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研究生(外文):Syuan-Lu Chen
論文名稱:高二氧化碳下接種Azotobacter spp.及氮肥施用量對水稻生長之影響
論文名稱(外文):Effects of elevated CO₂, nitrogen fertilization, and inoculated Azotobacter spp. on rice growth
外文關鍵詞:Climate changeAzotobacterRice
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水稻是全球主要的糧食作物之一,但氣候變遷對水稻之衝擊可能影響糧食安全。本研究探討不同二氧化碳濃度下,水稻種植於兩種不同土壤、接種游離固氮菌Azotobacter菌株和施用不同氮肥施用量對水稻生長之影響。本研究為複因子試驗設計,包含兩種土壤 (大里和後龍水稻田土壤) 、兩種二氧化碳處理 (500和1000 ppm) 、四種氮肥施用量 (0、60、120及180 kg ha-¹) 及四種接種處理 (3株供試菌株和不接種處理) ,每處理3重複。結果顯示,高二氧化碳環境下 (1000 ppm) ,接種A. chroococcum strain CHB869可顯著增加水稻之總乾重,顯示該菌株可促進水稻的生長和降低逆境之衝擊。高二氧化碳下,大里土壤增加氮肥施用量,因氮肥過量形成逆境降低收穫指數,但於後龍土壤則補償植物氮肥所需而明顯增加收穫指數。高二氧化碳下,大里土壤接種CHB869菌株可顯著增加水稻的穗重、千粒重和收穫指數,但後龍土壤僅接種A. beijerinckii strain CHB 461能顯著增加水稻的千粒重。高二氧化碳下,增加氮肥施用量可顯著增加大里土壤植體養分吸收量,但在後龍土壤,施用高氮肥處理 (180 kg ha-¹) 則明顯降低氮、磷及鉀吸收量。此外,大里土壤接種Azotobacter菌株及後龍土壤接種CHB461顯著降低水稻營養器官中養分的吸收量而提升稻穀養分含量。高二氧化碳下,後龍土壤接種CHB461及大里土壤接種CHB869可降低土壤碳氮比,增加氮源提供,而促進植株生長增加產量。本研究顯示,因應未來氣候變水稻之生產管理,依土壤條件施用適當的Azotobacter菌株和適合的氮肥施用量,並配合土壤肥培管理應可確保氣候變遷下水稻之產量,以維護糧食安全。
Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world, but climate change may affect its yield. The purpose of this study was to study the effects of CO₂ concentrations, soil types, Azotobacter inoculations, and nitrogen fertilization rates on rice growth. A factorial design experiment was carried out including two CO₂ concentrations (500 and 1000 ppm), two soil types (Dali and Houlong soils), four N application rates (0, 60, 120, and 180 kg ha-¹), and four Azotobacter inoculation treatments with a non-inoculated control. Each treatment included three replicates and was arranged in controlled greenhouses using the randomized complete block design. Inoculation of rice plants with A.chroococcum strain CHB869 significantly increased total dry weight under 1000 ppm CO₂, suggesting that the strain considerably promoted rice growth under stresses. Under 1000 ppm CO₂, the harvest index for rice plants grown in Dali soil decreased significantly because excessive N fertilization might result in stresses. In contrast, the harvest index for rice plants grown in Houlong soil under 1000 ppm CO₂ increased significantly with increasing N fertilization. The panicle weight, thousand grain weight, and harvest index of rice plants grown under 1000 ppm CO₂ in Dali soil were significantly increased by CHB869 inoculation. However, only under 1000 ppm CO₂ rice plants inoculated with A.beijerinckii strain CHB461 and grown in Houlong soil showed a significant increase in the thousand weight. Under 1000 ppm CO₂, nutrients uptake of rice plants grown in Dali soil increased significantly with increasing N fertilization. However, the N application rate of 180 kg ha-¹ significantly reduced N, P and K uptake of rice plants grown in Houlong soil. In addition, nutrient uptake of vegetative organs of rice plants grown in Dali soil with the tree individual Azotobacter strains and in Houlong soil with CHB 461 was significantly reduced probably because the nutrients translocated into grains. Under 1000 ppm CO₂, Dali soil inoculated with CHB869 and Houlong soil inoculated with CHB461 significantly reduced soil C/N ratio, providing more nitrogen for root uptake and consequently increasing yields Taken together, the use of Azotobacter spp. along with an appropriate soil fertility management program based on soil properties may ensure yields for rice production under climate change impacts, contributing to food security.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
表次 v
圖次 vi
前言 1
貳、前人研究 2
一、氣候變遷對水稻的影響 2
(一) 溫度對水稻的影響 3
(二) 二氧化碳對水稻的影響 4
(三) 二氧化碳及氮肥利用對水稻的影響 6
二、促進植物生長之微生物特性 7
(一) 微生物之固氮作用 7
(二) 微生物之溶磷作用 9
(三) 吲哚乙酸 (Indole-3-acetic acid, IAA) 9
參、材料與方法 10
一、研究架構 10
二、Azotobacter菌株來源與篩選 11
(一) 菌株篩選來源 11
(二) 菌株分離與保存 11
三、菌株之分子親緣鑑定 12
(一) 染色體DNA萃取 12
(二) 聚合酶連鎖反應 12
四、基本生理特性測試 14
(一) 菌株固氮酵素活性測試 14
(二) 吲哚乙酸 (IAA) 生成能力 14
(三) 磷酸三鈣溶解能力 15
(四) 載鐵能力測試 15
(五) 纖維素分解酵素能力 16
(六) 木質素分解酵素能力 17
五、供試菌株之篩選 18
六、高CO2對游離固氮菌促進水稻生長之影響 19
(一) 溫度和二氧化碳濃度 19
(二) 氮肥施用量 20
(三) 盆栽試驗土壤 20
(四) 水稻種子來源 22
(五) 篩選盆栽試驗之Azotobacter菌株 22
(六) 盆栽試驗 23
六、統計方法 28
肆、結果與討論 29
一、Azotobacter菌株之生理特性分析 29
二、供試菌株之篩選 30
三、進行盆栽試驗前篩選後續研究菌株之苗期試驗 33
四、高二氧化碳對氮肥施用與游離固氮菌促進水稻生長之影響 35
(一) 二氧化碳濃度及接種Azotobacter菌株對水稻生質量累積的影響 35
(二) 二氧化碳及氮肥施用對水稻產量的影響 40
(三) 二氧化碳濃度及菌株接種對水稻產量的影響 44
(四) 二氧化碳濃度及氮肥施用量對植體養分的影響 51
(五) 二氧化碳濃度與Azotobacter菌株接種對植體養分的影響 55
五、二氧化碳、氮肥及接種Azotobacter菌株施用對土壤碳氮比之影響 59
(一) 二氧化碳及氮肥施用對土壤碳氮比之影響 59
(二) 二氧化碳及接種Azotobacter菌株對土壤碳氮之影響 65
伍、結論 71
陸、參考文獻 73
柒、附錄 82
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