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研究生(外文):Sheng-Kuo Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Identification and Analysis of Bioactivity of Teaghrelin-like Compounds from Oolong tea and Folium Ginkgo
指導教授(外文):Jason T.C. Tzen
口試委員(外文):Chi-Chung ChouWen-Ying ChenMeng-Shiou LeePing-Chung Kuo
外文關鍵詞:ghrelin analoguesteaghrelin-likeoolong teaacylated flavonoid diglycosideFolium Ginkgoginkgoghrelingrowth hormone secretion
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Ghrelin is one of the popular research topics in recent decades so that many kinds of oral ghrelin analogues are developed by pharmaceutical factories. Ghrelin analogues are expected to be used in clinical treatment of many diseases as they control many physiological functions as a major signal hormone of appetite and also because they regulate growth hormone secretion, energy homeostasis, and gastrointestinal motility. Deficiency of growth hormone secretion is one of the demonstrated ageing-related diseases among the elderly. Recently in our lab two types of compound, teaghrelins isolated from chin-shin oolong tea and emoghrelin from raw Heshouwu, were indicated to possess the functions of ghrelin analogues. This study predicts the biosynthesis of teaghrelins and identifies four teaghrelin-like compounds from other tea cultivars. The results showed that the attachment of a coumaroyl group was crucial for these teaghrelin-like compounds to bind to the ghrelin receptor by homologous modeling and docking. On the other hand, two ginkgoghrelins are also found from Folium Ginkgo. Both of these teaghrelin-like compounds with similar functions as ghrelin analogues (GHRP-6), can stimulate growth hormone secretion via GHS-R1a in primary anterior pituitary cells. Considering the pharmaceutical and clinical potential of these natural products, this study might be developed these teaghrelin-like compounds into oral ghrelin analogues.
List of Contents--------------------------------------iii
List of Tables and Figures------------------------------v
Chapter I. Research Background--------------------------1
1. Growth hormone secretion-----------------------------1
2. Ghrelin----------------------------------------------1
3. Growth hormone secretagogue receptor type 1a; GHS-R1a---------------------------------------------------------5
4. Physiological function of ghrelin--------------------7
5. The developments in ghrelin receptor ligands--------13
Chapter II. Identification of biosynthetic intermediates of teaghrelins and teaghrelin-like compounds in oolong teas, and their molecular docking to the ghrelin receptor-----------------------------------------------27
1. Introduction----------------------------------------27
2. Materials and methods-------------------------------31
3. Results---------------------------------------------34
4. Discussion------------------------------------------38
Chapter III. Ginkgoghrelins, unique acylated flavonoid diglycosides in Folium Ginkgo, stimulate growth hormone secretion via activation of the ghrelin receptor-------54
1. Introduction----------------------------------------54
2. Materials and methods-------------------------------59
3. Results---------------------------------------------65
4. Discussion------------------------------------------69
Chapter IV. Conclusion---------------------------------83
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謝聖國, 羅元浩, 陳盈潔, 鍾澤裕, 曾志正, 2014. 體歸靈(茶飢素)-喝烏龍茶會肚子餓的活性成分. 農林學報 63, 75-82
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