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研究生(外文):HUAN, HUNG-DI
論文名稱(外文):Improvement on CNC drilling guality using vibration suppressim fixture
指導教授(外文):Xia, Shao-Yi
口試委員(外文):Zhou, Yu-DuanHuang, Ren-Cong
外文關鍵詞:CNC cuttingelectromagnetvibration tablesurface roughness
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本論文之重點在於嘗試解決或消除CNC綜合加工機進行鑽削加工,因振動所產生的表面粗糙度不良問題,嘗試著透過CNC綜合工具機結合自製型被動式振動平台的設計,來探討對鑽削孔內表面粗糙度所造成的影響。研究過程中透過NI LabView和NI OPC軟體,在自製型被動式振動平台進行軟硬體通訊協定後,透過電磁鐵吸放施加振動頻率予振動平台。配合業界的實務經驗,搭配田口最佳化實驗法選出八個與加工及振動相關,且比較重要的控制因子,藉由L18(21x37)直交表進行參數配組及加工實驗,計算出各別之S/N比與標準差,藉由因子反應表與反應圖,可找出最佳化組合因子與水準,並進行驗證實驗與預測比對。
Following the advance of technology, computer numerical control performance is developed from low speed to high speed and from traditional lathe and milling to CNC lathe and milling, and further to four-axis, five-axis, and mill-turn combined machines as well as multi-function multi-axis combined machines which are currently actively developed domestically and internationally. Since high precision and high efficiency are the essential competitive conditions, machining tables and the vibration caused by machining have been disturbing manufacturers with machining systems as the production spindle.
This study focuses on solving or eliminating defective surface roughness caused by the vibration of CNC machining center during drilling. The CNC machining center combined with self-designed passive vibration table is applied to discuss the effect on the surface roughness in drilled holes. In the research process, NI LabView and NI OPC are proceeded the software/hardware protocol on the self-designed passive vibration table to apply vibration frequency to the vibration table. By matching the practical experience with the optimization experiment with Taguchi Method, 8 comparatively more important control factors related to machining and vibration are selected for parameter grouping and machining experiment through L18(21x37) orthogonal table and calculating the S/N ratio and standard deviation. The factor response table and response graph are used for finding out the optimal factor combination and standard as well as proceeding experiment test and prediction & comparison.
The research results reveal that the variability of surface roughness in drilled holes would be reduced when drilling on the vibration table such that the stability is enhanced 60%. Besides, the Ra S/N ratio of surface roughness is enhanced about 41%. The research results could provide industry or academia for further research and utilization, expecting to improve the vibration problem when machining on CNC machining center and to further promote the international competitiveness of CNC machining manufacturers.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
數學符號 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 文獻探討 3
1.3.1 鑽削加工 3
1.3.2 振動在切削機制之應用 5
1.4 本論文架構介紹 8
第二章 基本理論 10
2.1 工具機基本結構類型 10
2.1.1 門型結構[52]: 10
2.1.2 進給傳動元件-滾珠螺桿 11
2.1.3 進滾珠螺桿與線型馬達 12
2.1.4旋轉軸介紹 13
2.1.5軸承支撐的方式 13
2.1.6 線性滑軌 15
2.2 振動理論 16
2.2.1 振動或擺動 17
2.2.2簡易振動系統: 17
2.2.3自由和受力的振動 18
2.2.4無阻尼及有阻尼的振動 18
2.2.5線性和非線性的振動 18
2.2.6週期性及隨機振動 18
2.2.7簡諧運動 19
2.3 切削理論 19
2.3.1切削工具種類: 19
2.3.2刀具壽命: 22
2.3.3切削速度與進給: 24
2.4 減振器介紹(Damper) 26
2.4.1主動式減振器: 26
2.4.2半主動式減振器: 27
2.4.3被動式減振器: 27
2.5 電磁線圈方程式 27
2.5 田口品質設計法 28
2.5.1品質特性型態: 29
2.5.2望目特性: 30
2.5.3望小特性: 31
2.5.4望大特性: 31
2.5.5原點直線形: 32
2.6 表面粗糙度 32
2.6.1主要影響: 33
2.6.2評定參數: 33
2.7 切削油理論 34
2.7.1切削液的分類: 35
2.7.2切削具有的功能性分類: 35
第三章 研究方法與實驗架構 37
3.1 實驗架構 37
3.1.1 實驗流程 37
3.1.2 相關設備與參數 38
3.1.3 振動平台 45
3.2 研究方法 48
3.2.1 直交表選擇 48
3.2.2 控制因子與水準值 49
第四章 結果與討論 53
4.1 實驗數據統計 53
4.1.1 實驗動作解析 53
4.1.3 S/N比與標準差 57
4.1.4 因子反應表與反應圖 57
4.2 最佳化組合 61
4.3 驗證比較 62
第五章 結論 64
第六章 未來研究方向 65
參考文獻 66

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