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研究生(外文):Min-Chih Liang
論文名稱(外文):A Channel Experiment on the Interaction Between Woody Debris and Mobile Bed
指導教授(外文):Su-Chin Chen
口試委員(外文):Yueh-Jen LaiJihn-sung LaiCheng-Wei Kuo
外文關鍵詞:woody debriswood entrainmentmoving bedscour
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In recent years, the occurrence of natural disasters in Taiwan has turned into compound disasters. For example, a landslide disaster combined with large woody debris could be conveyed by water flow to damage the piers of bridges. Therefore, to understand the patterns, characteristics and hydrological conditions of woody debris is key for preventing woody debris related disasters. In this research, the dynamics of wood debris is observed in a moveable bed channel using single logs. The interaction between woody debris, channel bed, movement mechanism, and surface flow fields are investigated. Wood debris were presented by logs of 3 different diameters, 4 lengths and 3 different orientations; parallel, oblique and perpendicular to flow. The results show wide variation on the woody debris-movable bed interaction. When the log is parallel to flow direction, two kinds of wood movements are observed. First, there is large channel bed scour in front of the log. The accumulation form into a strip and V-type, which increases the stability of the logs and the log move by pivoting. Secondly, the log is entrained by a small discharge, resulting to less significant scour and sliding movement. For logs oblique or vertical to flow direction, two kinds of movement are observed. First, the logs bear height hydraulic resistance, resulting to both scour and deposition. The log will simultaneously pivot and slide. Secondly, the logs at both angles are entrained by an even smaller discharge (when compared to logs parallel to flow), and roll downstream. When the log length increases, the stability of woody debris parallel to flow direction also increased. Moreover, in logs oblique and perpendicular to flow, length show poor correlation with stability. Log diameter on logs oriented oblique and perpendicular to flow is the key factor for bed variation. Furthermore, increasing log length on these orientations yielded more scour depth and more deposition, while scour area and volume decreased with length. Finally, from the studied logs, none moved by floating, only pivoting, sliding and rolling were observed. The results of this study can provide a reference basis for understanding the dynamics of logs in a moving bed channel.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
符號說明 ix
第一章前言 1
第二章文獻回顧 4
2.1 漂流木之定義 4
2.2 漂流木對河道形貌之影響 4
2.3 漂流木對泥砂運移之影響 6
2.4 漂流木之運移 9
2.5 漂流木之運動機制 10
第三章試驗設計與方法 15
3.1 試驗目的 15
3.2 試驗設計 15
3.2.1 試驗渠槽設計 15
3.2.2 漂流木設計 17
3.2.1 泥砂條件 19
3.2.2 水流條件 20
3.2.3 雷射地形掃描 21
3.2.4 測量表面流場及平均流速 23
3.2.5 座標轉換方法 25
3.3 試驗流程 27
第四章試驗結果與分析 31
4.1 漂流木之啟動方式 31
4.1.1 漂流木0°方向的啟動方式 32
4.1.2 漂流木45°方向的啟動方式 37
4.1.3 漂流木90°方向的啟動方式 42
4.2 漂流木對底床之影響 46
4.2.1 漂流木與水流方向夾角對底床變化之影響 47
4.2.2 漂流木長度對底床變化之影響 48
4.2.3 漂流木直徑對底床變化之影響 54
4.3 漂流木對表面流場及流速之影響 59
4.3.1 漂流木影響表面流場 59
4.3.2 漂流木影響表面流速 62
4.3.3 漂流木福祿數對漂流木運動方式之影響 64
第五章結論 66
參考文獻 68
附錄 1漂流木地形掃描結果 72
附錄 2漂流木周圍流速資料 73
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