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研究生(外文):Jhong-Hao Huang
論文名稱(外文):Feasibility Study on Pulverized Recycled Coarse Aggregate for Substituting the Use of Sand
外文關鍵詞:recycled aggregaterecycled asphalt concrete pavementviscosity
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試驗結果顯示,(1).取代量10%、20%、30%穩定值與流度值相對於未取代之新料,穩定值分別提高4.8%、18.5%及30%,提高取代量可提高穩定值,流度值則則由11.9mm分別提高至12.1 mm、12.8 mm與12.9mm,結果皆符合規範介於8-14mm之要求,但提高取代量會增加瀝青混凝土之變形量。(2).取代量10%、20%及30%時試體的浸水殘餘強度相對於未取代之新料,其折減率分別為91.4%、88.0%及84.5%,顯然取代量達到30%時,再生瀝青混凝土對於水侵害有明顯的強度損失。(3).車轍輪跡試驗滾壓1200回之前,取代量越大其沉陷發展較慢,滾壓1200回後其沉陷量發展越快,於滾壓完成時,新料與取代量10%、20%、30%之沉陷量分別為1.07mm、1.19mm、1.23mm、1.26mm。動態穩定值(DS)分別為3737.49、3360.54、3251.23、3173.79次/mm。由結果可知可知取代量越大其長期抗車轍能力較差。(4).使用回收粗料替代砂之再生瀝青混凝土,取代量20%與30%時,其No.16以下之細粒料已達到或規範或超出上限值,而使用一般粗細刨除料之再生瀝青混凝土,取代量30%時,其粗粒料1/2"及No.8已達規範上限,3/8"則已超出規範。當粒徑超出規範上下限時,將降低再生瀝青混凝土之互鎖行為。
There are densely populated and land limited in Taiwan area. In the condition of heavy traffic density and climate change, the road is worn very rapidly. More recycled aggregates are produced in the process of road rehabilitation. In recent years, the percentage of recycled aggregate is limited 40% by Public Construction Commission according to more year experience of construction. In this severe quality control, the quality of recycled asphalt concrete pavement can be promoted and the resource waste is also effectively reduced.
This research aims at the pulverized coarse aggregate of recycled asphalt concrete to substitute the clean sand in the constituent of new recycled asphalt concrete to study its effect on the engineering behavior. The optimum asphalt contents are based on the Marshall mixed design for different substitution rate (0%, 10%, 20% and 30%) of pulverized coarse aggregate of recycled asphalt concrete replacing the clean sand in new recycled asphalt concrete. The test samples are made with optimum asphalt contents. Then a series of efficiency tests are carried out to analyze further.
From the test results, it indicates that (1). The stability values increase with 4.8%, 18.5% and 30% comparing with that without any substitution for 10%, 20% and 30% substitution rate of pulverized coarse aggregate. The flow values for substitution rate of 10%, 20% and 30% increase up to 12.1 mm, 12.8mm and 12.9mm respectively with 11.9mm without any substitution. Those are all satisfied with the code requirement (8~14mm). However, the deformation will rise for high substitution rate of pulverized coarse aggregate. (2).the residual strength is reduced to 91.4%, 88% and 84.5% when submerged in the water for substitution rate of 10%, 20% and 30% comparing with that without any substitution. Apparently, more strength reduction occurs for high substitution rate comparing with that without any substitution. (3).In the rutting test, the settlement with high substitution rate is relatively small comparing with that without any substitution before 1200 cycles of rolling while it becomes reverse after 1200 cycles. After completion of rolling, the settlements are 1.07mm, 1.19mm, 1.23mm and 1.26mm for new, substitution rate of 10%, 20% and 30% respectively. The dynamic stability values are respectively 3737.49, 3360.54, 3251.23 and 3173.70 cycles/mm. It appears that the resistance to rutting in the long term is relatively inferior for high substitution rate. (4). The new recycled asphalt concrete with substitution rate of 20% and 30% for pulverized coarse aggregate of recycled asphalt concrete, the aggregate finer than #16 sieve is close or over the upper limit. As for new recycled pavement with substitution rate of 30% for general pulverized aggregate of recycled asphalt concrete, the coarse aggregate of 1/2in and #8 sieve is close the upper limit and 3/8in coarse aggregate is over the upper limit. Those over the limit of aggregate component will decrease the interlocked behavior of asphalt concrete.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目的 2
1.4研究範圍與流程 2
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1瀝青混凝土之工程性質 5
2.1.1單位重 5
2.1.2穩定值 6
2.1.3流度值 6
2.1.4空隙率(Va) 6
2.1.5粒料間空隙率(VMA) 7
2.1.6瀝青填充率(VFA) 7
2.2粒料及級配設計 8
2.2.1粒料品質要求 9
2.2.2粒料之聯鎖行為 11
2.2.3粗細粒料對級配影響 13
2.3再生瀝青混凝土 14
2.3.1再生瀝青混凝土粒料 15
2.3.2 RAP黏結料特性 15
2.3.3 RAP的粒料性質 16
2.3.4 RAP的高變異性 16
2.3.5再生瀝青混泥土的黑石頭行為 17
2.3.6 RAP對再生瀝青混凝土之影響 20
2.4黏結理論 22
2.5水侵害產生之機制 23
2.6實驗室車轍輪跡試驗儀 27
第三章 研究計畫 31
3.1研究範圍 31
3.2試驗材料 32
3.2.1粒料與級配 32
3.2.2碾碎刨除砂 33
3.2.3填充料 36
3.2.4瀝青膠泥 36
3.3粒料基本物性試驗 36
3.3.1比重試驗 37
3.3.2粒料扁平率及破碎顆粒試驗 38
3.3.3洛杉磯磨損率試驗 39
3.3.4粒料健度試驗 40
3.3.5含砂當量試驗 41
3.3.6填縫料液性限度及塑性指數 42
3.4瀝青膠泥物性試驗 42
3.4.1黏度試驗 42
3.4.2針入度試驗 42
3.4.3閃火點試驗 43
3.4.4瀝青比重試驗 43
3.5刨除料物性試驗 43
3.6瀝青混凝土試驗 44
3.6.1再生瀝青混凝土配合設計試驗 44
3.6.2穩定值與流度值試驗 50
3.6.3滯留強度試驗 50
3.6.4間接張力試驗 51
3.6.5 Cantabro 磨耗試驗 52
3.6.6車轍輪跡試驗 53
第四章 試驗結果與討論 57
4.1材料物性試驗 57
4.1.1粒料物性試驗 57
4.1.2膠泥物性試驗 59
4.2馬歇爾配合設計分析 60
4.3成效試驗分析 73
4.3.1滯留強度試驗分析 73
4.3.2間接張力試驗分析 75
4.3.3 Cantabro 磨耗試驗分析 78
4.3.4車轍輪跡試驗分析 79
4.4混合料篩分析及黏滯度試驗 81
第五章 結論及建議 90
5.1結論 90
5.2建議 91
參考文獻 92
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12.Abdulshafi, O., Kedzierski, B.and Fitch, M. G., “Determination of Recycled Asphalt (RAP) Content in Asphalt Mixes Based on Expected Mixture Durability, Federal Highway Administration Final Report”, State Job , No.14734, 2002.
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