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研究生(外文):Ying-Min Wang
論文名稱(外文):Swelling Characteristics and Leachates of Asphalt Concrete Using the Basic Oxygen Furnace Slags
外文關鍵詞:Basic Oxygen Furnace SlagsSwelling CharacteristicsLeachates
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轉爐石Basic Oxygen Furnace Slag簡稱BOF係為煉鋼副產品在冶煉鋼鐵一貫作業中將鐵水、副料及廢鋼加入轉爐後以純氧吹煉而產出鋼液及熱熔碴,其中經冷卻之熱熔碴稱為轉爐石Basic Oxygen Furnace slag, BOF slag。
轉爐石因屬煉鋼爐石steel slag之一,具有耐磨、高硬及高抗滑之特性,且粒料特性相當適合應用於鋪面工程,因煉鋼溶渣倒出時無法完全與鋼液分離乾淨,導致轉爐石中常含有過量的石灰以確保去除鋼液中的鐵質、雜質,因轉爐石成份中含有大量游離石灰造成轉爐石具有吸水膨脹特性,再者,中國鋼鐵公司為國內轉爐石的唯一產生來源,每年約有120-130萬公噸之副產品,故此轉爐石中含有大量重金屬成分,故本次研究討論擬將轉爐石材料(3分及6分料)及裹膠泥分別做14天溶出試驗,後續將實驗結果比對國內TCLP標準是否合乎試驗規定﹔同時,並將轉爐石以回夯試驗浸泡16天來觀察不同粒徑膨脹性。
Converter steel is known as BOF Steelmaking is a by-product of iron and steel smelting. Iron and steel smelting has been used in pure oxygen blowing and molten steel and hot melt production, the molten iron, scrap and scrap to the converter ballast, which is called by cooling For the converter bar of alkaline oxygen slag, BOF slag.
Converter stone due to steelmaking slag steel slag 1, with wear resistance, high hardness and high slip resistance characteristics, and the characteristics of the pellets is quite suitable for paving works, due to steel slag pouring can not be completely separated from the molten steel clean , Resulting in converter stone often contain excessive lime to ensure that the removal of molten steel in the iron, impurities, because the converter stone composition contains a large number of free lime caused by converter rock with water swelling characteristics, Moreover, the Chinese steel company for the domestic converter stone only Production of sources, each year about 120-130 million metric tons of by-products, so the converter stone contains a large number of heavy metal components, so this study to discuss the converter stone materials (3 points and 6 materials) and wrapped clay were 14 days dissolution test , Followed by the experimental results than the domestic TCLP standards are in line with the test requirements; the same time, and the converter stone to tumbling test soak for 16 days to observe the different diameter expansion.
In recent years, many domestic and foreign experts and scholars to study the converter stone added to the asphalt concrete, as a road surface layer, the follow-up by many test results and the results confirmed that the converter stone asphalt concrete is indeed feasible, and according to Domestic and foreign applications of asphalt concrete pavement technology has been quite mature, because the asphalt clay itself is waterproof and completely wrapped in converter stone characteristics, can prevent moisture and its contact and thus inhibit the volume expansion, heavy metal dissolution, and the converter stone asphalt concrete Pavement is stable and highly promising.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2動機與目的 5
1.3研究方法 7
第二章 文獻回顧 10
2.1轉爐石特性 10
2.1.1轉爐石之化性 10
2.1.2轉爐石之物性 11
2.2轉爐石瀝青混凝土工程性質 12
2.3轉爐石化學成份 12
2.3.1轉爐石化學成份之含量 15
2.4爐石安定化 15
2.4.1普通安定化法 16
2.4.1加速安定化法(爐碴各種穩定處理法陸續地被發表) 17
2.5轉爐石之膨脹特性 19
2.5.1轉爐石膨脹因子 20
2.6國內與國外轉爐石的出產與應用 23
2.6.1國內的轉爐石 23
2.6.2國外的轉爐石 24
第三章 轉爐石溶出及膨脹特性試驗方式 28
3.1轉爐石重金屬溶出檢測 28
3.1.1試驗依本國環保署溶出毒性事業廢棄物之實驗 30
3.1.2美國 MTCLP測試 31
3.1.3荷蘭BMD 溶出試驗 31
3.2轉爐石之長期穩定性分析 35
3.2.1桶槽溶出試驗 38
3.2.2管柱溶出試驗 39
3.3百年環境釋入量 40
3.4轉爐石之回脹試驗方法-室內夯實試驗 44
第四章 轉爐石之基本溶出及膨脹性試驗結果 50
4.1浸泡14天轉爐石溶出重金屬(TCLP)結果 50
4.2轉爐石之回脹試驗結果 53
4.2.1室內常溫回脹試驗 53
4.2.2室內回脹並以80±3℃養護試驗 56
第五章 結論與建議 57
5.1結論 57
5.2建議 59
參考文獻 60
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