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研究生(外文):Lu, Chien Hsun
論文名稱(外文):The effect of monetary policy and different types of investors sentiment on TAIEX futures index returns
外文關鍵詞:Monetary policyFuture index returnsSentimentTrading volume
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The paper analyzes the relationship between actual, unexpected and unexpected tight and easy monetary policy and TAIEX futures index returns at first and attempt to know whether there are asymmetric reactions. It makes a further effort to examine the correlation between monetary policy decisions and the returns when different types of investors’ sentiments are high.
The results show that the coefficients of actual or unexpected monetary policies are not statistically significant. However, the unexpected easy M2 monetary policy has significant and positive influence on the returns. Besides, when dividing the data into different regimes, we can discover the asymmetric reactions that actual and unexpected rediscount rate has significant and positive influence in bull market, and unexpected tight and easy monetary policy rediscount rate is more effective in bear market, indicating that there are asymmetric reactions in different regimes.
On whether there are different influences of the monetary policy decisions for each of the investors in high sentiment, it turns out that the actual, unexpected and unexpected tight and easy monetary policy decisions greatly affect the returns when investors’ sentiment are high, especially the overnight rate. Moreover, when data is divided into different regimes, in the actual, unexpected and unexpected tight and easy monetary policy, the relationship between monetary policies and rate of return are significant when each of the investors in high sentiment in different regimes.

1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation of the study 1
1.2 Objective of the study 4
1.3 Chapter outlines 6
2. Literature review 7
2.1 Empirical evidence on the efficiency of monetary policy 7
2.2 The asymmetric effect of monetary policy actions. 8
2.3 The asymmetric effect of monetary policy actions in different regimes. 10
2.4 Empirical evidence about the impact of trading volumes on the market returns relation. 11
2.5 The relationship between monetary policy, market returns and the investor sentiment. 12
2.6 The relationship between the equity index and equity index futures. 13
3. Data and Methodology 14
3.1 Data Description 14
3.1.1 Sample variable 14
3.1.2 Market regimes 15
3.1.3 Investor sentiment measures 16
3.2 Research Methodology 17
3.2.1 Unit root rest 17
3.2.2 Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Model 18
3.3 Hypotheses Development 20
4. Empirical Results 22
4.1 Unit root test 22
4.2 Effect of actual monetary policy decisions on TAIEX futures index returns. 22
4.3 Effect of the actual monetary policy decisions on TAIEX futures index returns in different market regimes. 24
4.4 Effect of unexpected monetary policy decisions on TAIEX futures index returns. 25
4.5 Effect of the unexpected monetary policy decisions on TAIEX futures index returns in different market regimes. 26
4.6 Effect of the unexpected tight and easy monetary policy decisions on TAIEX futures index returns. 27
4.7 Effect of the unexpected tight and easy monetary policy decisions on TAIEX futures index returns in different market regimes. 29
4.8 Effect of investor sentiment and the actual monetary policy on TAIEX futures index returns. 30
4.9 Effect of investor sentiment and the actual monetary policy on TAIEX futures index returns in different regimes. 36
4.10 Effect of investor sentiment and the unexpected monetary policy on TAIEX futures index returns. 42
4.11 Effect of investor sentiment and the unexpected monetary policy on TAIEX futures index returns in different regimes. 48
4.12 Effect of investor sentiment and the unexpected tight and easy monetary policy on TAIEX futures index returns. 53
4.13 Effect of investor sentiment and the unexpected tight and easy monetary policy on TAIEX futures index returns in different regimes. 62
4.14 Summary statistics of empirical result 65
5. Summary and conclusion 68
6. References 71
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