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論文名稱:應用逆向工程於產品設計流程之研究 以耳道式耳機設計為例
論文名稱(外文):Applying Reverse Engineering to Product design Process: A case of in-ear headphones design
指導教授(外文):Chiang, Zun-Hwa
口試委員(外文):Chiang, Zun-HwaLin, Chin-HsiangWEI, WAN-LI
外文關鍵詞:Reverse engineeringcustom madewearable deviceearphone
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隨著時代科技的進步,3D列印技術的低價與普及化,提供了加工製造極大的便利性,機種不同在3D列印成形的品質上有所差異,但它帶來的效益絕對是正面的,且對產品的開發製造程序有正面的影響。而使用快速成形機的前提就是必須具有完整的3D檔案,一般3D檔案必須由CAD程式軟體產生,另外一種形成方式則為所謂的3D掃描,利用3D掃描以逆向工程方式獲得表面幾何特性,透過機械式或光學式掃描,以擷取表面幾何座標後,再經過軟體演算形成3D檔案。而3D掃描器與快速成型機的價位低廉,帶領了近年來台灣興起Fablab、Maker Space…等等硬體開放設施的普及,其興起與數位製造有密不可分的關係。

With the progress of science and technology, the low price and popularization of 3D printing technology, providing a great convenience for processing and manufacturing, the difference in the quality of 3D printing, but the benefit is absolutely positive, and has a positive impact on the product development and manufacturing process. The premise of using a rapid prototyping machine is to have a complete 3D file, general 3D files must be produced by CAD program software, and another form of the so-called 3D scan, using 3D scanning to reverse engineering methods to obtain surface geometry, through mechanical or optical scanning to retrieve the surface geometry, and then through software calculation to form the 3D file. and 3D scanners and rapid prototyping machine low-cost, led to the rise of Taiwan in recent years Fablab, maker space ... And so on the popularization of hardware open facilities, its rise and digital manufacturing is inextricably linked.
At present, the technology to import digital design of the product design process, mostly used in the production end, the most used in the construction of three-dimensional digital model, and the main reason for the introduction of three-dimensional scanning before the design of the design to establish the design criteria, such as the arm surface curve or the shape of the Reverse engineering should be applied to human reconstruction, whether dental-related mandibular reconstruction, or skull-facial model editing, the application of prosthetic-limb-tube, or point cloud data pairing research, the basis of mechanical objects in reverse engineering fan blade measurement and modification design, is an example of application. From scanning fan blades to using CT to scan the defective mandible, the derivative products can be customized through the reverse engineering of 3D scanning, and reverse engineering and digital design should be extended to the surface of the human body to design and manufacture wearable equipment. In order to understand the relationship between the complete design process and reverse engineering applied to the data retrieval of human surface, this study takes the ear-type earphone as an example to carry out three-dimensional scanning of human body and inner ear structure in order to quickly form machine proofing and carry out experimental auxiliary questionnaire test to verify whether the comfort degree meets the experiment sample is 3 * 2 parameter combination is the earphone catheter angle and the catheter caliber, the experimental result indicated that with the caliber small and the angle 60 degree combination Comfort degree is best, conforms to the hand to create the sample parameter, confirmed that reverse engineering application in the product design has the positive effect.

口試委員審定書 II
摘要 III
Abstract IV
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 4
1.3研究目的 6
1.4研究架構 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
2.1逆向工程與快速成形技術 9
2.2逆向工程應用 14
2.3耳機市場分析 16
2.4外耳構造 19
2.5舒適度評估 19
第三章 實驗研究方法 23
3.1實驗器材介紹 24
3.2舒適度評估 25
第四章 實驗過程 26
4.1實驗規劃 26
4.1.1實驗修正 27
4.2實驗過程與紀錄 28
4.2.1資料採樣與處理 28
4.2.2樣品製作 32
4.2.3實驗與問卷 35
第五章 結果與討論 37
第六章 結論與未來實驗建議 43
第七章 參考文獻 47

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