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研究生(外文):Al Haris Noman
論文名稱(外文):India's Image among English Speaking Taiwanese University Students
指導教授(外文):Wang, Sumei
外文關鍵詞:ImageImaginationBollywoodMediated cultural interactionRepresentationTextbooks
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I would first like to thank my thesis advisor Dr. Sumei Wang. Dr. Wang’s office has been always accessible. I could always go to her whenever I needed help in regard to my research or writing. She has allowed me to pursue my research interest, and has guided me back on track whenever I lost track of my work. It is through her support, when I ran into personal problems and was finding it difficult to carry on with my research, that my research endeavor has been successful. She has been a constant source of inspiration and strength.
I would also like to thank the experts, who were committee members for this thesis, Dr. Tingyu Kang and Dr. Eva Tsai. Their critical and encouraging comments have been helpful in carrying out this research.
I must not fail to acknowledge the contribution of students of the International Masters in International Communication Studies (IMICS) and other Taiwanese students who participated in my focus group discussions. They took time from their busy schedules to participate in them.
I must express my profound gratitude to my parents and to my friends for providing me with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout my study and research. This thesis would not have been possible without them.
Finally, I would like to thank the Government of Taiwan, Taiwan’s Embassy in India and the Taiwan Education Center in JMI University, New Delhi. They provided the Ministry of Education (MOE) scholarship, which allowed me to undertake this master’s degree and research.

I’m here, under the blue sky of Taiwan, but I feel India so close to my heart. It’s a matter of pride to tell my friends about India. Describing the beauty and incredibleness of my country to my friends here gives me immense pleasure.
1. Introduction 1
1.1 India through the eyes of my Taiwanese friends and classmates 2
1.2 Motivation 5
2. Literature review 6
2.1 Definition of Image 6
2.2 Country image 7
2.3 Categories of definition 9
2.4 National identity and National stereotype 9
2.5 Theories on representation 10
2.6 Approaches to the study of representation and meaning production 12
2.7 Impact of globalization on the study of media representation 14
2.8 Movies: Imagination and representation 17
2.9 Media representation(s): The case of Bollywood 18
2.10 Mediated (?) identities cultural interaction 21
2.11 Conclusion 22
3. Methodology 24
3.1 Research design 28
3.2 Data collection process 29
3.3 “The Lunchbox” 30
3.4 The mood of the field 33
3.5 Data Sources 33
4. India through the lens of Bollywood; Pilot FGD and its results 34
4.1 Introduction of FGDs; second and third 39
4.2 Population, poverty and the slums 41
4.3 Question of modernity, health hygiene, security 48
4.4 Indian Food 52
4.5 Gender relations and family life in India 60
4.6 Tradition, religion and the caste system 64

5. Conclusion 74
5.1 Reflection 78
5.2 Limitation 79
5.3 Contribution 79
5.4 Future course of further research 80
References 82
Appendices 87
Appendix 1: Background information on focus group members 87
Appendix 2: Focus Group Questions 90
Appendix 3: Public screening of movie “The Lunchbox” in Taipei Public Library 92
Appendix 4: Henna/Mehndi and Forehead markings: Bindi and Tilak 93
Appendix 5: India in three Words: Tag cloud 94
Appendix 6: Articles from textbooks in Taiwanese high schools 96
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