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研究生(外文):Chih-Hsien Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Coarse Aggregate Content on Cracking Shear Strength of Normal-Strength Concrete Beams without Shear Reinforcement
指導教授(外文):Chien-Hung Lin
口試委員(外文):Ing-Jaung LinI-Kunag Fang
外文關鍵詞:cracking shearconcretebeams without shear reinforcement
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本研究主要探討改變粗骨材含量對於混凝土無剪力筋梁在承受靜態載重作用下之剪力行為。試體共製作十六支梁,分成兩種設計強度,其中八支試體為強度21 MPa,另外八支試體為35 MPa,粗骨材含量依序為750 kg/m3、850 kg/m3、950 kg/m3及1050 kg/m3,在各強度中之每種粗骨材含量下各配置兩根五號及三根五號的拉力鋼筋。試驗變數主要為抗壓強度、粗骨材含量以及拉力鋼筋量。試驗結果可歸納如下:
1.較低拉力筋量時,增加粗骨材含量可有效提升21 MPa之梁試體的剪力開裂強度,而35 MPa之試體則在粗骨材含量增加至950 kg/m3時剪力開裂強度達最佳。
2.在普通強度中,粗骨材含量達850 kg/m3至950 kg/m3之間能使骨材互鎖作用發揮最佳效果,使極限剪力有效的提高。
3.相同載重下,較多的拉力筋能有效抑制裂縫的發展,而粗骨材含量在850 kg/m3至950 kg/m3之間亦有著較好的裂縫控制能力。
4.梁試體之勁度隨混凝土強度提高而上升,增加拉力筋亦有更顯著的效果,而粗骨材含量達850 kg/m3至950 kg/m3之間,勁度亦有上升之趨勢。
The intention of this study was to investigate the shear behavior of normal-strength concrete beams without shear reinforcement with different amount of coarse aggregate. A total of 16 beam specimens were made in this study. The compressive strength of concrete in 8 of the beams was 21 MPa, and that in other 8 was 35 MPa. The coarse aggregate content were 750 kg/m3, 850 kg/m3, 950 kg/m3 and 1050 kg/m3. Two and three #5 longitudinal reinforcement were used for each coarse aggregate content. The compressive strength, coarse aggregate content and axial reinforcement are the main experimental variables. The result shows that :
1.With low amount of axial reinforcement, the cracking shear strength of 21 MPa beams could be enhanced with an increase of the coarse aggregate content. On the other hand, the cracking shear strength of 35 MPa beam was the largest when the coarse aggregate content was 950 kg/m3.
2.When coarse aggregate content was between 850 kg/m3 and 950 kg/m3, the aggregate interlock effect was most significant, and thus increased the ultimate shear strength.
3.Under the same load, higher amount of longitudinal reinforcement could effectively restrain the cracks. Coarse aggregate content between 850 kg/m3 and 950 kg/m3 would result in better crack control.
4.The stiffness could be increased by increasing concrete strength and axial reinforcement. Coarse aggregate content between 850 kg/m3 and 950 kg/m3 would result in higher stiffness.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
照片目錄 xiv
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機及目的 1
1-3 研究方法 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 相關文獻回顧 4
2-1-1 構件行為與混凝土力學性質文獻相關整理 4
2-2 其他探討混凝土的相關文獻 24
2-3 文獻回顧整理 30
2-3-1 混凝土之相關整理 30
2-3-2 梁之剪力行為 31
2-3-3 混凝土配比參數 36
第三章 試驗規劃與過程 39
3-1 實驗內容 39
3-2 試驗材料 40
3-3 試體製作 41
3-4 實驗設備 42
3-5 試體安裝 43
3-6 實驗過程 44
第四章 試驗結果與討論 46
4-1 混凝土試拌過程 46
4-1-1 強度與試拌初期 46
4-2 RC 構件之剪力強度與剪力行為 46
4-2-1 混凝土梁構件之剪力開裂行為 46
4-2-2 梁構件剪力行為說明 47
4-2-3 試體載重變位圖 48
4-3 梁剪力開裂強度 49
4-3-1 混凝土抗壓強度對梁剪力開裂強度之影響 49
4-3-2 粗骨材含量對梁剪力開裂強度之影響 50
4-3-3 軸向筋量對梁剪力開裂強度之影響 52
4-4 梁極限剪力強度 52
4-4-1 混凝土抗壓強度對梁極限剪力強度之影響 53
4-4-2 粗骨材含量對梁極限剪力強度之影響 54
4-5 梁勁度 55
4-5-1 混凝土抗壓強度對梁構件勁度之影響 56
4-5-2 粗骨材含量對梁構件勁度之影響 56
4-5-3 配比參數對於梁勁度之影響 57
4-6 梁裂縫控制能力 57
4-6-1 混凝土抗壓強度對梁裂縫控制能力之影響 59
裂縫發展圖 60
4-6-2 粗骨材含量對梁裂縫控制的影響 60
4-6-3 拉力筋對梁裂縫控制能力之影響 61
4-6-4 裂縫控制與發展的總整理 62
4-7 試驗結果與ACI 預測式之修正係數λ 63
第五章 結論與建議 65
5-1 結論 65
5-2 建議 66
參考文獻 67
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