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研究生(外文):Chen, Chia-Chi
論文名稱:中文分類詞與量詞之數學意涵 : 心理語言學的實證
論文名稱(外文):A Mathematical Interpretation of Chinese Classifiers and Measure Words: Evidence from Psychological Experiments
指導教授(外文):Her, One-Soon
口試委員(外文):Tsao, Feng-FuYen, Nai-Shin
外文關鍵詞:ClassifiersMeasure wordsPriming effect
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中文為一分類詞語言,其中包含了分類詞與量詞。分類詞與量詞 [數詞+ 分類詞/量詞+ 名詞]中佔據相同的位置,在句法上屬於同一個類別,但在語意的結構上分歧(何萬順, 2012b);但是,前人的研究對於分類詞與量詞的界定標準卻不清楚,便造成了中文的分類詞的數量可以有數十到數百個之間的差異;何萬順(2012a)自數學的觀點,提出了在名詞的結構中,數詞和分類詞及量詞形成了乘數與被乘數的關係,而分類詞與量詞則扮演了被乘數的腳色;此外,分類詞的數值則必然是「1」,而量詞的數值則可為任何數值,且不一定為「1」。因此,本文將援用何萬順(2012a)之理論,以心理語言學的方式鑑別中文的分類詞與量詞在數值上的區分實益。本文將測試分類詞與MW1之間的差異已證實對中文為母語者而言,分類詞與量詞確實存在著數值上的差異,且由於此數值上的差異,將導致受試者在反應速度上亦呈現差異性。
Chinese is a classifier language which requires classifiers and measure words to quantify nouns. Classifiers and measure words converge at syntactic level that they both occupy the same position in [Num+ C/M+ Noun] and belong to the same category, but they diverge semantically (Her, 2012b). However, previous studies did not provide a clear criterion to differentiate classifiers from measure words; as a result, the inventory of classifiers could range from several dozens to hundreds. Her(2012a) proposed that numerals and C/Ms formed as multiplicative relation from mathematical perspective; moreover, the mathematical value of classifier is necessarily ‘one’ while measure word is anything other than ‘one’. Therefore, the present study is based on Her’s theory and examines the mathematical interpretation of classifiers and measure words. The experiment will be conducted in the present study to examine the difference between C and MW1. We hypothesize that the mathematical difference exists between C and MW1 to Chinese native speakers and they will react to stimuli differently according to the value denoted by C or MW1.
第一章 緒論..........................1
第二章 文獻回顧........................5
第一節 名詞可數/不可數..................6
第二節 中文分類詞與量詞之語義區別.............9
第三節 中文分類詞與量詞之句法區別..............19
二、「的」插入檢驗法 (de-insertion)...........23
三、中性分類詞「個」替換檢驗法(general ge-substitution).26
第四節 中文分類詞和量詞的數學意涵..............27
第五節 心理語言學對中文分類詞及量詞的研究..........23
第三章 實驗方法.......................36
第一節 實驗前測.......................37
第二節 正式實驗.......................44
第四章 實驗結果與分析....................51
第一節 分類詞與M1之實驗結果.................51
第二節 討論.........................56
第五章 結論.........................60
第一節 結語.........................60
第二節 心得.........................63
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