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論文名稱(外文):Experimental Research on Electrical Discharge Machining of Tungsten Steel by Novel Fine Graphite Electrode and Small Current
外文關鍵詞:graphite particleelectrical discharge machiningmicro-currentthe optimum parameterssurface roughnesstungsten steel
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  鎢鋼具有高硬度、耐磨耗等特性,因而可用於製作微小元件與高強度之模具,但也因此而難以使用傳統加工方法加工。放電加工法特別適用於高強度、高硬度材料之加工;傳統放電加工普遍是用銅電極,但隨著銅與鉻銅成本的上漲和石墨製作技術的精進,石墨電極漸漸在放電加工中普及,雖然石墨電極在大電流的放電加工相對於銅電極具高效率加工表現;但是在小電流的放電加工中表現相對不如銅電極。然而最新的石墨加工技術讓石墨的粒度可以小於1μm,作為加工電極似乎可能兼具加工速度及表面粗度,日本東京碳素公司便據此宣稱要以石墨取代銅電極。因此,本文以分析實驗討論各種不同粒度的石墨與粗精加工不同EDM電流,用於鎢鋼上之加工特性。本文探討不同粒度和加工條件的石墨電極在鎢鋼上放電後的表面粗糙度最佳化的差異,並利用田口方法L9直交表規劃放電加工實驗,控制因子分別為放電電流(Ip ,1~2.5 A)、脈衝時間(Ton ,3~70μs)、休止時間(Toff ,3~70μs)、石墨粒度(G,1,5,10μm),並以信號雜訊比(S/N)的ANOVA分析,探討放電加工表面粗糙度最佳化品質特性,提出優化之加工參數組合。實驗結果發現石墨放電加工之電流休止時間過短時容易產生電弧狀態破壞表面粗糙度。同時放電電流與放電持續時間越大時,放電休止時間需要越長,才能有效的避免電弧狀態的產生。在放電加工的參數中,放電電流與放電持續時間所提供的放電能量為影響表面粗糙度的主因。中粗加工時,石墨粒度的差異並沒有對放電加工的特性帶來特別的影響,反而石墨粒度的影響主要用於當放電電流與放電持續時間達到最小化後的補助作用。不同粒度的石墨在細修加工,所表現出來的表面粗糙度與其粒度成正比,而在1A以下的放電加工中對工件所造成的表面粗糙度影響則呈明顯差異;以0.5A放電微電流為例,可以明顯觀察出粒度越低的石墨放電後工件表面粗糙度效果越好,新型微粒度的石墨電極的加工表現甚至比研磨後銅電極Ra改善達13.6%。
Tungsten steel with high hardness, wear resistance and other characteristics, which can be used to manufacture small components and high-strength mold, but also difficult to use traditional processing methods. EDM is particularly suitable for high-strength, high-hardness materials processing; traditional discharge processing is generally used copper electrode, but with the rising cost of copper and chrome and graphite production technology sophisticated, graphite electrode gradient in the popularization of discharge processing, Although the graphite electrode is highly efficient in the high-current discharge machining with respect to the copper electrode, it is shown relatively less like a copper electrode in a small current discharge process. However, the latest graphite processing technology allows the graphite particle size can be less than 1μm, as the processing electrode seems likely to be compatible with the processing speed and surface roughness, Tokyo, Japan Carbon Corporation will claim to replace the copper electrode with graphite. Therefore, this paper to analyze the experiment to discuss a variety of different sizes of graphite and coarse finishing different EDM current, for tungsten steel processing characteristics. In this paper, the difference of the surface roughness of the graphite electrode with different particle size and processing conditions is discussed. The discharge experiment is carried out by using the L9 orthogonal table of the Taguchi method. The control factors are the discharge current (Ip, 1 ~ 2.5 (A), pulse time ~ 70μs), rest time (Toff, 3 ~ 70μs), graphite particle size (G, 1, 5, 10μm), and signal to noise ratio (S / N) ANOVA analysis, The degree of optimization provides an optimized combination of processing parameters. Real-time results found that the current discharge process of graphite discharge time is too short prone to arc state damage surface roughness. At the same time, the longer the discharge current and the discharge duration are, the longer the discharge time is. In the parameters of the discharge processing, the discharge energy is the main reason that affects the surface roughness. In the rough processing, the graphite particle size difference does not have a special effect on the discharge processing characteristics, but the impact of graphite particle size is mainly used when the discharge current and discharge duration to minimize the complementary role. The surface roughness of the graphite with different grain size is proportional to the particle size of the graphite. The effect of surface roughness on the surface roughness is less than that in 1A. The discharge current is 0.5A Example, it can be shown that the better the surface roughness of the workpiece after the graphite discharge is observed, the better the processing performance of the new type of graphite electrode is 13.6% higher than that of the polished copper electrode Ra.
摘要 ii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2文獻回顧 3
1.3 研究動機 5
1.4研究目的 7
第二章 基本原理介紹 8
2.1 放電加工 8
2.1.1 放電加工基本原理 8
2.1.2 放電加工去除機制 8
2.1.3 放電加工參數 10
2.2 石墨電極 13
2.2.1石墨電極的製作 13
2.2.2 石墨電極加工特性 13
2.2.3石墨的粒度 14
2.2.4 石墨電極危險性 15
第三章 實驗設備與方法 16
3.1 實驗設備 16
3.1.1 放電加工機 16
3.1.2 立式銑削加工機 18
3.1.3 3D列印機 19
3.1.4 金屬切斷機 20
3.1.5 正立顯微鏡 21
3.1.6 精密表面輪廓儀 21
3.1.7 表面粗糙度測定儀 22
3.1.8 超音波清洗機 22
3.1.9 S3000N高解晰可變真空掃描式電子顯微鏡 23
3.2 實驗設計規劃 24
3.2.1 電極與工件材料 24
3.2.2 田口實驗設計方法 27
3.2.3 石墨與紅銅銑削與研磨特性測試 30
3.2.4 石墨與銅放電表面粗糙度比較 31
3.3 量測方法 33
3.3.1 觀察表面形貌 33
3.3.2 量測表面粗糙度 33
3.3.3掃描式電子顯微鏡分析 33
3.4 實驗流程 34
3.4.1第一階段實驗:田口實驗最佳粗糙度分析 34
3.4.2第二階段實驗:最佳粗糙度參數延伸實驗 35
第四章 實驗結果討論 36
4.1 表面形貌與表面粗糙度 36
4.1.1高倍數鏡表面形貌觀察 36
4.1.2 中心線粗糙度與最小平方和粗糙度 47
4.2田口分析 49
4.2.1信號雜訊比 49
4.2.2放電電流與脈衝時間與粗糙度曲面圖 52
4.3石墨铣削分析 53
4.3.1薄肋片成品圖 53
4.3.2高倍數下觀測形貌 55
4.4石墨粗糙度分析 57
4.4.1石墨研磨後粗糙度分析 57
4.4.2石墨拋光後表面粗糙度分析 58
4.4.3石墨粒度差異的優勢 60
4.5細微電流放電加工分析 61
4.5.1電極放電結果表 61
4.5.2電極放電前後表面粗糙度分析 68
第五章 結論與建議 73
5.1結論 73
5.2未來展望與建議 75
第六章 參考文獻 76
作者簡歷 79

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