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研究生(外文):Pei-Chen Chang
論文名稱(外文):Feasibility Study on Recycled Fine Aggregate for Substituting the Use of Sand
外文關鍵詞:Asphalt concretefine aggregaterecycled aggregate
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由試驗結果得知:(1).隨著回收料黏滯度增加,其馬歇爾強度也呈現增加趨勢,黏滯度20萬、50萬較10萬之馬歇爾強度提升分別13.2%、24.2%。但在流度值方面,除回收料黏滯度10萬為12.8mm符合規範要求(8-14mm)外,其餘二種黏滯度20萬、50萬回收料,其流度值均超出規範要求。(2).於滯留強度方面,三種不同老化黏滯度之瀝青混凝土都有良好的成效,黏滯度10萬、20萬與50萬回收料其滯留強度指數分別為87.9%、87.5%與89.7%,似乎受黏滯度之影響不大。(3). 在車轍輪跡試驗中,3000回滾壓後,以黏滯度50萬、20萬與10萬回收料試體其車轍深度分別為0.93mm、1.99mm與2.51mm。在動穩定值部分,黏滯度10萬、20萬與50萬回收料分別為5714.3 次/mm 、6060.6 次/mm 與18181.8 次/mm,50萬黏滯度回收料高出10黏滯度有三倍之多,顯示添加黏滯度高的回收料能夠給予較高的強度以抵抗車轍沉陷,但是可能因為黏滯度過高導致耐久性下降,使得路面提早破壞產生裂縫。(4). 在間接張力部分,黏滯度10萬、20萬與50萬回收料於泡水24小時後間接張力強度比值分別為93.9%、94.0%與90.3%,36小時為88.9%、88.8%與81.9%,48小時為85.0%、79.7%與72.5(%),隨著黏滯度增加,間接張力強度比值隨之降低,也就是瀝青混凝土試體因為泡水時間增加,黏滯度愈高之瀝青混凝土受到水侵害的程度也就更加顯著。
The use of recycled asphalt concrete can reduce the construction cost and save the waste of resource. Proper quantity of recycled aggregate added to the asphalt concrete can increase the reuse of recycled asphalt concrete and solve the storage of recycled asphalt concrete and the environmental contamination. The percentage of recycled aggregate is limited 40% in the mixed design by Public Construction Commission. The quality of recycled asphalt concrete is not easily controlled. This research will aim at recycled aggregate of different aging to substitute the new sand in the recycled asphalt concrete to study the relevant engineering behavior and evaluate the suitability in practical pavement engineering.
From the test results, it indicates that (1).the Marshall strength increases with the rising of viscosity. It increases with 13.2% and 24.2% respectively for two hundred thousand and five hundred thousand of viscosity comparing with that of one hundred thousand of viscosity. As for the flow value, it is 12.8mm for one hundred thousand of viscosity and can meet the code requirement (8-14mm). However, they are over the limit for two and five hundred thousand of viscosity. (2).in the retained strength, the good efficiency is found for three aging of viscosity. The indices of retained strength are 87.9%, 87.5% and 89.7% respectively for one, two and five hundred thousand of viscosity. (3).in the rutting test, the rutting depth after 3000 cycles of rolling is 0.93mm, 1.99mm and 2.51mm for five, two and one hundred thousand of viscosity. In the dynamic stability value, they are 5714.3, 6060.6 and 18181.8 cycles/mm for one, two and five hundred thousand of viscosity. The dynamic stability value of five hundred thousand of viscosity is more than three times of one hundred thousand of viscosity. It appears that high strength is found in more aging to resist the rutting settlement. However, the durability will be reduced and come with crack earlier because of high viscosity. (4). in the indirect tensile strength, the strength ratios to non-merging are 93.9%, 94.0% and 90.3% for one, two and five hundred thousand of viscosity after merging into water 24 hours. They are 88.9%, 88.8% and 81.9% after merging into water 36 hours. In 48 hours of merging, they are 85.0%, 79.7% and 72.5%. The ratios of indirect tensile strength decrease with more aging, that is the intrusion of the asphalt concrete with more aging by water is much promising with the time rise merging in the water.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2研究動機 1
1-3研究目的 2
1-4研究範圍與架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1瀝青混凝土之特性 4
2-1-1 瀝青膠泥之基本性質 4
2-1-2 粒料之基本性質 6
2-1-3瀝青混凝土之基本性質 8
2-2國內目前密級配瀝青混凝土相關規範 10
2-3馬歇爾配合設計法 12
2-4 再生瀝青混凝土配合設計 15
2.4.1 再生瀝青混凝土配合設計步驟 16
2-5 瀝青混凝土車轍行為 21
第三章 研究計畫與實驗方法 23
3-1研究流程 23
3-2材料試驗 24
3-2-1粒料 24
3-2-2瀝青膠泥 24
3-3粒料基本物性試驗 25
3-4刨除料黏滯度及含油量 27
3-5瀝青膠泥基本物性試驗 28
3-6密級配瀝青混凝土配合設計 30
3-6-1粒料級配規範 30
3-6-3決定瀝青混凝土之最佳含油量 31
3-7 成效實驗 37
3-7-1 馬歇爾穩定值及流度值試驗 37
3-7-2 滯留強度試驗 38
3-8車轍輪跡試驗 39
3-8-1 製作所需輪跡車轍試驗試體 40
3-8-2 試驗步驟與方法 41
3-9水敏感性試驗 42
3-9-1試驗流程與方法 43
3-9-2 間接張力強度 44
第四章 實驗結果與討論 45
4-1成效試驗結果與分析 45
4-2車轍輪跡試驗之結果分析 49
4-3水敏感性試驗之結果分析 53
5-2建議 60
參考文獻 61
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