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研究生(外文):Li-Ping Li
論文名稱(外文):A Study Of Terrain Interpretation by Self-Created Three-Dimensional Visualization Maps
指導教授(外文):Yu-Shen Hsiao
外文關鍵詞:three-dimensional visualization mapsterrain opennessterrain slopeterrain interpretation
  • 被引用被引用:5
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This thesis is aimed at developing self-created three-dimensional visualization maps in order to analyze feasibility of aiding in terrain interpretation. We use Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) for plotting three-dimensional visualization maps, and Fortran programs for processing complex computations. On terrain slope, four methods are adopted and analyzed in this thesis; On terrain openness, we seriously consider the search radius, terrain contrast, and color palette. Furthermore, we create a three-dimensional palette for showing the elevation information on the three-dimensional visualization maps. In this thesis, the study areas include many special terrains in Taiwan, and they are all converted to the self-developed three-dimensional visualization maps. Rigorous analysis and comparisons for these maps are carried out in this thesis. The results show that the three-dimensional visualization maps can better highlight the micro-topographies (gully, trench, sandbank, and so on), and also can provide valuable references for landslide disaster, watershed division and terrain changes. The main purpose of this study is to further bring contributions to the regions of disaster prevention, soil and water conservation, environmental monitoring, and resource exploration.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 5
1-3 研究流程 9
第二章 研究方法 11
2-1 地形坡度 11
2-2 地形開闊度 17
2-3 三維視覺化地圖調色盤 27
2-4立體調色盤 31
第三章 研究區域介紹 34
3-1海底地形-臺灣周遭海底地形 38
3-2火山地形-磺嘴山火山口 39
3-3沖積扇-佳陽沖積扇 40
3-4河階地形-美蘭河階 41
3-5向源侵蝕與河川襲奪-金門峒斷崖 42
3-6礫質地質-九九峰、火炎山 44
3-7泥岩惡地-太陽谷 46
3-8沙洲-頂頭額沙洲 47
第四章 結果與討論 48
4-1各樣區之三維視覺化地圖 48
4-1-1臺灣周遭海底地形 48
4-1-2新北磺嘴山火山口 51
4-1-3台中佳陽沖積扇 54
4-1-4台東美蘭河階 56
4-1-5南投金門峒斷崖 58
4-1-6南投九九峰 60
4-1-7苗栗火炎山 62
4-1-8高雄燕巢太陽谷泥岩地形 64
4-1-9台南頂頭額沙洲 66
4-2高程展現方法 68
4-2-1以立體調色盤繪製三維視覺化地圖 68
4-2-2三維視覺化鳥瞰圖 72
第五章 結論與建議 76
參考文獻 78
附錄一 83
附錄二 86
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