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研究生(外文):Chung-Ming Chen
論文名稱(外文):Structure and optoelectronic properties of Ag-based sandwich structure transparent conductive films prepared by magnetron sputtering
外文關鍵詞:Ag-based sandwich structuretransparent conductive filmsmagnetron sputtering
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非晶型離子氧化物半導體ITZO在常溫下製程有良好之光電性質,被廣泛應用於元件中之透明電極,而Ag為良好之電導體,也是導電率最低之金屬,在ITZO薄膜中穿插一層Ag可有效降低透明導電膜之電阻率,可以製做成極薄之透明導電薄膜(厚度小於100 nm),因此具備更良好之可撓性,為了避免Ag層受高溫高濕而光電性質衰退,添加鉍與銅可增加其環境穩定性(簡稱為ABC合金)。本研究分為兩大方向,第一部分為改變薄膜厚度來探討光電性質,第二部分為改變基板溫度觀察薄膜性質變化。
實驗第一階段,固定ITZO/Ag/ITZO與ITZO/ABC/ITZO之上下層ITZO厚度為40 nm,觀察中間層金屬厚度對薄膜性質影響,發現皆出現Ag的FCC結構與ITZO之短程有序結構,隨厚度增加電阻率會降低,在厚度為8 nm時有最好之品質因子,此時可見光穿透率與電阻率分別約為83 %與7×10-5 Ω-cm。接著固定中間層厚度為10 nm,上下層ITZO薄膜厚度皆為40 nm時有最高之穿透率,此時可見光平均穿透率約為80 %。使用ABC合金取代Ag層會導致品質因子略微下降,但是能有效減少Ag團聚現象,降低薄膜表面粗糙度。
ITZO, ionic amorphous oxide semiconductor has outstanding optoelectronic properties at the room temperature. It has widely been used as transparent electrodes. Furthermore, Ag which has the lowest electrical resistivity can be embedded into the ITZO film. It can be made thin enough (thinner than 100 nm) to provide sufficient transmittance and electrical resistivity. Therefore, it performs a high flexibility in mechanical properties. To prevent severe degradation in a high temperature or high humid environment, we dope Bi and Cu elements into Ag (Hereinafter referred to briefly as ABC) to increase environment stability. This study is divided into two parts:One is change the film thickness, the other is change the film substrate temperature.
In the first stage of experiment, ITZO/Ag/ITZO and ITZO/ABC/ITZO are deposited by magnetron sputtering. Each sandwich structures exhibits FCC structure of Ag and amorphous ITZO. The thickness of top and bottom layers ITZO are fixed to be 40 nm and the thickness of intermediate layer thickness is changed from 0 nm to 20 nm. The electrical resistivity decreases with the thickness of intermediate layer increases. It has the highest figure of merit of 5×10-2 Ω-1 when the thickness of intermediate layer is 8 nm. A high transmittance of 83 % in the visible wavelength region and a low electrical resistivity of 7×10-5 Ω-cm are achieved. And then, the thickness of intermediate layer thickness are fixed to be 10 nm and the thickness of top and bottom layers ITZO is changed from 0 nm to 100 nm. The film has the highest transmittance of 80 % in the visible wavelength region when the thickness of top and bottom ITZO films is 40 nm. Meanwhile, it has the highest figure of merit. The use of an ABC layer instead of a pure Ag layer will decrease the figure of merit, but the added metallic elements in Ag alloy can suppress the surface diffusion of Ag atoms.
In the second stage of experiment, ITZO/Ag/ITZO、ITZO/ABC/ITZO、ITO/Ag/ITO、ITO/ABC/ITO are prepared by sputtering to investigate properties of sandwich film at varying substrate temperature. First, Ag layer is embedded as the intermediate layer. When the temperature is greater than 300°C, the optoelectronic properties of the film deteriorates and the film color converts into blue. Second, ABC layer is used as the intermediate layer. Because adding Bi and Cu can increase the onset temperature and activation energy for agglomeration, the onset temperature will increase to 400°C. Obviously, doping Bi and Cu can improve the thermal stability of the film. If we use ITO film for top and bottom layer of sandwich structure, the optoelectronic properties are lower than ITZO film. Also, it will increase surface roughness. We will demonstrate that by the use of metal based semitransparent electrodes not only a replacement for established transparent conductors can be achieved but also thermal stability can be improved.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xi
第一章:緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
第二章:文獻回顧 2
2.1 透明導電薄膜之理論 3
2.1.1 發展 3
2.1.2 薄膜結構 3
2.1.3 透明導電膜之基本原理 4
2.1.4 ITZO非晶薄膜特性 5
2.2 多層膜結構與光電性質 7
2.2.1 光電性質之評估 7
2.2.2 金屬薄膜之光電性質 9
2.2.3 抗反射膜之光電性質 12
2.2.4 多層膜設計原理 13
2.3 Ag層與Ag合金層環境穩定性 16
2.4 Ag膜團聚之原理 18
2.4.1 孔洞的成核與成長機制 (void nucleation and growth) 18
2.4.2 晶界分離機制 (grain boundary grooving process) 19
第三章:研究方法及步驟 20
3.1 實驗規劃與流程 20
3.2 薄膜濺鍍系統簡介 22
3.3 研究薄膜分析儀器 24
第四章:結果與討論 26
4.1 ITZO/Ag/ITZO與ITZO/ABC/ITZO多層膜之中間層厚度對薄膜性質研究 26
4.1.1 薄膜成份分析 27
4.1.2 晶體繞射結構分析 28
4.1.3 表面形貌分析 30
4.1.4 微結構分析(TEM) 32
4.1.5 薄膜光學性質 33
4.1.6 薄膜電學性質 37
4.1.7 薄膜之品質因子 39
4.2 ITZO/Ag/ITZO多層膜之上下層ITZO厚度對薄膜性質研究 41
4.2.1 晶體繞射結構分析 41
4.2.2 表面形貌分析 42
4.2.3 薄膜光學性質 43
4.2.4 薄膜電學性質 48
4.2.5 薄膜之品質因子 51
4.3 ITZO/Ag/ITZO與ITZO/ABC/ITZO多層膜之基板溫度對薄膜性質研究 52
4.3.1 晶體繞射結構分析 52
4.3.2 表面形貌分析 53
4.3.3 薄膜光學性質 55
4.3.4 薄膜電學性質 59
4.3.5 薄膜之品質因子 61
4.4 ITO/Ag/ITO與ITO/ABC/ITO多層膜之基板溫度對薄膜性質研究 63
4.4.1 晶體繞射結構分析 63
4.4.2 表面形貌分析 65
4.4.3 薄膜光學性質 66
4.4.4 薄膜電學性質 70
4.4.5 薄膜之品質因子 72
第五章:結論 74
參考文獻 76
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