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研究生(外文):Bayarmaa Narmandakh
論文名稱(外文):Thermal Comfort Enhancement & Energy Saving Using Double Skin Façade - A study case of Mongolian music and dance college
指導教授(外文):Ming-Der Yang
口試委員(外文):Jen-Yu HanTung-Ching Su
外文關鍵詞:double skin façadeenergy savinggreen buildingindoor thermal comfortBIM energy analysis
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在蒙古,冬天的溫度會低至零下30度,因此如何有效增進室內適溫及預防熱散失是一個重要的議題。本研究以蒙古舞蹈及音樂學院為例,使用雙層玻璃幃幕系統(Double Skin Facade)來做能量模擬,並比較使用Double skin façade與沒有使用能量散失的表現。最後一章節討論了節能系統的比較,能量消耗及花費,並以此分析幫助使用者決策。而蒙古舞蹈及音樂學院在以Double skin façade 模擬後在能源效率及能源永續上面都有可觀的進步。在本研究結果中可得知,Double skin façade可有效降低22.6%的建築物熱負荷。所以根據實驗結果可瞭解Double skin façade 是一個可行的方法來減少能源散失,並對寒帶氣候的建物帶來更有效率的能源利用。而Double skin façade 更可以對建物的永久性及經濟效率及帶來長遠的利益。
During the winter in Mongolia, temperature will drop down to minus 30 degrees; thus, how to effectively enhance thermal comfort and prevent heat lose in a building is an important issue. This paper presents a case study of Energy simulation using Building information modeling (BIM) method on an academic building and using Double skin facade system to simulate and compare building energy simulation performance. Final Section discusses various technical and cost challenges associated with energy consumption feedback and using such analysis to support retrofit decision making. For the case study, an academic building at Music and dance college of Mongolia was chosen. There is a tremendous interest within Music and dance college of Mongolia in the area of sustainability and energy efficiency improvements. A BIM model of proposed building was produced, representing accurate building mass and envelope. Accurate representation of building materials such as insulation, concrete and glass used for building envelope is essential for correct calculation of heat losses. In the result, it shows double skin façade has capacity to reduce heat loading of the Mongolia music and dancing college building to 22.6%. According to the result, Double skin façade system is feasible method to reduce energy losing and can contribute direct effectiveness to building in cold climate. Also, double skin façade has a long-term benefit for sustainability and economic situation during the building life.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Building challenges in cold climate condition 1
1.2 Traditional method 1
1.2 Double skin façade system 2
1.2.1 Classifications: 3
1.2.2 The relationship between double skin façade and saving energy in building: 4
1.2.3 Selection of glass: 6
1.2.4 Selection of shading device: 8
1.2.5 Double skin façade system long lasts: 8
1.3 Reason to choose double skin façade system 9
1.3.1 Comparison between Double skin façade system and Traditional method: 9
1.4 Case study – Proposed building introduction 10
2 Literature review 11
2.1 Basic principles of energy simulation 11
2.1.1 Building geometry: 12
2.1.2 Simulation specific parameter: 12
2.1.3 Internal load: 12
2.1.4 HVAC: 12
2.1.5 Weather condition: 13
2.2 Other relevant works 13
2.2.1 Symbiosis of the double skin façade with the HVAC system 13
2.2.2 Cooling and heating loads in residential buildings in Jordan 17
3 Methodology 20
3.1 Inputs 20
3.1.1 Building modeling and parameters: 22
3.1.2 HVAC system: 24
3.1.3 Weather analysis: 25
3.1.4 Wind performance 27
3.2 Simulation specific parameters: 29
3.3 Energy simulation engine: 31
3.4 Outputs 31
4 Results and discussion 32
4.1 Energy analysis of Original building 32
4.1.1 Annual energy analysis 32
4.1.2 Heating and Cooling load calculations 33
4.2 Energy analysis of Double skin façade building 35
4.2.1 Annual energy analysis 35
4.2.2 Heating & Cooling load calculation of Double skin façade building 36
4.3 Comparison of heating and cooling load analysis between original building and double skin façade building 37
4.4 Cost 39
4.4.1 Cost of Double skin façade system 39
4.4.2 Original building maintenance cost without double skin façade system 39
4.5 Discussion 40
4.6 Pros and cons of double skin façade system 41
4.6.1 Advantage of the double skin façade: 41
4.6.2 Disadvantage of the double skin façade: 41
4.7 Double skin façade system - Design capability 42
5 Conclusion 44
6 Reference 46
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