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研究生(外文):Sung-Shuo Shih
論文名稱(外文):Mineralization Reaction of Bacteria in Cement Materials
中文關鍵詞:微生物Bacillus pasteurii微生物誘導碳酸鈣沉積(MICP)水灰比水泥砂漿強度
外文關鍵詞:Bacillus pasteuriimicrobial induced calcium precipitation (MICP)water-cement ratiocement mortar strength
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混凝土材料的利用在台灣是十分普遍,但因混凝土材料本身水化作用過程中產生的孔隙和微小裂縫或因施工不當所造成裂縫,將使得混凝土耐久性降低。本文利用自然界存在的微生物Bacillus pasteurii自身代謝作用所產生的微生物誘導碳酸鈣沉積(microbial induce calcium participation,MICP),在水化作用的過程中由混凝土內部自行填補孔隙及裂縫,以增加混凝土強度進而提高耐久性之可行性探討。
本研究主要想了解水化作用中微生物MICP的成效,以水泥砂漿在0.3、0.4、0.5、0.6不同水灰比下分別設計不同水泥砂漿配比,在其中添加微生物Bacillus pasteurii、尿素及不同劑量的硝酸鈣,並分別取得3天、7天、14天、28天的水泥砂漿抗壓強度比較之,研究結果顯示,除了水灰比0.3組水泥砂漿強度明顯提升外,其餘組別並無強度明顯提升情形,另外添加額外硝酸鈣作為鈣源時,並無提升效益,反而因為添加量過多時有造成強度降低之情形,由以上實驗可知微生物Bacillus pasteurii基本是可以提升水泥砂漿的強度,但會因為的配比差異性,而無法發揮其效益。
Cement-based materials are prevalently used in Taiwan. However, voids and micro-cracks generated during hydration of concrete and cracks caused by poor construction quality may all reduce the durability of concrete. This study used the microbial induced calcium precipitation (MICP) generated from metabolism of a microorganism, Bacillus pasteurii, to drive concrete’s self-sealing and healing of voids and cracks during hydration, as a means to increase the strength and durability of the concrete.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Bacillus pasteurii on concrete hydration. In the experiment, coarse aggregates in the concrete were filtered out. Cement mortar samples with varied water-cement ratios, including 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6, were prepared and added with Bacillus pasteurii, urea, and varied volumes of calcium nitrite. The compressive strength of each cement mortar sample was measured on Day 3, Day 7, Day 14, and Day 28. Results indicated that no significant improvement in compressive strength was found in all the samples, except the sample prepared with a 0.3 water-cement ratio. Besides, for samples additionally added with calcium nitrite as a source of calcium, the addition did not lead to higher strength, and an excessive amount of calcium nitrite would contrarily result in lower strength. The experimental results confirmed that basically, Bacillus pasteurii can promote the strength of cement mortar, but its effect varies by water-cement ratio.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目次 iv
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
照片目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機及目的 3
1.3研究內容及方法 4
1.4研究流程圖 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1卜特蘭水泥 6
2.1.1卜特蘭水泥之製造與組成 6
2.1.2卜特蘭水泥之水化反應與產物 6
2.2卜作嵐材料 8
2.2.1卜作嵐材料之定義與分類 8
2.2.2飛灰 8
2.2.3爐石 9
2.3混凝土仿生礦化(Concrete Biomimetic mineralization) 10
2.3.1仿生礦化定義及介紹 10
2.3.2混凝土仿生礦化 11
2.3.3碳酸鈣 11
2.4微生物誘導碳酸鈣結晶(microbial induce carbonate precipitation) 12
2.5微生物Bacillus pasteurii菌 12
2.6微生物應用水泥基材料的修復 13
2.7微生物作用之機理 14
2.8外界條件對微生物沉積碳酸鈣的影響 15
2.8.1pH值的影響 15
2.8.2環境溫度的影響 16
2.8.3細胞濃度的影響 17
2.9微生物性誘導碳酸鈣沉澱之應用 18
2.9.1降低材料之滲透性 18
2.9.2混凝土裂縫之修補 18
2.9.3砂柱之膠結 19
第三章 試驗規劃 34
3.1試驗目的 34
3.2試驗材料的與基本性質 34
3.3試驗設備及儀器 35
3.4生物水泥砂漿的配比設計 35
3.5微生物水泥砂漿的試體製作 35
第四章 結果與討論 45
4.1微生物水泥砂漿抗壓強度 45
4.2水灰比0.3抗壓強度 45
4.3水灰比0.4抗壓強度 47
4.3水灰比0.5及0.6抗壓強度分析 48
第五章 結論與建議 54
5.1結論 54
5.1建議 55
參考文獻 56
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