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研究生(外文):Wo-Jun Yo
論文名稱:利用磁性分子印模聚合物的分散式固相微萃取技術結合HPLC-UV偵測飲品及食品中的黃麴毒素B1 B2
論文名稱(外文):A rapid dispersive micro-solid phase extraction with magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer for the determination of aflatoxin B1 and B2 in foods and drinks by HPLC-UV
外文關鍵詞:AflatoxinsMMIPDispersive μ-SPEHPLC-UV
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研究先在超純水中加入三氯化鐵和二氯亞鐵,在3 %氨水的催化下進行反應,合成磁性粒子。反應結束後以超純水洗滌至中性,即完成磁性粒子的製備。再於磁性粒子表面利用Tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS)及3-(trimethoxysilyl) propyl mthacrylate (MPS)來修飾,使其具有與可分子印模聚合物反應連接之官能基。 MMIP的製備,係利用乙醇水溶液為溶劑及製孔劑,以5,7-dimethoxycoumarin (DMC)為模板分子,苯乙烯(styrene)及甲基丙烯酸(methacrylic acid, MAA)為功能性單體,加入修飾的磁性粒子,以超音波震盪使均勻分散,通入氮氣去除氧氣後,再加入交聯劑(EGDMA)與起始劑(AIBN)進行聚合反應。反應結束後利用磁鐵收集MMIP,即完成MMIP的製備。以乙氰清洗MMIP,去除模板分子後即可使用。
在以MMIP萃取黃麴毒素前,對於固態樣品須先以甲醇水溶液將黃麴毒素預萃取出為樣品溶液。為達到最佳萃取效果,對影響萃取效率的參數,如MIP合成條件、樣品溶液pH值、鹽析作用影響、及脫附溶劑選擇等進行詳細的測試。試驗結果顯示,將10毫升pH 7的樣品溶液,以MMIP材料在800 rpm轉速磁石攪拌下進行微固相萃取10分鐘後,以磁鐵吸附MMIP粒子及去除基質溶液,以1毫升超純水潤洗後,再以1毫升的乙氰脫附黃麴毒素,可達最佳萃取效果。萃取液先以氮氣吹乾,再以100μL乙氰回溶,注入HPLC-UV分析。偵測訊號對濃度的線性範圍為0.2 ng/mL-25 ng/mL,線性相關係數達0.9986以上,偵測極限(S/N = 3)為0.04 ng/mL,定量極限(S/N = 10) 為0.1 ng/mL。以此方法分析市售牛奶樣品,經添加不同濃度的黃麴毒素標準溶液進行偵測,黃麴毒素B1與B2回收率可達89.5 %至102.9 %,RSD低於7.0 %。所製備的MMIP,材料性質穩定(可連續使用50次以上),及具有良好的再現性(RSD小於3.8%)。研究結果顯示,利用所製備的MMIP以d-μSPE方式萃取樣品中的黃麴毒素是一個簡單、快速、高選擇性及環境友善的樣品前處理方法。
In this study, a magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer (MMIP) was prepared as the sorbent to achieve dispersive micro-solid phase extraction (d-μ-SPE) of aflatoxins B1 and B2 in aqueous food samples for high performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV).
The magnetic particles were prepared by adding ferric chloride and ferrous chloride in 3 % NH4OH under stirring for 1 hour, and then washing by pure water. The surface of magnetic particles were then modified with tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and 3-(trimethoxysilyl) propyl methacrylate (MPS) to build-up functional groups for bonding with the MIPs which prepared by using 5,7-dimethoxycoumarin (DMC) as the template molecule, styrene and methacrylic acid (MAA) as the functional monomers, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) as the cross linker, azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) as the initiator, and ethanol-water(4:1, v/v) as the porogen and solvent,
Parameters influenced the extraction efficiencies of aflatoxins B such as synthesis of MMIP, sample pH, salting out effect, and solution for eluting were investigated thoroughly and optimized. After a series of tests, for a 10 mL aqueous sample solution at pH 7.0 the best extraction efficiency was obtained by using MMIP-d-μ-SPE to collect aflatoxins B for 10 min under 800 rpm stirring, and then using a magnet to separate the MMIPs particles from matrix solution. After rinsing with water, aflatoxins B were desorbed with acetonitrile for HPLC-UV analysis. Under the optimal condition, the detections were linear in 0.2 - 25 ng/mL with correlation coefficients above 0.9986 for both aflatoxin B1 and B2. The detection limits (based on S/N = 3) were 0.04 ng/mL and quantitative limits (based on S/N = 10) were 0.1 ng/mL for both aflatoxin B1 and B2. The aflatoxin B1 and B2 in milk and spiked samples were analyzed with the present method and characterized by mass spectrometry. Recoveries were ranged 89.5 – 102.9 % with relative standard deviations of less than 7.0 %. The prepared MMIP is stable and can be used for over 50 times. These results have proven the proposed MMIPs-d-μ-SPE method is a simple, rapid, selective, and eco-friendly sample pretreatment method to extraction aflatoxins in aqueous samples for HPLC-UV analysis.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2黃麴毒素簡介 1
1.3黃麴毒素之相關分析技術回顧 2
1.4 分子印模聚合物之概述 7
1.4.1 分子印模聚合物之簡述 7
1.4.2 分子印模聚合物原理 8
1.4.3 分子印模聚合物之鍵結作用力 11
1.4.4 分子印模聚合物之製備 16
1.4.5 分子印模聚合物之合成 23
1.5 磁性分子聚合物之概述 26
1.5.1磁性材料之概述 26
1.5.2磁性分子印模聚合物 26
1.6 研究目的 27
第二章 研究方法 29
2.1 藥品、實驗器材與儀器設備 29
2.1.1藥品 29
2.1.2器材 30
2.2 藥品配置 31
2.2.1緩衝溶液之配置 31
2.2.2黃麴毒素標準儲備溶液之配置 32
2.2.4牛奶樣品前處理 33
2.2.5添加黃麴毒素於牛奶樣品 33
2.2.6麥片樣品前處理 34
2.2.7添加黃麴毒素於麥片樣品 34
2.2.8花生粉樣品前處理 34
2.2.9添加黃麴毒素於花生粉樣品 34
2.3玻璃裝置矽烷化 35
2.4 儀器操作之參數 35
2.4.1高效能液相層析儀之參數 35
2.4.2磁性分子印模具合物固相萃取法之最佳化參數 35
2.5實驗方法及流程 36
2.5.1磁性分子印模聚合物合成與條件 36
2.5.2磁性分子印模聚合物特性測試 37
2.5.3磁性分子印模聚合物固相萃取條件 38
2.5.4固相萃取之條件探討步驟 39
2.6方法可行性評估 40
2.6.1儀器檢量線製作 40
2.6.2方法檢量線製作 41
2.6.3磁性分子印模聚合物之重複使用性測試 41
2.6.4磁性分子印模聚合物製備批次間之比較 41
2.7真實樣品之分析及回收率 41
2.7.1牛奶樣品分析 41
2.7.2牛奶樣品回收率測定 41
2.7.3麥片樣品分析 42
2.7.4麥片樣品回收率測定 42
2.7.5花生粉樣品分析 42
2.7.6花生粉樣品回收率測定 42
第三章 結果與討論 43
3.1 磁性分子印模聚合物之特性測試 44
3.1.1磁性分子印模聚合物之SEM圖 44
3.1.2磁性分子印模聚合物之IR光譜 44
3.1.3磁性分子印模聚合物之吸附量 46
3.2固相萃取之最佳化 49
3.2.1功能性單體比例之探討 49
3.2.2樣品萃取時間之探討 49
3.2.3樣品pH值之探討 51
3.2.4無機鹽類添加對萃取效率之探討 54
3.2.5磁石攪拌子轉速對萃取效率之探討 56
3.2.6脫附溶劑之探討 56
3.2.7脫附溶劑體積之探討 58
3.3方法可行性評估與真實樣品之測定 62
3.3.1直接注入之校正曲線及偵測極限 62
3.3.2經方法之校正曲線及偵測極限 62
3.3.3真實樣品之測定 63
3.3.4磁性分子印模聚合物之穩定性及再現性 74
3.3.5磁性分子印模聚合物固相萃取與其他方法比較 77
結論 79
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