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研究生(外文):Chitreeya Panyadee
論文名稱(外文):Explore The Role of Self-Determined Motivation in Selfie-Posting Behavior
指導教授(外文):Rui-Ting Huang
口試委員(外文):Tzy-Wen TangChia-Hung Teng
外文關鍵詞:Perceived autonomyPerceived competencePerceived relatednessSelfie posting behaviorSelfie posting continuance intention
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本研究提供的實證意義, 首先, 通過社會性網路服務上可以推廣地方,商品,活動,以及思想。其次,本研究調查結果可以幫助APP製造商,社交網絡服務提供商以及製造手機公司, 了解他們現有以及潛在的客戶,例如;針對性別或年齡特定的市場。
Recently, researchers have started examining behavior related to selfie. Since “Selfie” is a word that every people are all very well acquainted with. It becomes a part of human behavior in the present. Since most relevant studies focus on selfie posting behavior outcome, there is a very little exploring selfie posting continuance intention. In order to gain more understanding about selfie posting, this study focus on motivation and continuance intention in aspect of selfie posting behavior.
The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the roles of key factors that affect selfie posting behavior and selfie posting continuance intention. The data of this study was collected from several universities in central part of Taiwan with a total number of 663 participants by paper questionnaire. To be qualified for participating, all of participants must have an experience of selfie posting on SNS. The findings in this study have revealed that perceived autonomy does not have a positive effect on selfie positng behavior, (t=0.052), whereas it has a positive effect on selfie posting continuance intention, (t=4.629, p<0.001); perceived competence has a positive effect on selfie posting behavior and selfie posting continuance intention, (t=7.498, p<0.001) and (t=10.411, p<0.001), respectively; perceived relatedness has a positive effect on selfie posting continuance intention, (t=3.332, p<0.001); selfie posting continuance intention has a positive effect on selfie posting behavior, (t=5.109, p<0.001).
The Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis revealed that perceived autonomy, perceived relatedness and perceived competence explained a total of 44.2% of variance in selfie posting continuance intention; perceived autonomy and perceived competence explained a total of 25.6% of variance in selfie posting behavior.
Empirical implications that are provided by this study. First, promoting places, goods, activities including idea through selfie sharing on SNS. Second, this finding can help APP makers, social networking service providers as well as mobile phone companies to understand their existing and prospective customers such as by targeting gender or age-specific markets.
Problem Statement 2
Definition of Terms 2
Selfie Posting Behavior 4
Factors that influence selfie posting behavior 6
Self-Determination Theory 7
Perceived Autonomy 9
Perceived Competence 9
Perceived Relatedness 10
Selfie Posting Continuance Intention 10
Population and Samples 12
Participants Demographics 12
Measurement and Instrumentation 13
Research Discussions 19
Empirical Implications 20
Conclusion 22
Study Limitations and Future Researches 22
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