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研究生(外文):Chih-Chun Huang
論文名稱(外文):Performance Assessment of Bridges with Foundation Exposure under Near-fault seismic Demand
指導教授(外文):Shin-Tai Song
外文關鍵詞:near fault earthquakeseismic performance assessmentsoil-structure interaction
  • 被引用被引用:6
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The research focuses on the issue which was the multiple span bridge which located at the middle and downstream quickly faced flood and earthquake that kind of multiple disasters in Taiwan. The problem came out that the bridge scoured by the riverbed, the foundation of the bridge exposed and then made the stiffness and strength of the foundation decreased. Therefore, when the moment the near-fault ground motion happened, the structure of the bridge bear displacement hugely and faced unpredictable damage in very short time, and also illustrated of the seismic ability of the bridge substantial declined.
The research undertook the seismic strength of bridge which was the situation of the exposed bridge under the near-fault ground motion by using the capacity spectrum approach to analysis the seismic ability of the exposed bride bent in different scour depth. The research analysis by the finite element model, using the soil spring to model the pressure of the pile of the soil, and model the bridge and pile to the two-degree-of-freedom. Next, through the two-degree-of-freedom system to get the strength which gained on the pile cap and cap beam, and then using the ratio of the lateral force for pushover analysis. In different scour depth, the pushover curve should transfer by capacity spectrum approach.
From the research result, the limitation of the seismic ability would define that the bridge reached the damage-control limit or the pile reaches the serviceability limit, and to calculate the performance point to the peak ground acceleration, then by the performance-point ground acceleration to analysis the change of seismic ability. It could conclude that when the near-fault ground motion act on the bridge of exposed foundation, there was not significantly modified the depth of scour. Until the depth over crossed the critical scour depth, as the seismic performance of the pier was controlled by the pile, the performance point peak ground acceleration drop rapidly. The result showed the seismic ability declined significantly.
The research compared the different style of exposed bridge in various ground motion, to explore the influence coefficient of near-fault ground motion by the different depth of scouring, and to understand the different recording will have the different performance-point ground acceleration and the influence coefficient of near-fault ground motion. However, both of the peak ground acceleration of performance point and the influence coefficient of near-fault ground motion would become closer by the developing of scour depth.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 前言 1
第二節 研究動機及目的 1
第三節 論文大綱 2
第二章 文獻回顧及探討 3
第三章 橋墩的有限元素模型 5
第一節 OpenSees軟體介紹 5
第二節 結構建立 5
第三節 鋼筋滑移 7
第四節 結構模型及斷面 8
第五節 土壤 10
第六節 工址及地盤 14
第七節 群樁效應 16
第八節 模型自重放置 17
第四章 側推分析 18
第一節 運動方程式定義 18
第二節 模態頻率及模態參與係數 21
第三節 模態阻尼與側向力分佈 21
第四節 側推比調整 22
第五節 結構分析 24
第六節 性能目標地表加速度 27
第七節 近斷層地震與遠域地震 29
第五章 分析結果 36
第一節 側推分析 36
第二節 近斷層地震與遠域地震的比較 42
第六章 結論與建議 47
參考書目 49
附錄一 51
附錄二 62
附錄三 75
附錄四 103
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