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研究生(外文):Yu-Lang Su
論文名稱(外文):Effect of FeO content on High-temperature properties in FeO-CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-MgO system
外文關鍵詞:Electric arc furnacedephosphorizationfoaming
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本研究以Thermo-Calc熱力學模擬設計出不同鹼度與FeO比例之FeO-CaO-SiO2-5%MgO-5%Al2O3 五元氧化渣配方(C/S=2.5與3.0、FeO=10~40wt.%),接著進行WDS-XRF分析氧化物成份、FeO含量的化學濕式滴定法以及XRD結晶相的鑑定,確認實際之配方組成。高溫特性分析中以DV III RV黏度計進行高溫黏度測量,且對樣品進行高溫流動影像觀察,探討不同配方對軟化、熔化行為及流動性能之影響,並結合Thermo-Calc預測熔點,定義出本研究渣系於電弧爐脫磷與發泡的適用範圍。最後,進行實際脫磷試驗與發泡高度分析來找出本FeO-CaO-SiO2-MgO-Al2O3 渣系之較佳脫磷劑與發泡劑成份範圍。
經由結晶相分析與成份分析結果顯示,本研究渣系在不同鹼度下改變FeO含量(9.9-43.2 wt.%)之組成相皆由FeO、Ca2SiO4與CaMoO4所構成。由黏度分析中發現,熔渣的黏度值大小受Ca2SiO4固相顆粒的影響,且黏度值會隨鹼度提升與FeO含量的減少而上升,故C/S=2.1-9.9%FeO與C/S=2.6-20.6%FeO有較高的黏度值。透過高溫流動影像觀察方面,發現黏度值1300cP以上且Ca2SiO4固相分率達20%之配方,在高溫能保持結構穩定性,減緩軟化速率,提升熔化的溫度;而黏度值183cP以下且Ca2SiO4固相分率低於10%之配方,因大量FeO提前熔化導致結構快速崩解,大幅降低熔化溫度,使得熔渣流動性較好。
高溫發泡量測結果顯示,黏度在25cP∼1810 cP之間,發泡指數與黏度值呈線性正比關係,且C/S=2.6-20.6%FeO在1560 oC時發泡指數高達109.7%,為發泡性能最好之配方。而脫磷能力評估方面,經熱力學經驗式計算得知,在高鹼度且適當的FeO含量之脫磷劑能有效提升脫磷能力,而透過實際脫磷試驗結果發現C/S=2.1-20.0%FeO在1530-1550 oC時脫磷率高達89.2%。
In this study, FeO-CaO-SiO2-5% MgO-5% Al2O3 slag system (C / S = 2.5 and 3.0, FeO = 10 ~ 40 wt. (%)) with different basicity and FeO ratio was designed by Thermo-Calc thermodynamics simulation. The Actual composition of slag was confirmed by WDS-XRF analysis, the Fe chemical titration and XRD phase identification. In the high temperature characteristic analysis, using DV III RV viscometer, the high temperature optical image observation, and pre-thermodynamics simulation investigate the softening, melting and flow properties. Finally, the actual dephosphorization test and foaming height analysis were carried out to find out optimum composition range of dephosphorization agent and foaming agent in FeO-CaO-SiO2-5% MgO-5% Al2O3 slag system.
The x-ray diffraction results revealed that the composition of the FeO content (9.9-43.2 wt. (%)) at different basicity is composed of FeO, Ca2SiO4 and CaMoO4. It was found that the viscosity of slag was affected by Ca2SiO4 solid particles, and the viscosity increased with the increase of basicity or the decrease of FeO content, and thus C/S=2.1-9.9%FeO and C/S=2.6-20.6%FeO have a higher viscosity. Through the high temperature optical image observation, it found that the viscosity of 1300cP above and Ca2SiO4 solid fraction rate of 20% of the formula, high temperatures to maintain structural stability and slow down the softening rate enhance the melting temperature as well; and the viscosity of 183cP below and Ca2SiO4 solid fraction ratio were less than 10% of the formula, due to a large number of FeO melting in advance leading to rapid disintegration of the structure, which significantly reduce the melting temperature, making slag flow better.
The results show that the viscosity is between 25cP and 1810cP, and the foaming index is linearly proportional to the viscosity, and the foaming index of C/S=2.6-20.6%FeO is 109.7% at 1560oC, which is the best performance of the foam formulation. In the dephosphorization capacity assessment, the thermodynamic empirical formula that in the high basicity and the appropriate FeO content of the dephosphorization agent can effectively improve the ability of dephosphorization. The results showed that the dephosphorization rate of C/S=2.1-20.0%FeO was up to 89.2% at 1530-1550oC.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
總目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 電弧爐煉鋼 4
2-1-1 電弧爐煉鋼概述 4
2-1-2 電弧爐煉鋼製程 5
2-2 熔渣成份特性 6
2-2-1 熔渣中氧化物性質 6
2-3 熔渣黏度特性 13
2-3-1 熔渣黏度之模型 14
2-3-2量測黏度之方法 15
2-3-3熔渣黏度與溫度關係 15
2-3-4熔渣黏度與發泡關係 17
2-4 熔渣熔化之特性 18
2-4-1 熔渣溶化溫度 18
2-4-2 熔化溫度與相圖 19
2-4-3 熔化溫度的測定 20
2-5 氧化渣脫磷能力 22
2-5-1 氧化活性 22
2-5-2 脫磷操作 23
2-5-3磷分配比與磷容量計算 25
2-6 發泡操作 27
2-6-1發泡渣的形成機制和作用 27
2-6-2發泡性能與發泡指數 28
2-6-3熔渣泡沫化高度的测量方法 29

第三章 實驗與方法 30
3-1實驗流程 30
3-2試片製備 31
3-2-1 配方設計 31
3-2-2 熔煉製程 32
3-3熱力學模擬 33
3-4成份分析與相鑑定 34
3-4-1 Fe化學濕式滴定分析 34
3-4-2 X-射線螢光分析(XRF) 35
3-4-3 X-射線繞射分析(XRD) 35
3-4-4 火花放電式光譜分析儀(Spark) 36
3-5熔渣高溫特性分析 37
3-5-1 黏度測試 37
3-5-2 高溫流動影像觀察 38
3-5-3 發泡能力測試 39
第四章 結果與討論 40
4-1 成份分析 40
4-1-1 XRD相鑑定 40
4-1-2成份分析 43
4-2 熔化特性分析 44
4-2-1 Thermo-Calc熱力學模擬相圖 44
4-2-2黏度分析 47
4-2-3高溫流動影像分析 52
4-2-4 熔化特性對於脫磷及發泡的條件限制 57
4-3 發泡能力分析 58
4-3-1 高溫發泡量測 58
4-3-2 黏度對於發泡之影響 60
4-4 脫磷能力分析 62
4-4-1 磷容量與磷分配比之計算 62
4-4-2 實際脫磷結果分析 64
第五章 結論 67
參考文獻 68
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