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研究生(外文):Robert, Koszta
論文名稱(外文):Analyzing a diverse and specialized global city : the case of the transformation of Shanghai
指導教授(外文):Leng, Tse-kang
外文關鍵詞:Global cityWorld cityUrban geographyShanghaiFinancial marketFree-trade zoneUrban economy
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The examination of urbanization processes in China with the combination
of global and world city research are expected to provide new insights to
this neglected area. Global city idea had often emerged in contemporary
city development plans, mainly indicating rapid modernization efforts via
building a so-called global city. The wide-scale embeddedness of this
idea suggests that it became the synonym of international competitiveness
and prosperity. The best example of that is China with its massive
network of cities. Until recently public datas were less accessible
regarding the major Chinese cities, sith the reasons behind their growth
and properity are still widely unexplored.
The goal of this thesis would be to collect data and examine the most
relevant segments of a specific Chinese city, namely Shanghai in the
context of global city formation and competition. In order to justify or
deny the overall achievements of industrial and spatial restructuring, the
thesis will rely on the latest datas, including the related theoretical aspects
and two short case studies.
There are multiple layers of conducting city-related research from which,
there are statistically less traceable ones. Thus, the intention of the thesis
is to highlight two, internationally relevant and comparable areas, such as
the financial industry and the newly upgraded free trade zone. According
to the author’s intentions the strengths and the weaknesses of Shanghai as
a global city will be empirically tested, while at the same time there will
be a strong emphasis on the introduction of world- and global cities’
theoretical background as well. Within that the Chinese global city idea
will be distinguished from its Western counterpart and the contraints of
current political system will be pointed out in terms of operation or
management. The main subject of inquiry would be to learn more about
the extent of global city transformation in the city, compared to the
general assumptions on an actual global city. Since this thesis has its own
limitations both in size and data processing capability, thus it mainly
analyzed and used second-hand sources to derive its conclusions.
The main purpose of this work would be to contest the aspects of
Shanghai’s global citiness.
Abstract ........ 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............... 2
1. Introduction ...............3
1.1. Understanding the terms: global and world cities ............4
1.2. Research difficulties ................................ 13
2. Global city formation in East-Asia ................. 15
2.1. What happened in Seoul and what can be learnt from its success? ............. 16
2.2. Application of global city theory in East-Asian context ................................ 18
2.3. Examining the Chinese context ............... 20
2.3.1.How and why do some Chinese global cities stand out among regional
centres? ..... 21
2.3.2.Outlook on the social aspects of Chinese transition ..................................... 26
3. Shanghai’s global citiness ............................... 27
3.1. Fundaments and economic structure of the re-designed Shanghai ................. 27
3.2. Comparative advantages of the city ......... 29
3.2.1.Implications of city development plans ...................30
3.2.2.A main financial centre of an opening economy ............................................. 32
3.3. Global citiness and the Shanghai Stock Exchange .........33
3.3.1.Trading difficulties and challenges ahead ...............38
3.3.2.Controversy of the policies: internationalization of renminbi ......................... 41
3.3.3.Adaptation challenges in the post-crisis era ............44
3.3.4.Summary ........................................... 44
4. Globalization and economic freedom within Shanghai’s Pilot Free Trade Zone .... 46
4.1.1.Conflicts of interests between Shanghai and the state ................................... 50
4.1.2.Outlook and Summary ...................... 51
4.2. Limitations of SPFTZ and its research ...........................53
4.3. Other remarks on Shanghai’s transition to a global city..................................... 54
4.3.1.Changing mindset with educational and technological catch-up .................... 54
4.3.2.Entrepreneurship beyond SPFTZ ..........................56
5. Conclusions .............59
Appendix .......................62
Abbreviations ..........62
List of figures and tables ............. 63
Bibliography .................64
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