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研究生(外文):Pei-Hsuan Liao
論文名稱(外文):Hydrogen production by co-culture of dark-fermentation bacteria and photosynthetic purple non-sulfur bacteria
指導教授(外文):Chun-Hsiung Hung
口試委員(外文):Yi-tang ChangYu-jie Chang
中文關鍵詞:生物產氫共醱酵Clostridium pasteurianumRhodopseudomonas palustris
外文關鍵詞:bio-hydrogenco-culture fermentationClostridium pasteurianumRhodopseudomonas palustris
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為測試整合暗與光醱酵之單槽式系統之表現,本研究選用暗醱酵菌株Clostridium pasteurianum CH5,此菌株利用葡萄糖醱酵產氫後主要代謝副產物為乙酸及丁酸。另一方面紫色不含硫細菌則選用能夠利用乙酸及丁酸行光醱酵產氫的菌株C6以及G11,兩菌株皆屬於Rhodopseudomonas palustris。C6以及G11以1 g L-1丁酸當作單一碳源時有最大氫氣累積量產生,分別是208.8及183.1 mL H2 L-1 culture,其基質轉換率分別為0.98和0.82 mol H2 mol-1 butyrate。
由於在前人研究中,暗醱酵細菌與紫色不含硫細菌混合共醱酵產氫之生長最佳生長條件並未被研究仔細,故本研究先分別測試菌株在穩定生長期以及對數生長期之下醱酵產氫試驗。初始條件為CH5以1:1(v/v)分別與C6和G11分別進行共醱酵產氫試驗,以15 g L-1 glucose為單一碳源,LED燈照度設定於6,000-7,000 lux,恆溫培養在30°C,並以轉速120 rpm震盪。結果顯示,在對數生長期之下所進行的共醱酵反應可以取得較高的基質轉換率,CH5+C6和CH5+G11分別為2.54和1.74 mol H2 mol-1 glucose。另一方面,若在穩定生長期之下的混合生長則可有較高的氫氣累積產量1485 mL H2 L-1 culture(CH5+C6)。C6為本研究中較不會因為生長期選用不同而大幅影響共醱酵產氫之紫色不含硫細菌,且其醱酵產氫能力比G11佳,因此後續研究皆以CH5+C6進行。
百分之百遮光(無照光)之光醱酵C6比無遮光(百分之百照光)之光醱酵C6最終氫氣累積產量少55%,產氣表現中69%為二氧化碳,僅16%為氫氣,同時反應多消耗了4.56 g L-1的葡萄糖,推測百分之百遮光(無照光)之光醱酵C6因沒能有足夠的光能去驅動細胞膜上的電子傳遞鏈,故無法使細胞內累積ATP以提供給細胞生長,更沒有多餘ATP供給給固氮酶去合成氫氣。
百分之五十遮光的CH5+C6比無遮光(百分之百照光)之CH5+C6提升67%氫氣累積產量,比百分之百遮光(無照光)之CH5+C6提升588%氫氣累積產量。百分之五十遮光的CH5+C6和百分之百遮光(無照光)之CH5+C6皆可去除基質中60%以上的葡萄糖,無遮光(百分之百照光)之CH5+C6與百分之五十照光的CH5+C6產氣組成以氫氣為主,而百分之百遮光(無照光)之CH5+C6產氣組成則是以二氧化碳為主。推測百分之百遮光(無照光)之CH5+C6內,CH5行暗醱酵產氫,而C6因無足夠光能推動電子傳遞,故無法順利進行光醱酵反應,使得其氣體組成以二氧化碳為主。百分之五十遮光CH5+C6營造適合兩菌株醱酵產氫之環境,成功提升最終氫氣累積產量達1581 mL H2 L-1 culture,去除基質中61%的葡萄糖,且降解26% sCOD,其基質轉換率為1.309 mol H2 mol-1 glucose。
Conversions of organic substrates to biohydrogen through separated dark-fermentation or photo- fermentation are both being recognized as promising clean energy production techniques. With or without illumination, both fermentations could produce hydrogen gas under anaerobic condition. Therefore, it is possible to enforce dark- and photo-fermentations to occur in the same reactor and it might have advantages over separated fermentation by reducing overall reactor volume since hydrogen-producing PNSB (Photosynthetic purple non-sulfur bacteria) could directly utilize the VFAs formed by dark fermentation.
With this motivation, experiments of separated fermentation mode were established. CH5 is a strain of dark-fermentation bacteria (DFB), Clostridium pasteurianum, was found to have optimally cumulative amount of hydrogen when fed with 15 g L-1 glucose and it also produced significant amount of butyrate and acetic. Selecting two PNSB were C6 and G11, Rhodopseudomonas palustris, utilize not only butyrate but also acetate for bio-hydrogen. In the same time, when butyrate was used as sole carbon source, the two isolated PNSB strains could successfully produce 208.8 and 183.1 mL H2 L-1 culture (1 g/L butyric acid), its hydrogen yield were 0.82 and 0.98 mol H2 mol-1 butyrate, respectively.
The growth status of hydrogen-producing microorganism in the time of combination was still not clearly explored. In this study, the stable growth period and the logarithmic growth phase of the strain were selected respectively. The anaerobic bioreactor were incubated at 30°C, at 120 rpm on an incubating shaker under 6-7 klux of light illumination using LED lamps. The inoculate at DFB/PNSB ratio were 1:1 (v/v) in co-culture medium (15 g/L glucose). There are maximum hydrogen yield 2.54 and 1.74 mol H2 mol-1 glucose were obtained by log phase of CH5+C6 and CH5+G11, respectively. Stationary phase of CH5+C6 yield maximum accumulative hydrogen production of 1485 mL H2 L-1 culture. C6 is better than G11 go further co-culture with CH5 by shelter of bioreactor experiment.
Log phase test has the higher hydrogen yield, after culture 60 hours gas performance was approaching flat. Stationary phase test has the highest accumulative hydrogen production, it could continue to produce gas for 100 hours. For acquisition more accumulative hydrogen production, stationary phase of CH5+C6 got on subsequent study.
In order to investigate the effect of light on co-culture fermentation, the shelter of bioreactor by differ cover area in this study. Through differ bioreactor cover area look forward to creating different environment for bacteria co-fermentation. 0% shelter of CH5 has 26% less accumulative hydrogen production than 100% shelter of CH5, it need more study and test to provide whether light supply can change the metabolism of CH5. 100% shelter of C6 has 55% less accumulative hydrogen production and use up more 4.56 g L-1 glucose than 0% shelter of C6. The 69% of gas composition was carbon dioxide, but only 16% was hydrogen produced by 100% shelter of C6. It speculated the 100% shelter of C6 that without light offering energy to promote electronic chain on membrane of PNSB, there are no enough ATP for cell growth not to mention for bio-hydrogen produced.
50% shelter of CH5+C6 promoted 67% accumulative hydrogen production than 0% shelter of CH5+C6, it also upgraded 588% accumulative hydrogen production than 100% shelter of CH5+C6. It could remove 60% glucose in 50% shelter of CH5+C6 and 100% shelter of CH5+C6. Main gas composition in 0% shelter of CH5+C6 and 50% shelter of CH5+C6 were hydrogen, in 100% shelter of CH5+C6 was carbondioxide.
It is success for shelter of bioreactor to promote bio-hydrogen of co-culture fermentation. The 50% shelter of CH5+C6 consumed 26% sCOD, the accumulative hydrogen production of 1581 mL H2 L-1 culture, and the hydrogen yield was 1.309 mol H2 mol-1 glucose.
摘要 i
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
第一章 前言 1
第一節 研究緣起及目的 1
第二節 研究架構概述 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
第一節 氫能源發展歷史 3
一、 能源沿革 3
二、 化石能源對於環境的衝擊 6
三、 氫能源 7
四、 永續經營 10
第二節 生物氫能 11
一、 生質氫能(Biohydrogen) 11
二、 產氫微生物 17
三、 綜觀各生物氫能優勢 18
第三節 暗醱酵產氫微生物 20
一、 暗醱酵產氫微生物 20
二、 暗醱酵產氫微生物- Clostridium sp. 20
三、 Clostridium sp.利用不同基質醱酵 22
第四節 光醱酵產氫微生物 24
一、 光醱酵產氫微生物 24
二、 光醱酵產氫微生物- Rhodopseudomonas sp. 24
三、 Rhodopseudomonas sp.利用不同基質醱酵 26
第五節 整合暗與光醱酵系統程序 28
一、 單槽式共醱酵產氫 30
二、 多槽式醱酵產氫 32
第六節 影響醱酵產氫系統因子 34
一、 影響暗醱酵產氫因子 34
二、 影響光合產氫因子 37
三、 影響混合醱酵系統因子 40
第七節 文獻閱讀心得 43
第三章 材料與方法 44
第一節 實驗架構 44
第二節 實驗設備 45
第三節 實驗方法 46
一、 植種來源以及培養條件 46
二、 遮光罩製備 50
第四節 分析分法 51
一、 樣本前處理 51
二、 去氧核醣核酸(Deoxyribonucleic Acid, DNA)萃取 51
三、 去氧核醣核酸(Deoxyribonucleic Acid, DNA)濃度測定 51
四、 微生物菌群結構分析 52
第五節 水質分析 55
一、 樣本採集及保存 55
二、 溶解性化學需氧量(Soluble Chemical Oxygen Demand, sCOD) 55
三、 酚-硫酸法(Phenol-Sulfuric Acid Method) 56
四、 酸鹼值測定(pH) 57
五、 胞子染色法(Endospore Staining) 57
六、 O.D.(Optical Density)值與細胞乾重 58
七、 氣體總累積量測定及氣體組成分析 59
八、 揮發性脂肪酸測定 62
九、 光照強度測量 64
第六節 尋找暗光醱酵共同培養最佳化之批次實驗設計 65
一、 菌株生長特性 65
二、 紫色不含硫細菌利用不同基質產氫表現 65
三、 不同生長期菌株進行共醱酵產氫表現 66
四、 遮光罩對於共醱酵產氫表現影響 67
第四章 結果與討論 68
第一節 菌株菌種分析 68
第二節 菌株生長特性 70
一、 生長速率之測定 70
二、 不同生長期菌株於預培養基中之生長曲線 73
三、 CH5之胞子染色 75
第三節 紫色不含硫細菌利用不同基質產氫表現 77
第四節 不同生長期菌株進行共醱酵產氫表現 82
一、 穩定生長期之菌株進行醱酵產氫表現 83
二、 對數生長期之菌株進行醱酵產氫表現 87
三、 不同生長期菌株於共醱酵產氫之綜合探討 90
第五節 遮光罩對於共醱酵產氫之影響 93
一、 光罩設備與生物反應器結合 93
二、 遮光罩對於共醱酵產氫之影響 94
第五章 結論與建議 101
第一節 結論 101
第二節 建議 103
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