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研究生(外文):Chih-Wei Chen
論文名稱(外文):Morphology of In2O3 Single-Crystalline Nanowires on NO2 Gas-Sensing Properties
指導教授(外文):Wen-Jea Tseng
口試委員(外文):Wei-Hsing TuanHsing-I Hsiang
外文關鍵詞:In2O3morphologysizegas sensor
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本研究藉由氣相傳輸法製備出結晶成長方向皆為[100]之針狀與塔狀的單晶In2O3奈米線,並探討結晶形貌(包含奈米線形狀與尺寸)對NO2氣體感測特性的影響。針狀In2O3奈米線的平均底部線徑與長度分別落在540~1480 nm與3.1~23.8 μm之間,而塔狀In2O3奈米線的平均底部寬度與長度則分別落在340~1000 nm與1.6~10.6 μm。將上述不同尺寸的針狀與塔狀In2O3奈米線於最佳工作溫度100 oC進行10~30 ppm的NO2氣體感測,針狀In2O3奈米線之長徑比為11.5時,於30 ppm NO2的靈敏度有最大值為61.6,其反應及回復時間分別為115、257秒;而塔狀In2O3奈米線之長徑比為10.4時,同樣於30 ppm NO2的靈敏度有最大值為67.5,反應及回復時間分別為123、220秒。適當的長徑比除了在接觸氧化性NO2氣體時,可以使位於奈米線表層之電流載子的空乏層有較大幅度的擴張之外,也能減少氣體感測元件電極之間奈米線跨接的數量而降低空氣氣氛時的電阻值,讓電子的傳輸更有效率,因此可有效的提升氣體感測特性。
In this study, single-crystalline In2O3 nanoneedles and nanotowers with [100] growth direction were fabricated via vapor transport method. We investigated the effect of morphology (including shape and size of the nanostructure) on NO2 gas-sensing properties over an optimal working temperature 100 oC and an NO2 concentration range from 10 to 30 ppm. The widths at the bottom of In2O¬3 nanoneedles and nanotowers were found in a range between 540~1480 nm and 340~1000 nm, while the total lengths were ranged between 3.1~23.8 μm and 1.6~10.6 μm, respectively. The sensitivity of In2O3 nanoneedles with an aspect ratio of 11.5 was 61.6 for 30 ppm NO2, then the response time and recovery time were 115 s and 257 s, respectively. Moreover, the sensitivity of In2O3 nanotowers with an aspect ratio 10.4 was 67.5, then the response time and recovery time were 123 s and 220 s, respectively. An appropriate aspect ratio was favorable to expand the charge depletion layer on the surface layer of nanowires when was brought in contact with the oxidative NO2 gas. In addition, an appropriate aspect ratio could also reduce the number of nanowire junctions between the electrodes of sensing device so that it decreased the electrical resistance in air so that electrons can transport more efficiently. Therefore, the aspect ratio of nanostructures is critically important to the gas-sensing property of semiconducting nanowires gas sensors.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 2
2-1 氣體感測器 2
2-1-1 介紹氣體感測器 2
2-1-2 半導體式氣體感測機制 5
2-1-3 形貌對於半導體式氣體感測特性的影響 8
2-2 一維結構之氧化銦 10
2-2-1 介紹氧化銦 10
2-2-2 一維氧化銦的製備方法 14
2-3 研究動機 16
第三章 實驗方法與儀器設備 17
3-1 實驗藥品與製程設備 17
3-1-1 實驗藥品 17
3-1-2 製程設備 17
3-2 製備一維氧化銦奈米線 17
3-3 分析儀器 19
3-4 氣體感測元件的製作與量測 19
第四章 結果 21
4-1 針狀(1)與小塔狀In2O3奈米線之材料分析 21
4-1-1 針狀(1)與小塔狀In2O3奈米線之FE-SEM分析 21
4-1-2 針狀(1)與小塔狀In2O3奈米線之XRD與XPS分析 22
4-1-3 針狀(1)與小塔狀In2O3奈米線之TEM分析 24
4-2 針狀與塔狀In2O3奈米線的成長機制 25
4-3 針狀(1)與小塔狀In2O3奈米線之NO2氣體感測特性 28
4-4 改變尺寸之針狀與塔狀In2O3奈米線 33
4-4-1 改變尺寸之針狀與塔狀In2O3奈米線之形貌分析 33
4-4-2 改變尺寸之針狀與塔狀In2O3奈米線之NO2氣體感測特性 35
第五章 討論 37
5-1 針狀(1)與小塔狀In2O3奈米線之NO2氣體感測分析 37
5-2 改變尺寸之針狀與塔狀In2O3奈米線之NO2氣體感測分析 40
第六章 結論 43
參考文獻 44
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