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研究生(外文):Liu, Ting Shen
論文名稱(外文):A two-phase network coding design for mobile time-valued group-message dissemination
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Tzu Chieh
外文關鍵詞:Chat AppIntermittently Connected NetworksBroadcastNetwork CodingNCCU Trace DataOpportunistic Mobile Social Network
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Nowadays, the advancement of wireless communication technology has allowed people to use smart phones to communicate with each other more easily via 3G/4G, Wi-Fi, etc. One kind of popular mobile Apps is “chat” App. Most chat Apps rely on the Internet to exchange the messages. However, the bandwidth of network is limited in some circumstances. When users stay in the crowded environment, they will face the resource depletion problem. Besides, some people may not subscribe to any cellular network access, e.g. in roaming scenarios.

Therefore, we want to develop a novel mobile Chat APP in intermittently connected networks. We utilize the characteristic of the wireless broadcast transmission. However, it may cause the broadcast storm problem without careful design. How to increase the efficiency of message delivery in such intermittently connected networks is our research goal. To achieve this, technical issues in our research involve message priority, multi-chatroom, deadline and transmission efficiency.

We proposed a two-phase network coding design for message dissemination to enable the multi-hop instant messaging in Opportunistic Mobile Social Networks. The network coding phase can increase the bandwidth utility and transmission efficiency. Moreover, it can improve transmission robustness and adaptability. The warm up phase can increase the decoding probability of coded packets. Finally, we evaluated our approach with real trace data from NCCU. The results showed that our approach is effective and superior to the flooding based routing protocol and the pure network coding technique.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background & Motivation 1
1.2 Goal 2
1.3 Opportunistic Mobile Social Network 3
1.4 Network Coding 4
CHAPTER 2 Related work 6
2.1 Social Trace Data 6
2.1.1 Reality Mining: MIT 6
2.1.2 Cambridge 7
2.1.3 INFOCOM 8
2.1.4 UPB Trace 8
2.1.5 NCCU 9
2.2 Flooding-based routing protocol 9
2.2.1 Direct Delivery Routing Protocol 9
2.2.2 Epidemic Routing protocol 10
2.2.3 Spray and wait routing protocol 10
2.3 Network coding technique in the network 11
2.3.1 Delay-tolerant networks and network coding 11
2.3.2 Broadcasting with hard deadlines in wireless multi-hop networks 11
2.3.3 Deadline-aware Broadcasting in Wireless Networks 12
CHAPTER 3 NCCU Trace Data 13
3.1 The composition of trace data 14
3.1.1 Participant 14
3.1.2 Interest Relation 14
3.1.3 Trace Data 15
CHAPTER 4 A Two-Phase Network Coding Design for Mobile Time-valued Group-message Dissemination 16
4.1 Environment Definition 16
4.2 Time Value 18
4.3 Warm Up phase 22
4.4 Network Coding Phase 22
4.5 2-Phase: Dynamic Threshold 23
4.6 Activity Ratio (AR) 25
4.7 Meta-data 26
4.8 Buffer management 28
4.9 Routing Strategy 29
4.9.1 Exchange Meta-data 29
4.9.2 Generate Message Candidate Set (CS) 30
4.9.3 Message Forwarding Sequence 33
4.9.4 Update Meta-data 36
Chapter 5 Simulation setting 37
5.1 Simulation environment 37
5.2 Simulation Setting 38
5.3 Simulation results 40
5.3.1 Delivery ratio 41
5.3.2 Delay time 42
5.3.3 Time value 43
5.3.4 Overhead ratio 44
5.4 Insight Analysis 45
5.4.1 Delivery Ratio 45
5.4.2 Dynamic 2-phase Optimization 47
5.4.3 Other method 49
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work 50
Reference 51
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