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研究生(外文):Chun-Hui Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Antecedents of Service-Oriented High-Performance Work Systems: Using Retail Chain Stores as An Example
指導教授(外文):Chih-Hsun Chuang
口試委員(外文):Ying-Qi ZhouXin-Yi Chen
外文關鍵詞:Service-Oriented High-Performance Work SystemCustomer-Oriented Business StrategyCompetitive IntensityMerchandise QualityPrice Consciousness
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高績效工作系統 (High Performance Work Systems, HPWS)係指一種關於人力資源管理方面的措施,過去的研究顯現,若企業採用此做法對其績效有正向影響。但過去研究主要是探討一般性的高績效工作系統,且企業採用此做法的程度不一或是未採用。然而,目前大環境凸顯了服務的重要性,如何有效的管理服務人員,及將服務顧客的理念完整的傳達給員工,便是企業的一項重要議題。本研究將高績效工作系統聚焦於服務概念,可推測其企業的經營策略亦應該會偏向聚焦於服務顧客的理念。因此本研究將探討顧客導向經營策略與服務導向高績效工作系統的關係。
為了了解在何種環境條件下,會使企業將策略聚焦於顧客導向,因此,本研究分別從外部環境面-市場競爭度 (Competitive Intensity)、內部環境面-產品品質 (Merchandise Quality)及顧客面-價格敏感度 (Price Consciousness)來探討其個別對顧客導向經營策略的影響。
High-Performance Work Systems is a part of HR practices. According to the previous studies, if the enterprise utilizes the HPWS in practice, it will make the performance get positively effect. But the previous studied were usually focus on the general oriented performance system. Besides some of enterprises does not utilize the HPWS in practical method entirely or even some of them do not utilize HPWS in practice. In the seriously competitive service environment, the concept of service is more important than before. It is a very important issue that how to manage the service providers effectively, and how to transmit the complete service spirit of enterprise to the front-line employees. Consequently, the research will connect the high performance system to conception of service, and supposes that the dimension of strategy will be preferred on their customer service oriented of conception. In the other word, This study investigates the relationship between Service-Oriented High-Performance Work System and Customer-Oriented Business Strategy.
In order to know what kind of business environment will make the company tend to utilize Customer-Oriented Business Strategy. The study researches dimension of external factor- Competitive Intensity, internal factor- Merchandise Quality and customers’ characteristics factor- Merchandise Quality.
The theoretical framework of this study was tested by collecting data personally from the managers of retail chain stores in Taiwan. The final sample was 489 stores after deletion. Besides, we apply an entire store as analytical level. Employing structural equation modeling analysis, this study found that: (1) there was a positive relationship between Service-Oriented High-Performance Work System & Customer-Oriented Business Strategy; (2) there was a positive relationship between Competitive Intensity & Customer-Oriented Business Strategy; (3) there was a positive relationship between Merchandise Quality & Customer-Oriented Business Strategy; (4) there was a negative relationship between Price Consciousness & Customer-Oriented Business Strategy.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 服務導向高績效工作系統 4
第二節 顧客導向經營策略 6
第三節 顧客導向經營策略與服務導向高績效工作系統之關係 7
第四節 影響顧客導向經營策略之因素 8
第五節 研究架構 12
第三章 研究方法 13
第一節 研究資料蒐集程序 13
第二節 變數衡量 16
第三節 統計分析方法 19
第四章 資料分析結果 22
第一節 研究變數相關分析 22
第二節 測量模式分析 22
第三節 結構方程式分析 28
第五章 討論與建議 30
第一節 理論意涵 30
第二節 管理意涵 31
第三節 研究限制與未來建議 32

參考書目 34
一、 中文部分 34
二、 英文部分 34
附錄 問卷題項 47

表3 1 研究樣本基本資料描述性統計表 14
表3 2 研究構面之信度分析表 18
表3-3 各項配適度指標 21
表4 1 相關係數表 24
表4 2 整體測量模式之驗證式因素分析結果表 25
表4 3 因素模式分析比較表 27
表4 4 研究假設之驗證分析結果統整 28
圖2-1 研究架構 12
圖4-1 整體模式路徑圖 29
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