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研究生(外文):Po-Fan Chan
論文名稱(外文):The Control Methods for Electrodeposited Cu Microstructure and Geometry - Applications in the Cu Foil Manufacture, Cu Microvias Filling and Cu/Sn Joints
外文關鍵詞:electrodeposited Cu microstructuredeposition geometrytwin boundaryultra-large grain coppernegative differential resistanceelectrodeposited Cu foilbottom-up filling electrodepositionCu/Sn joint
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The microstructure and deposition geometry of electrodeposited Cu are controlled by tuning the chemical parameters (e.g., the concentration of plating additives and the pH value of the plating solution) and the physical parameters (e.g., the convection of the plating solution and the operating current density). The deposition geometry is usually subject to the complex cathodic geometric surface; therefore, the thickness of the electrodeposited Cu is non-uniform because the tip effect that current prefers to pass through the peak position on the cathode. The geometric shapes we faced in this study are trenches, vias and holes, which are wildly used in the IC and PCB industries. To understand the fluid behavior of the electroplating fluid, the convection of electroplating solution between the cathode and the anode is simulated using COMSOL Multiphysics®. The formation and the orientation of the twin boundary in the electrodeposited Cu can be controlled by tuning the mode of flow field and the strength of the shear stress on the cathodic surface. This study provides readerships who study the electrodeposition a thought way from the view point of fluid mechanics to give insight into the electrochemical deposition process. The cathodic potential under galvanostatic electrodeposition could be controlled by numerous chemical and physical parameters, and it was found that a spontaneous potential oscillation (SPO) correlated the crystalline Cu formation with ultra-large grains (ULGs). Moreover, the amplitude of the SPO depended on the potential range of negative differential resistance (NDR). Both twinned and ULG Cu can be applied to the copper foil industry. The NDR behavior of a copper electroplating solution also can be applied to the bottom-up filling electrodeposition. The NDR occurrence is explained by an electrochemical differential equation. The plating additives are divided into three classifications according to the NDR differential equation: the accelerator, the suppressor, and the chelator. The differential equation also can explain how the plating additive plays its role in the electrodeposition. On the other hand, different grain size Cu samples with and without twinned boundary are electrodeposited as study models for studying the interface reaction of Cu/Sn joint and the formation of intermetallic compounds (IMCs). The results show that the voids were eliminated when the Cu grain boundary was extremely few and the Cu grain size was pretty large. The root cause of the voids formation is attributed to the diffusion rate difference of the Cu atoms that are located at the grain boundary or the lattice.
Chapter 1

Chapter 2
Effects of Additives and Convection on Cu Foil Surface Roughness and Microstructure…………………………………………………………………..…....10

Chapter 3
The Effect of Fluid Behavior and Shear Stress on Electrodeposited Nanotwin Copper………………………………………………………………………………..37

Chapter 4
The Spontaneous Potential Oscillation (SPO) and the discovery of ultra-large grain (ULG) copper deposit………………………………………………………………...54

Chapter 5
The Manufacturing Method of Electrodeposited Annealing-Free Copper Foil with Ultra-Large Grains and the Anti-Fingerprint Property………………………………..76

Chapter 6
Effect of Copper Grain Size on the Interfacial Microstructure of Sn/Cu Joint
– Larger is Better……………………………………………………………………...86

Chapter 7
Negative Differential Resistance and Copper Via Filling Electrodeposition…….......104

Negative Differential Resistance (NDR) and Its Oscillator: From the Views of Electronics to Electrochemistry……………………………………………………..123
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21.P. Moreno-García, V. Grimaudo, A. Riedo, M. Tulej, M.B. Neuland, P. Wurz and P. Broekmann, Towards Structural Analysis of Polymeric Contaminants in Electrodeposited Cu films. Electrochimica Acta, 2016. 199: p. 394-402.

Chapter 5
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