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研究生(外文):Kuo-Ho Chen
論文名稱(外文):Feasibility Assessment of Substituting Stainless Steel with Aluminum Alloy for Hydraulic Gate
中文關鍵詞:鋁合金5083水工閘門不銹鋼SUS 304L
外文關鍵詞:aluminum alloy5083hydraulic gatestainless steel SUS 304L
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本論文是藉由5083鋁合金及SUS 304L不銹鋼二種材料多項特性的比較,評估5083鋁合金替代作SUS 304L不銹鋼為水工閘門材料之可行性。並利用PLAXIS 3D Foundation有限元素分析程式探討常用5組水工閘門規格與8種不同設計水頭,共計40個組合案例,於符合容許應力與彎曲變形之設計要求下,比較二種不同材料之閘門所需材料重量及工程經費。經由研析成果得知5083鋁合金閘門所需材料重量為SUS 304L不銹鋼閘門之37.6%~45.9%,因為使用5083鋁合金較輕之原因,使得其建造成本為SUS 304L不銹鋼閘門之49.5%~60.4%,操作營運成本也比SUS 304L不銹鋼閘門減少18%,由於5083鋁合金材料具良好之焊接性、適切強度、海水高抗腐蝕性等因此適合作為水工閘門之構件,進而替代SUS 304L不銹鋼材料作為水工閘門之使用。
In recent decades, global warming induced climate change has caused extreme flood events and associated human casualties and economy losses exhibit in a rapid upward trend. Hence hydro-projects such as drainage and flood control; have become essential. The controlled pivots of those hydraulic facilities are the gate equipments. The majority of the current hydraulic gates are made by either carbon steel or stainless steel. There are other special gates such as rubber dams with industrial synthetic rubber. The weakness of three existing hydraulic gates includes heavy weight; worse corrosion resistance, poor abrasion resistance and high cost while the last is even more serious. The heavy weight causes more difficulties in operation, maintenance and emergency handling, thus resulting in multiple disasters. Therefore the study to explore the hydraulic gate with suitable materials to reduce the weight of hydraulic gate and assure safe structural strength is a worthwhile topic.
In this paper, the feasibility of aluminum alloy 5083 as a substitute for currently used stainless steel SUS 304L on hydraulic gate is evaluated through the characteristic comparison between these two materials for hydraulic gates. Forty common cases of hydraulic gates including five sets of dimensions and eight different water heads were illustrated and analyzed using the finite element program PLAXIS 3D Foundation with the required allowable stress and flexural deformation. It shows the amount of weight for the hydraulic gates with aluminum alloy 5083 is in the range of 37.6%~45.9 % that of stainless steel SUS 304L. The main advantage in light weight using aluminum alloy 5083 brings about that the construction cost of hydraulic gates is about 49.5%~60.4% that of stainless steel SUS 304L and the operation cost can be reduced at least by 18%. Futhermore, the aluminum alloy 5083 with good welding, moderate strength and high resistance to marine corrosion is supposed to be suitable as the structural members of hydraulic gates and may become the better alternative material to replace the commonly used stainless steel SUS 304L.
中文摘要 i
目錄 iii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
照片目錄 viii
符號說明 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 研究方法 3
1.4 研究內容 5
1.5 預期成果 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1 閘門種類 8
2.2 閘門結構 22
2.3 水工閘門材料 24
2.4 閘門結構分析模式之探討 28
2.5 台灣水工閘門之近期演變 33
第三章 研究分析方法 35
3.1 閘門材料選擇之考慮因素 35
3.2 PLAXIS 3D Foundation有限元素分析程式 40
第四章 適用性鋁合金材料之探討 43
4.1 鋁合金材料 43
4.2 鋁合金系列之選擇及評估 45
4.3 鋁合金系列適用水工閘門之優選評估 49
4.4 5083鋁合金水工閘門應用之關鍵問題探討 51
第五章 鋁合金與不銹鋼閘門材料之比較 55
5.1 材料特性之影響因子比較 55
5.2 材料使用數量比較 58
5.2.1 閘門結構配置 58
5.2.2 應力與撓度比分析 60
5.2.3 材料數量比較 74
5.3 二種閘門經濟性比較 78
5.3.1 初建成本 78
5.3.2 營運成本 79
5.4 節能減碳效果 79
第六章 結論與建議 81
6.1 結論 81
6.2 建議事項 83
參考文獻 84
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