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研究生(外文):Shao-Pu Chang
論文名稱(外文):Rutting Resistance of Asphalt Concrete Pavement with the Basic Oxygen Furnance Slag of Different Grain Sizes
外文關鍵詞:Asphalt ConcreteBasic Oxygen Furnance SlagDifferent Grain SizesRutting Resistance
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In Taiwan,the variation of urban and rural developmentand population clusterto the city cause the roads used with highly loading bearing capacityso it has tomaintain frequently for the past few years.This study uses the physical property of the Basic Oxygen Furnace Slagdesigns of mix proportion with its different grain sizes instead of part ofnatural gradation and analyses the differences and results for rutting resistance through the test data.
First of all, itconduct two sets design of mix proportionwith 19mm nominal maximum size added by 43% of basic oxygen furnace slag of different grain sizes. Determining the curve of combined gradation of aggregate throughaggregatesieve analysis,specific gravity, water absorption , physical properties tests before the design of mix proportion .Moreover , itdecidedthe porosity and optimum oil content then checked the stability,the porosity between aggregate and asphalt filling rate in accordance with ASTM. Finally, conducting the retained strength and wheel-tracking tests analyzed the differences of data. In conclusion, itevaluated the influence for rutting resistance of dense grade asphalt concrete pavement with the basic oxygen furnace slag of different grain sizes.
The results showed the total settlement of asphalt concrete , dynamic stability and deformation after adding the basic oxygen furnace have a betterbehavior. Using the AC3 and AC6 basic oxygen furnace (hereinafter to be referred as AC3 an AC6) instead of the natural gradation in the same grain size, the AC6 is better. It may be the reasonthe shape and rigidity of it blend into the asphalt concrete has higher ability of resistance deformation than the same grain sizes of the natural gradation. It suggests that it can use the AC6 with AC3 to enhance the ability of rutting resistance on the highly loading bearing capacity roads.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
1 第一章緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景 1
1.2. 研究動機 1
1.3. 研究目的 2
1.4. 研究範圍與架構 2
2 第二章文獻回顧 4
2.1. 轉爐石基本介紹 4
2.1.1. 來源與製程 4
2.1.2. 轉爐石組成與特性 5
2.2. 轉爐石的安定化處理 10
2.3. 轉爐石瀝青混凝土 12
2.3.1. 轉爐石瀝青混凝土工程性質 12
2.3.2. 轉爐石瀝青混凝土配合設計 13
2.3.3. 轉爐石瀝青混凝土之應用實例及效益 17
2.3.4. 轉爐石瀝青混凝土之產製、運輸、施工及品質管理 18
3 第三章研究計畫與試驗方法 20
3.1. 研究流程 20
3.2. 試驗材料 22
3.2.1. 粒料 22
3.2.2. 瀝青膠泥 22
3.2.3. 礦物填充料 22
3.3. 粒料基本物性試驗 22
3.3.1. 篩分析試驗 22
3.3.2. 粗、細粒料及填充料比重及吸水率試驗 23
3.3.3. 粗粒料洛杉磯磨損率 23
3.3.4. 含砂當量 23
3.3.5. 粒料扁平率 24
3.3.6. 破碎面 24
3.3.7. 健性試驗 24
3.4. 瀝青基本物性試驗 27
3.4.1. 瀝青膠泥比重 27
3.4.2. 瀝青膠泥黏滯度 28
3.5. 轉爐石瀝青混凝土配合設計 29
3.5.1. 配合設計步驟 30
3.6. 車轍輪跡試驗 40
3.6.1. 試體製作 41
3.6.2. 進行車轍輪跡試驗方法 41
3.7. 滯留強度試驗 43
3.8. 馬歇爾試體粒料水平及垂直面分佈情形 45
4 第四章試驗結果與分析 47
4.1. 車轍輪跡試驗結果與分析 47
4.1.1. 車轍輪跡試驗試體 47
4.1.2. 車轍輪跡試驗結果 50
4.1.3. 車轍輪跡試驗結果分析 59
4.2. 滯留強度試驗結果與分析 60
4.2.1. 滯留強度試驗結果 60
5 第五章結論與建議 61
5.1. 結論 61
5.2. 建議 62
6 參考文獻 64
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