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研究生(外文):Mai Van Thien
論文名稱(外文):Monetary Policy Comparison between Vietnam and Thailand
指導教授(外文):LI, HE LONG
外文關鍵詞:VietnamThailandMonetary PolicyExchange Rate Policy
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Vietnam and Thailand are export-oriented economies and also ASEAN's member countries. The exchange rate regime is very important with Vietnam and Thailand since it has a large effect on their entire economies, especially is the export sections. Interest rates in money market also provide a vital factor for both countries. This paper employs the basic model and monetary system of Taylor (2001) to research the topic. On the one hand, we utilize Taylor's model to discuss about the relationship between GDP, CPI, unemployment rate, inflation rate, interest rate in the US, real exchange rate and interest rate. On the other hand, we exploit monetary system to discuss the differences between exchange rate policy of central bank in Vietnam and Thailand. The result shows that Vietnam and Thailand interest rate, exchange rate is significant effected. But the U.S interest rate, unemployment, GDP are not significant effected. The major difference is CPI, Vietnam CPI is significant effected but Thailand is not significant.

A thesis ...................................................................................................... .... Ⅰ
Abstract........................................................................................................... Ⅱ
Contents........................................................................................................... IV
Figures ............................................................................................................ VI
Tables ............................................................................................................ VII
CHAPTER 1 Introduction .............................................................................1
1.1 Research Motivation and Purpose …………………….…………….1
1.1.1 Comparison of GDP Growth Rate between Vietnam and Thailand...............................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Comparison of Inflation Rates between Vietnam and Thailand...............................................................................................................2
1.1.3 Exchange Dollars between Vietnam and Thailand.........................3
1.1.4 Import and Export Amount between Vietnam and Thailand .........4
1.1.5 The Interest Rates between Vietnam and Thailand.........................5
1.2 Research Background.............................................................................6
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review ...................................................................7
CHAPTER 3 Methodologies.........................................................................9
3.1 Quantitative Research Methods..............................................................9
3.2 Theoretical Basis...................................................................................10
CHAPTER 4 Results...................................................................................11
4.1 Model - Regression Analysis................................................................11
4.2 Model Two Regression Analysis..........................................................19
CHAPTER 5 Conclusions and Suggestions................................................29
5.1 Conclusions.........................................................................................29
5.2 Limitations and Recommendations for Future Research....................29


Figure 1: Vietnam and Thailand GDP Growth Rate......................................2
Figure 2: Inflation Rate of Taiwan and South Korea.....................................2
Figure 3: Vietnam Money Convert to US Dollar Exchange Rate..................3
Figure 4: Thailand Money Convert to US Dollar Exchange Rates................3
Figure 5: The Imports and Exports of Vietnam Volume...............................4
Figure 6: The Imports and Exports of Thailand volume................................5
Figure 7: The Interest Rates between Vietnam and Thailand........................5

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