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研究生(外文):Chien-Ting Lin
論文名稱:Agrobacterium vitis之基因體學探討及與Agrobacterium tumefaciens之比較基因體學分析
論文名稱(外文):Genomic characterization of Agrobacterium vitis and comparative analysis with Agrobacterium tumefaciens
指導教授(外文):Hau-Hsuan HwangChih-Horng Kuo
口試委員(外文):Erh-Min Lai
外文關鍵詞:Agrobacterium vitisAgrobacterium tumefaciensGenomics
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農桿菌(Agrobacterium)是一種常見於土壤中,且可跨界(kingdom)轉移遺傳物質至其他真核生物中的一種植物病原菌,其中最常見的一種農桿菌是根瘤農桿菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens),可以感染的宿主以雙子葉植物為主。A. tumefaciens的基因體組成主要有一條環狀和一條線狀的染色體,其中使農桿菌能感染其他宿主的主因是Ti質體(tumor-inducing plasmid)。Ti質體上有一段T-DNA (transfer DNA)會透過第四型分泌系統(type IV secretion system、T4SS)將其轉移至植物細胞內,並鑲嵌進植物細胞的染色體上。野生種T-DNA上含有細胞分裂素(cytokinin)和植物生長素(auxin)的生合成基因,當T-DNA嵌入植物的染色體中,這些基因便可大量表現,導致植物細胞產生不正常的增生並造成冠癭狀腫瘤(crown gall tumor)。Agrobacterium vitis與A. tumefaciens最大的差異在於,A. vitis只會造成葡萄產生冠癭狀腫瘤,當其感染其他植物時則會產生植物過敏反應(hypersensitive response、HR)。A. vitis的基因體組成主要有兩條環狀的染色體,並且具有Ti質體。本研究主要針對四株A. vitis菌株(CG678、CG78、CG412、 F2/5)進行全基因體定序,藉以瞭解其種內的遺傳變異,並藉由與已發表的A. tumefaciens基因體序列進行比較,進而探討種間的遺傳變異。分析結果顯示此四株新菌株在主要的兩條染色體與A. vitis S4有極大的相似度。其中A. vitis F2/5並不具有Ti質體,而A. vitis CG678和A. vitis CG78的Ti質體幾乎與A. vitis S4相同。此外,分子演化樹和基因組成分析的結果顯示A. vitis CG678與A. vitis CG78之間的歧異度極低,其所共有的同源基因間僅有0.3% 蛋白質序列差異。而A. vitis CG412的Ti質體、T-DNA及第四型分泌系統的基因組成,卻與A. tumefaciens Ach5 具有較高的相似度。然而與A. tumefaciens Ach5比較之下,A. vitis CG412缺少第四型分泌系統中的VirB7基因。針對A. vitis與A. tumefaciens的種間比較結果顯示,此二個物種各有約500-600的物種特有基因。其中A. vitis特有的基因有較多屬於訊息傳導的功能,而A. tumefaciens則有較多的無機離子運輸基因。綜合而論,此研究結果可增進學界對農桿菌屬內,物種的種內及種間之基因體多樣性之了解。
Agrobacterium is a genus of plant pathogenic bacteria, which are commonly found in soil and could perform trans-kingdom DNA transfer to other eukaryotes. The most notable species is Agrobacterium tumefaciens, which naturally infects dicot hosts. The genome of A. tumefaciens contains one circular chromosome and one linear chromosome. The major season that Agrobacterium could infect their eukaryotic host is the presence of a Ti plasmid (tumor-inducing plasmid). There is a DNA region on Ti plasmid called T-DNA (transfer DNA) that could be transferred into host cells by the type IV secretion system (T4SS) and integrated into the chromosome of the host plant. There are oncogenes on the T-DNA of wild-type Agrobacterium, for example: the biosynthesis genes of cytokinin and auxin. When T-DNA was integrated into the host chromosome, these oncogenes would express and cause abnormal plant cell growth to generate the crown gall tumor. The most notable difference between A. vitis and A. tumefaciens is that A. vitis only can cause crown gall tumor on grapevines. A. vitis infection in other host plants would only cause hypersensitive response (HR). The genome of A. vitis contains two circular chromosomes, and some strains also have a Ti plasmid. This study focused on the genome characterization of four wild-type A. vitis strains to study the genetic variation within the species, as well as to investigate the inter-specific genetic variations by comparative analysis with the available genome sequences of A. tumefaciens strains. The results demonstrated that the two major chromosomes of all four newly characterized A. vitis strains are similar to A. vitis S4. The Ti plasmid of A. vitis CG678 and A. vitis CG78 is almost identical with that of A. vitis S4, and A. vitis F2/5 does not have a Ti plasmid. The phylogenetic and gene content analysis demonstrated that the genetic variation between A. vitis CG678 and A. vitis CG78 is very low. There is only 0.3% divergence in amino acid sequences of their shared homologous genes. The Ti plasmid, T-DNA content, and T4SS genes of A. vitis CG412 is more similar to A. tumefaciens Ach5. In comparison with A. tumefaciens Ach5, A. vitis CG412 lacks VirB7 gene. Comparative analysis of between A. vitis and A. tumefaciens indicated that both have approximately 500-600 species-specific genes. A. vitis has more signal transduction genes, and A. tumefaciens has more genes for the transport of inorganic ions. In conclusion, this study improved our knowledge about the genome diversity of Agrobacterium at the inter- and intra-species levels.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Tables directory vi
Figures directory vii
Introduction 1
1. Agrobacterium overview 1
1.1. The tumor-inducing plasmid (Ti plasmid) 2
1.2. The properties and gene contents of the T-DNA 3
1.3. Agrobacterium transfer T-DNA and Vir proteins to the plant cells by T4SS 4
2. Agrobacterium vitis 4
2.1. Species characteristics 4
2.2. Genomic study of the Agrobacterium vitis S4 5
3. Development of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and comparative genomics 6
3.1. Development of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) 6
3.2. Genomics studies of the wild-type Agrobacterium strains 7
4. The goal of this study 8
Materials and Methods 9
1. Strains information (Table, strain geographic location, host reference) 9
2. Whole genome sequencing 9
3. Genome assembly, and annotation 9
4. Comparative genomics analyses 10
5. Molecular phylogenetic inference 11
Results 12
1. Characteristics of genome assemblies 12
2. Genome alignment 12
3. Phylogenetic analyses 13
4. Ti plasmid organization 13
5. Gene content comparison 14
6. Comparison of secretion system genes among the Agrobacterium strains 15
Discussion 17
1. Genome features of four A. vitis strains 17
2. Phylogenetic analyses of four A. vitis strain 17
3. The Ti plasmid features of four A. vitis strains and comparison with A. tumefaciens 17
4. Comparative analyses of gene content 18
5. Comparison of secretion system among Agrobacterium strains 19
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