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研究生(外文):Yen-Chun Chen
論文名稱(外文):An Electrochemical Sensor for Environmental Detection Based on Reduced Graphene Oxide Modified Electrodes
外文關鍵詞:sulfamethoxazloereduced of graphene oxideelectrochemical sensormodified electrodeenvironmental sensing
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人體和畜牧業使用的抗生素在環境中的持續累積日益受到重視,多數抗生素經過排泄後部分是以原型排出,存在於醫院和畜牧場的廢水及污泥中,接著穿過廢水處理廠後,進入到水體環境。這些抗生素可能導致細菌產生抗藥性、對非目標生物和微生物生態產生毒害或不良影響,因此開發出靈敏、準確,可用於現場的追蹤或檢測技術來監測環境中的抗生素越發重要。傳統的檢測技術如分光光度法、電泳、色譜法等精密儀器多數不利於現地偵測,阻礙了原位檢測的實際應用發展。而電化學技術具較低成本、高效率和樣品前處理簡單可用於現場檢測之方法。因此本研究旨在開發用於快速檢測磺胺甲噁唑(sulfamethoxazole, SMZ)的電化學傳感器,透過還原氧化石墨烯修飾電極,利用其電荷轉移率高,背景干擾低,表面積高之特性,並在pH、掃描模式和施加電位等條件進行最佳化,在最適實驗條件下pH 6、微分脈衝伏安法(Differential pulse voltammetry, DPV掃描模式),偵測線性範圍為0.5 μM-50 μM,偵測極限為0.04 μM。另外,加入cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)可以增加電化學訊號。甲氧芐啶(trimethoprim,TMP)為與磺胺甲噁唑常共存於處方籤之抗生素,當同時存在於樣品時,還原氧化石墨烯修飾電極對磺胺甲噁唑之偵測仍然是十分穩定,實具有同時偵測兩項抗生素之潛力。於環境基質中,回收率在101.9∼108.4%之間。除良好偵測性及選擇性外,還原氧化石墨烯修飾電極也具有操作穩定性,具優良潛力應用於水體環境中磺胺甲噁唑之追蹤與檢測。
Continuous accumulation of consumed human and veterinary antibiotics in the recipient environment has drawn increasing attention. A great percentage of the excreted antibiotics remains intact forms and enters the natural aquatic systems via the effluent and sludge from wastewater treatment plants, hospitals, and livestock farms. These released antibiotics may lead to bacterial resistance proliferation, contamination or adverse impacts on non-target organisms and microbial ecosystems. Therefore, it is essential to develop sensitive on-site detection techniques for monitoring these antibiotics in the environment. However, delicate instrumentation and complex sample pretreatment requirement of conventional analytical techniques such as spectrophotometry, electrophoresis, and chromatography have hindered their practical applications of real time and in situ sensing task. On the other hand, electrochemical techniques has been served as a sensitive method for on-site monitoring with low cost, high efficiency, and minimum sample pretreatment necessity. In the present study, an electrochemical sensor for rapid determination of sulfamethoxazole (SMZ), one of the most widely used antibiotics, has been developed. Reduced graphene oxide was used to modify the electrodes owing to its high charge mobility, low background noise, and high surface area. The response was optimized in terms of pH, scan mode, and applied potential. Under the optimized experimental conditions, the detection linear range is 0.5 μM-50 μM, the detection limit is 0.04 μM. Recovery in environmental media ranges from 101.9 to 108.4%. Further, addition of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) enhanced the electrochemical response of sulfamethoxazole detection. In the presence of trimethoprim (TMP), a common coexisting antibiotics with sulfamethoxazole, stable responses of SMZ detection makes simultaneous SMZ and TMP determination possible. Collectively, the modified electrodes exhibit great selectivity, sensitivity, and stability, and thus renders it a promising sensor toward detecting sulfamethoxazole in the aquatic system.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1新興污染物 3
2.1.1抗生素之特性 3
2.1.2磺胺甲噁唑之特性(Sulfamethoxazole, SMZ) 4
2.2 磺胺甲噁唑之感測發展 5
2.3 電化學原理 8
2.4 電化學分析方法 10
2.4.1線性掃描伏安法(Linear sweep voltammetry, LSV) 10
2.4.2循環伏安法(Cyclic voltammetry, CV) 13
2.4.2微分脈衝伏安法(Differential pulse voltammetry, DPV) 15
2.4.3 方波伏安法(Square wave voltammetry, SWV) 17
2.4.4電化學阻抗頻譜法(Electrochemistry impedance spectroscopy, EIS) 18
2.5 石墨烯之介紹 22
2.5.1 氧化石墨烯之介紹 22
2.5.2 還原氧化石墨烯之介紹 23化學還原法 24熱還原法 25光還原法 25
第三章 實驗藥品設備與方法 27
3.1實驗藥品與設備 27
3.1.1實驗藥品 27
3.1.2實驗設備 28
3.2實驗步驟及方法 31
3.2.1 氧化石墨烯 (Graphene Oxide, GO) 33
3.2.2 低度氧化石墨烯(Mildly Oxidized Graphene Oxide, moGO) 35
3.2.3 vitamin C還原氧化石墨烯 (Vitamin C Reduced Graphene Oxide, VCrGO) 37
3.2.4 Hydrazine monohydrate還原氧化石墨烯 (Hydrazine Monohydrate Reduced Graphene Oxide, HrGO) 39
3.3傳感器製備 41
3.3.1氧化石墨烯修飾電極之製備 41
3.3.2低度氧化石墨烯修飾電極之製備 42
3.3.3 vitamin C還原氧化石墨烯修飾電極之製備 43
3.3.4 Hydrazine monohydrate還原氧化石墨烯修飾電極之製備 44
3.4待測溶液之配置 45
3.4.1磷酸緩衝溶液之配製 45
3.4.2 黃血鹽溶液之配製 45
3.4.3磺胺甲噁唑溶液之配製 46
3.5感測特性分析 46
3.5.1 感測系統 46
3.5.2 循環伏安法 46 電極之特性比較 47 電極對磺胺甲噁唑之感測性比較 47 電極對磺胺甲噁唑之掃描速率變化研究 47 修飾薄膜穩定度測試 48
3.5.3電化學阻抗頻譜法 48
3.5.4 微分脈衝伏安法 48 電極對檢測磺胺甲噁唑之pH變化研究 48電極修飾膜厚對檢測磺胺甲噁唑之研究 49
3.5.4.電極對檢測不同濃度磺胺甲噁唑之研究 49
3.5.5. CTAB對磺胺甲噁唑在rGO/SPE上的電化學行為影響 49
3.5.6實際樣品之再現性 50
3.5.7實驗之流程 50
第四章 結果與討論 53
4.1氧化石墨烯(GO)、低度氧化石墨烯(moGO)與還原氧化石墨烯(VCrGO)之製備與鑑定 53
4.1.1氧化石墨烯(GO)、低度氧化石墨烯(moGO)與還原氧化石墨烯(VCrGO)之XPS圖譜 55
4.1.2氧化石墨烯(GO)、低度氧化石墨烯(moGO)、hydrazine還原氧化石墨烯(HrGO)與vitamin C還原氧化石墨烯(VCrGO)之Raman光譜 58
4.1.3氧化石墨烯(GO)、低度氧化石墨烯(moGO)、hydrazine還原氧化石墨烯(HrGO)與vitamin C還原氧化石墨烯(VCrGO)之UV-vis圖譜 61
4.1.4氧化石墨烯(GO)、低度氧化石墨烯(moGO)與還原氧化石墨烯(VCrGO)之FE-SEM圖 63
4.2電極之電化學表徵 68
4.2.1 VCrGO修飾電極之CV表現 68
4.2.2不同修飾電極之CV表現 70
4.2.2電極之EIS表現 71
4.2.3電極對磺胺甲噁唑靈敏度比較 72
4.3 磺胺甲噁唑在電極上之反應與實驗最佳化 76
4.3.1掃描速率影響之研究 76
4.3.2 pH 值影響之研究 80
4.3.3 DPV與SWV感測磺胺甲噁唑之探討 86
4.3.4 VCrGO/SPE對不同濃度磺胺甲噁唑之感測 88
4.3.5 VCrGO 修飾電極穩定度測試 91
4.3.6 CTAB對磺胺甲噁唑在VCrGO/SPE上的電化學行為影響 93
4.3.7 VCrGO/SPE與CTAB、SDS(sodium dodecyl sulfate)存在與否對不同濃度磺胺甲噁唑之感測 95
4.4 實際樣品分析 98
4.4.1 磺胺甲噁唑與甲氧芐啶TMP (trimethoprim)之分析 98
4.4.2實際樣品檢測與回收率 102
第五章 結論與建議 103
5.1結論 103
5.2 建議 104
參考文獻 105
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