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研究生(外文):Chuang, Pin Shan
論文名稱(外文):Minimax Play in Tennis Revisited : How Serving and Returning Abilities Affect Players’ Strategic Behavior
指導教授(外文):Chang, Yuan Chen
外文關鍵詞:Game TheoryMinimaxEmpirical research of tennis
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這篇論文參考Walker and Wooders (2001)的網球發球模型,並且使用較完整的網路社群記錄的網球比賽資料庫,檢驗網球選手的發球決策是否符合賽局理論中的混合策略理論預測的行為模式。Walker and Wooders (2001)提到要檢視混合策略是否成立,必須通過兩個假設檢定。第一個是無論發球的方向為何,發球的勝率均相等。第二個是發球的方向必須符合序列不相關。
Using the tennis serving model introduced by Walker and Wooders (2001) and a more comprehensive database obtained from a tennis charting program, we test whether professional tennis players behave according to the predictions of the mixed strategy. We test two predictions from Walker and Wooders (2001) model: the hypothesis for equality of winning probability and serial independence. We improve the method of recording each point in matches and use the rank (serving rank and returning rank) from ATP leaderboards to separate our data to four subsets. We hypothesize that rivalry combination may have impact on the strategic behavior of players. Our empirical result shows that players don’t play mixed strategy in the top-ranking server vs. top-ranking receiver subset, while players conform to what theory suggests for the other subsets. On the other hand, run-test results show that poor servers tend to switch serving directions too often, probably to defend their weakness by creating more uncertainties in serves. However, good servers do not have this tendency because of their high serving quality.
1. Introduction...... 6
2. Literature Review...... 9
3. Theory and Model...... 15
4. Data and Methodology...... 20
4.1 Sample Selection...... 23
4.2 Methodology...... 25
4.2.1 Testing the Theory...... 25
4.2.2 Different Method to Record Each Point from Previous Papers...... 25
5. Empirical Result...... 27
5.1 Testing for Equality of Winning Probabilities......27
5.2 Testing for Serial Independence...... 29
6. Conclusion...... 30
Table A - Points recorded through Charting Match Project......32
Table B - Player’s handedness and rank on ATP leaderboards......33
Table C - Summary of empirical results...... 36
Table 1 - Testing for Equality of Winning Probability-Group 1 ......37
Table 2 - Testing for Equality of Winning Probability-Group 2......40
Table 3 - Testing for Equality of Winning Probability-Group 3......42
Table 4 - Testing for Equality of Winning Probability-Group 4......46
Table 5 - Testing for Serial Independence-Group 1....48
Table 6 - Testing for Serial Independence-Group 2......50
Table 7 - Testing for Serial Independence-Group 3......52
Table 8 - Testing for Serial Independence-Group 4......54
Reference...... 56
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