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研究生(外文):Chieh-Ju Lin
論文名稱:台灣隔板葉形軟珊瑚(Lobophytum crassum)之二次代謝物14-deoxycrassin抗人類攝護腺癌細胞的功效與機轉
論文名稱(外文):Therapeutic efficacy and apoptosis signaling of marine secondary metabolites, 14-deoxycrassin from Taiwanese soft coral Lobophytum crassum on prostate cancer cell lines
指導教授(外文):Chi-Chien Lin
外文關鍵詞:apoptosis14-deoxycrassinhuman prostate cancerditerpenoidscembranoidsmarine antitumor drugs
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攝護腺癌是高齡男性常見的癌症之一,病患常會有泌尿系統方面的症狀。因此,開發可以毒殺癌細胞卻不造成正常細胞死亡的低毒性藥物遂成為首要任務。本研究採用的海洋天然藥物14-deoxycrassin,為萃取自南台灣沿岸採集的隔板葉形軟珊瑚,此藥物結構是由14元環碳架所組成,針對攝護腺癌PC-3細胞株進行細胞毒殺試驗,細胞存活率隨藥物濃度6.25至25 μM升高而下降,有劑量依賴的情況。另外,同時觀察到經14-deoxycrassin藥物處理的細胞核內出現DNA斷裂,形成碎片狀的細胞凋亡現象。且利用西方墨點法也證實細胞凋亡中促凋亡蛋白Bax表現量增加,反之抗凋亡蛋白Bcl-2表現量較低。故14-deoxycrassin在抗攝護腺癌上是極具開發潛力的海洋天然藥物。
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancer entities as men get older, with bothersome urinary symptoms. Therefore, novel therapeutic agents with low cytotoxic action against normal cells are urgently needed. In this study, we found that 14-deoxycrassin, the cembrane diterpenoids belong to a large family of natural products having a characteristic 14-membered carbocyclic ring skeletal, purified from the soft coral Lobophytum crassum (Von Marenzeller, 1886) was collected at the coast of southern Taiwan, within 6.25-25 μM clearly decreased cell viability of human PC-3 prostate cancer cells dose-dependently which was revealed by Methylthiazolyldiphenyl-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. Additionally, treatment of PC-3 cells with 14-deoxycrassin displayed an induction of apoptosis by DNA fragment in treated cells. Western blot analyses further revealed that 14-deoxycrassin induces apoptosis by increasing the levels of Bax, while decreasing the levels Bcl-2. As a result, these data suggested that 14-deoxycrassin may be a promising novel agent for treatment and prevention of prostate cancer.
第一章 緒論.......................................1
1-1 前言.......................................1
1-2 研究動機....................................2
第二章 文獻回顧....................................6
2-1 攝護腺癌....................................6
2-1-1 攝護腺癌介紹.................................6
2-1-2 攝護腺癌的臨床症狀............................8
2-1-3 攝護腺癌的致病機轉............................9
2-1-4 攝護腺癌的檢測................................11
2-1-5 攝護腺癌的治療................................12
2-1-6 攝護腺癌的化學治療.............................13
2-1-7 攝護腺癌的預防.................................14
2-2 Lobophytum crassum相關介紹.....................15
2-2-1 Lobophytum crassum的分布及生物分類.............15
2-2-2 自然界中萜類( terpenoids )化合物介紹............16
2-2-3 Lobophytum crassum中 cembrane-type雙萜( diterpenoids )化合物介紹...............................16
2-2-4 雙萜類( Cembrane-type )化合物之14-deoxycrassin介紹 ......................................................29
2-3 細胞訊息傳遞...................................29
2-3-1 細胞凋亡( Cell apoptosis ).....................29
2-3-2 細胞週期停滯 ( Cell arrest )....................30
2-3-3 細胞自噬 (Autophage)............................31
第三章 材料與方法.....................................32
3-1 材料...........................................32
3-1-1 藥品與試劑......................................32
3-1-2 細胞培養........................................32
3-1-3 流式細胞儀分析..................................33
3-1-4 西方墨點法分析..................................33
3-1-5 儀器...........................................34
3-2 生物活性試驗....................................34
3-2-1 攝護腺癌PC-3細胞株培養 (Cell culture)...........34
3-2-2 細胞計數與活存率分析 (Trypan blue dye exclusion assay).................................................34
3-2-3 細胞冷凍保存....................................34
3-2-4 冷凍細胞活化....................................35
3-2-5 細胞毒殺活性試驗 (MTT assay)....................35
3-3 細胞訊息傳遞試驗................................35
3-3-1 流式細胞儀分析法 (Flow cytometry analysis)......35
3-3-2 細胞週期分析 (Cell cycle analysis)..............36
3-3-3 細胞凋亡分析 (Apoptotic pathway analysis).......37
3-3-4 蛋白表現分析 - 西方墨點法 (Western blot assay)...37
第四章 結果...........................................39
4-1 細胞毒殺作用及細胞藥效反應.......................39
4-2 細胞週期 (cell cycle)的影響.....................39
4-3 細胞凋亡及路徑 (apoptotic pathway)分析..........40
4-4 調控相關凋亡蛋白訊號分析.........................41
第五章 討論...........................................42
第六章 結論...........................................45
第七章 參考文獻.......................................55
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