元件電阻溫度係數量測
3.3.4 可靠度量測
第4章 結論與未來展望
附錄A 多晶矽厚度8000Å之雜訊量測

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