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研究生(外文):Yi-Qun Feng
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Synchronous Vibration on Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Property of Workpiece Deposited by Continuous Plasma Transferred Arc Additive Manufacturing
外文關鍵詞:M2 high-speed steel316L stainless steelVibration stress reliefPlasma transferred arcAdditive manufactureResidual stressMicrostructure characteristicHardnessTensile strength
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本研究以SS400低碳鋼為基板,並選用M2鉬系高速鋼及316L不銹鋼粉末為填料,經由轉移式電漿電弧(Plasma Transferred Arc, PTA)進行積層製造,並探究同步振動積層之不同振動模式對該技術獲得成品之應力消除效果、微觀組織變化及機械性質之影響。
316L積層製造實驗發現:透過同步振動積層可以有效降低殘留應力,消除率達到19.1% - 34.2%,其中以共振效果最佳。透過同步振動在達到晶粒細化的同時,也使得晶粒之生長方向得到一致性。因組織在同步振動時得到強化導致硬度得到提升,平均硬度由共振處理最高可達190HV。同時,發現晶粒細化作用使材料的降伏強度從300N/mm2提升至375N/mm2。
Plasma transferred arc (PTA) is one of the additive manufacturing technique. In this study, the PTA process with synchronous vibration was applied to clad AISI 316L and AISI M2 pieces. Different vibration frequencies were applied during cladding process. The microstructure, residual stress, tensile strength and hardness of clad pieces were examined and discussed.
For the AISI 316L clad piece, the residual stress of clad piece with vibration was lower than that without vibration. The frequency which had the highest reduction rate 34.2% was the resonant. Also, the solidified grain size was smaller when the vibration was applied, and it tended to grow in one direction which resulted in a higher tensile strength and hardness.
The AISI M2 clad piece presented a compressive residual stress instead of a tensile residual stress because of the martensite phase transformation. With the vibration during cladding, the dislocation slippage was promoted, causing a higher compressive residual stress. Due to repeatedly heating, the formation bainite resulted in a lower hardness region. Also, the transformation of residual austenite and the dispersion of carbide increased the hardness.
For both 316L and M2 pieces, the vibratory cladding led to a small grain size microstructure and a higher hardness.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
總目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1積層製造技術介紹 4
2-1-1 金屬積層製造介紹及原理 4
2-1-2 金屬積層製造的發展 6
2-1-3 PTA-AM技術介紹 6
2-2 AISI 316L不銹鋼簡介 8
2-2-1 AISI 316L不銹鋼性質 8
2-2-2 AISI 316L不銹鋼用途 8
2-3 AISI M2高速鋼簡介 9
2-3-1 AISI M2高速鋼性質 9
2-3-2 AISI M2高速鋼熱的應用 10
2-3-3 AISI M2高速鋼熱處理問題 10
2-4 殘留應力量測簡介及原理 11
2-5 同步振動技術簡介 13
2-5-1 同步振動技術的歷史背景 13
2-5-2 同步振動技術原理 14
第三章 實驗方法 17
3-1 實驗流程架構與總論 17
3-2試片製備與制程 19
3-2-1 PTA積層製造設備與制程 19
3-2-2 同步振動設備與制程 20
3-2-3 AISI 316L 不銹鋼試片製作方法 21
3-2-4 AISI M2 高速鋼試片製作方法 23
3-3 分析方法 25
3-3-1 316L與M2試片的殘留應力量測 25
3-3-2 實驗試片顯微硬度量測 27
3-3-3 實驗試片光學顯微鏡觀察 27
3-3-4 AISI 316L 不銹鋼試片的拉伸試驗方法 27
第四章 結果與結論 28
Part 1 316L 28
4-1 殘留應力分析 28
4-1-1 316L積層製造之殘留應力量測結果與討論 28
4-2 金相觀察之分析 30
4-2-1 316L最上層金相 30
4-2-2 316L中段金相 34
4-2-3 316L最下層金相 37
4-3硬度量測分析 41
4-3-1 316L積層製造之硬度量測與討論 41
4-4 拉伸實驗分析 45
4-4-1 316L積層製造之拉伸實驗 45
Part 2 M2 47
4-5 殘留應力分析 47
4-5-1 M2積層製造之殘留應力量測結果與討論 47
4-6 金相觀察之分析 48
4-6-1 M2第五層(表層)金相 48
4-6-2 M2第四層金相 54
4-6-3 M2第三層金相 58
4-6-4 M2第二層金相 61
4-6-5 M2第一層(底層)金相 64
4-7硬度量測分析 71
4-7-1 M2積層製造之硬度量測與討論 71
第五章 結論 76
參考文獻 77
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